Making research, good practices, learning activities and events on intercultural dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean accessible to everyone.

Good Practice

“Global Crises, Common Problems, Collective Solutions”

Good Practice Illustration

The project aims to illustrate, by providing evidence from past relevant experience & desktop research, how the intercultural dialogue practiced by CSOs|, can be a steam engine & a pool for ideas & approaches, in tackling challenges in the Euro-Med area, especially with regard to the emerging societal (including inter-state & inter-communal) environment in the Covid-19 era & its consequences. Hence, through a process of identification of the challenges, the objective is to introduce policy recommendations, & guidance for further research.  The focus will be on 3 relevant domains, Youth, Intercultural Cities & Media, & how the pandemic has affected their role & impact & the established new priorities. In particular, the project will focus on:  

Turkey, Greece & Cyprus: 3 countries, with a somehow problematic relationship, which also do not enjoy  a long tradition of multi-culturalism (domestically), & 

Germany: which (a) has a long experience in inter & multi-cultural paradigms & developed research capacity, to serve as a role model & a pool of positive paradigms & good practices, yet also (b) with inherent other sources of social tensions (among & between many social groups) as a point of interest. 

Working collectively & individually, research will be conducted in all 4 countries, mapping existing work & relevant resources (ex. work undertaken by ALF & its Reports), conducting surveys, including the first of its kind among the divided Greek & Turkish Cypriot communities, stakeholder interviews to outline the needs & other useful inputs, in order to produce evidence-based recommendations on how to refocus intercultural dialogue.  The results will be communicated to the major stakeholders, as well as made public to all interested entities.
