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Training for young journalists

Gender & Migration in Media
The Finnish Foundation for Media and Development
Vikes event

Young  journalists living in Finland, Estonia, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Germany are called to connect, debate and learn over a 2-day online workshop in October.

During the workshop we will focus on exploring migration reporting through different gender perspectives. We will analyze how gender is used and represented in different media content handling migration, how do we value sources based on gender and discuss the opportunities and obstacles for creating more balanced and diverse stories.

We will also focus on safety and discuss how gender affects our work as journalist, when we are reporting about migration, but also from the point of view of protecting our sources.

The main approach will be facilitated peer-learning combined with short expert interviews and keynote speeches. In the end participants will be focusing on developing solutions to identified problems in Gender & Media Challenge.


  • 22nd October 14-20 (EET, UTC +2)
  • 23rd October 12.30-20 (EET, UTC +2)

Target group:

  • Young journalists (20-30 years) from Finland, Estonia, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Germany. Journalists with migrant background are encouraged to apply.

Amount of participants:

  • Max. 30


  • By filling the online application form by 11/10/2020. Please note that the priority is given to applicants who are able to commit and show motivation for active participation during this intensive 2-day workshop.