Making research, good practices, learning activities and events on intercultural dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean accessible to everyone.


Fighting gender stereotypes: EuroMed Women for Dialogue

Public Dialogue #6
Online: Zoom
The Anna Lindh Foundation


The Anna Lindh Foundation Virtual Marathon for Dialogue in the EuroMed region will gather activities of ALF civil society Network and partner organizations to take place during 42 days from the 19th of May to the 29th of June. The aim of the VM is to highlight the importance of the Intercultural Dialogue to build sustainable societies in the EuroMed region, taking into consideration the challenges and opportunities brought about by the Covid19 pandemic. Towards this goal in addition to a rich program of civil society and partner-led activities, a series of Weekly Public Virtual Dialogues organized by the Anna Lindh Foundation will stimulate a broad conversation and reflection on major issues impacting mutual perceptions between people in the region and common action to jointly address social and cultural challenges affecting societies North, South, East and West of the Mediterranean.

Date: 23/06/21

Time: 3pm – 5pm CET

Duration: 2 hours


The debate aims at the promotion of multiple and renewed images of women as agents for the promotion of intercultural dialogue in the region and to counter prevailing stereotypes which hamper women full participation and potential in their societies. It is conceived as a space to explore on the one hand the work that women around the region do to fight cultural stereotypes and on the other the impact that existing gender stereotypes have on the access of women on the different spheres of life.

While there has been some significant but uneven progress achieved in advancing women's and girls' rights, no country in the world is on track to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls by 2030 (EU Gender Action Plan III, 2021-2025). Evidence from the latest ALF Intercultural trends Survey shows that despite the fact that a large majority of people in SEM countries (80%) still believe that women should play a greater role in traditional gender roles attitudes, a large majority of respondents in SEM and European countries think that their society can benefit from greater gender equality as a result of EuroMed cooperation. Taking stock of this reality, the ALF is committed to mainstream gender equality within its programmes, as a prerequisite for a balanced dialogue across the region.

Moderator: Mr Aissam Benaissa, Connect NordAfrika

Q&A with the audience and among the speakers

This event is organized as part of a series of events in the Framework of the Anna Lindh Foundation Virtual Marathon for Dialogue in the EuroMed

If you are interested please register HERE