Making research, good practices, learning activities and events on intercultural dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean accessible to everyone.

Good Practice

Imagine: Migrant Journeys

Good Practice Illustration

The conflict in Syria has triggered the world's largest humanitarian crisis since the Second World War. Refugees from Syria now constitute the biggest refugee population from a single conflict in a generation with over four million Syrian refugees in neighbouring countries and Europe.

Based on these observations, Imagine: Migrant Journeys set out to promote general awareness about migration and the restless situation in the Middle East and about the reality that refugees face, with the aim of improving the feeling of intercultural citizenship in Europe.

The project approached these aims by educating youngsters at high schools in Turkey and Sweden about the current migrant situation through the use of the Migrant Journeys: Istanbul board game. All in all, the project reached over 600 youngsters in high schools and youth centres in Turkey and Sweden.

