Making research, good practices, learning activities and events on intercultural dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean accessible to everyone.


How Intercultural Dialogue could address Climate Change?

Public Dialogue #3
Online: Zoom
The Anna Lindh Foundation


The Anna Lindh Foundation Virtual Marathon for Dialogue in the EuroMed region will gather activities of ALF civil society Network and partner organizations to take place during 42 days from the 19th of May to the 29th of June. The aim of the VM is to highlight the importance of the Intercultural Dialogue to build sustainable societies in the EuroMed region, taking into consideration the challenges and opportunities brought about by the Covid19 pandemic. Towards this goal in addition to a rich program of civil society and partner-led activities, a series of Weekly Public Virtual Dialogues organized by the Anna Lindh Foundation will stimulate a broad conversation and reflection on major issues impacting mutual perceptions between people in the region and common action to jointly address social and cultural challenges affecting societies North, South, East and West of the Mediterranean.

Date: 02/06/21

Time: 3pm – 5pm CET

Duration: 2 hours


The Mediterranean is one of the global regions most affected by climate change and environmental degradation (MedECC, 2019). The Mediterranean region has witnessed dramatic changes in recent years; the unprecedented growth in population has led to major urbanization, especially in coastal areas, as the consequence of the economic growth of specific sectors, such as tourism. This has been coupled with other phenomena such as migration flows resulting from conflicts, poverty, and the impacts of the global threat from climate change (EEA-UNEP/MAP Report, 2020). 

In this regard, the new Agenda for the Mediterranean recalls the importance of the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Paris Agreement, and internationally agreed biodiversity goals, which are crucial to help better equip the region for future systemic shocks. The Agenda also underscores the opportunity that the European Green Deal represents for cooperation on strategic priorities that can help mitigate risks to human lives and livelihoods and promote sustainable development, job creation, and address migration issues. Intercultural dialogue and culturally diverse approaches can support this cooperation process. 


  • Ms Eleonora Insalaco, Anna Lindh Foundation
  • Mr Sergi Nuss, Girona University, Catalunya, Spain
  • Ms Gilda Catalano, Università della Calabria, Italy
  • Mr Ahmed Yassin, Banlastic, Egypt
  • Mr Marco Musso, ComeUnaMarea Onlus, Italy
  • Ms Raniah Alsayed, Alwan wa Awtar Youth Hub Manager, Egypt
  • Ms Sahar Mahfouz, Makassed ABS Cambridge International School, Lebanon

Moderator: Mr Aissam Benaissa, Connect NordAfrika

Q&A with the audience and among the speakers

This event is organized as part of a series of events in the Framework of the Anna Lindh Foundation Virtual Marathon for Dialogue in the EuroMed

Watch the recording of the event HERE.