Making research, good practices, learning activities and events on intercultural dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean accessible to everyone.


Diversity and Inclusion Checklist

The International Falcon Movement – Socialist Educational International (IFM-SEI)
Pia Šlogar
Year of Publication

The Diversity and Inclusion Checklist has been created to identify best practice in promoting diversity and inclusion within IFM-SEI. It is a simple self-assessment tool that will guide you step by step through the issues related to diversity and inclusion in youth work at local level. It provides an understanding of respect, cultural awareness, respect for differences and coaching for positive change towards inclusive practices for all young people. 

At IFM-SEI, we believe that diversity should not only be tolerated, but embraced and actively practiced. That's why instead of providing definitions of social inclusion and giving simple answers, we want to encourage you to start asking yourself questions and challenging your own prejudices and stereotypes. The checklist will help you to develop concrete ways of making your projects more inclusive and accessible to all young people. Remember that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to achieving social inclusion. We encourage you to see this checklist more as a tool to strengthen the dimension of inclusion and diversity in your own movement by reflecting on how to create opportunities for all young people not only to participate in the activities you organise, but also to access leadership positions in the organisation and influence decision-making within it. 

The checklist is divided into three main categories: organisational culture, events and activities, and communication. Each category contains basic questions to guide you, which you can use to identify your strengths and areas for improvement that need your attention.
