Slovak Republic

Galeria umelcov Spisa

National Network
Slovak Republic

Zimna 46
05201 Spisska Nova Ves

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Gallery of Spis Artists is the youngest among the Slovak funds organisations. Since January 1st, 1987, when the Gallery was officially opened, it went through the hands a few founders, and since 2002 it is a contributory organisation of the Košice self-governing region. This status was changed from the beginning of 2013 for the Gallery to be a budgetary organization having the same founder, with annual budget app. € 160 000. Above, the number of projects and grants are building a budget via another resources / app. € 50 000 annualy. There are 10,5 people in permanent staff including both professional and technical. MAIN PROJECTS INCLUDE: 1. exhibitions focused on Slovak and arts from abroad; 2. educational programs such as lectures, seminars, workshops, international symposiums and special programs for different levels of schools; 3. varied cultural programs such as concerts, theatrical and music performances.

Mission and Objectives

Profiling of the Gallery is based on the Establishment Charter defining its competencies in the scope of professional fine arts with a priority focus on the art of the Spis Region. In the last decade the Gallery activities are extending from the regional to a broader national and European space. I mention the implemented projects like exhibitions, painters and sculptural symposiums with countries such as Poland, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, France, Bulgaria, United Kingdom, Austria, Romania, Germany, Ukraine, the U.S.A., Hungary, Canada, Israel or the Czech Republic. Gallery of Spis Artists in figures / from 1987 till 2013: • 364 exhibitions of domestic and foreign production composed of the art-works of over 1 800 authors from home and abroad. • 50 own publications.  • 465 463 visitors at exhibitions and culture-educational events such as openings, lectures, seminars, concerts, workshops or experimental lessons of art.  • 1 898 art-works in the Gallery collection fund.

Main Projects / Activities

MAIN PROJECTS INCLUDE: 1. exhibitions focused on Slovak and arts from abroad; 2. educational programs such as lectures, seminars, workshops, international symposiums and special programs for different levels of schools; 3. varied cultural programs such as concerts, theatrical and music performances. COLLECTIONS AND PERMANENT EXHIBITIONS: During twenty-five years long activities of the Gallery its collection fund has grown by more than three times comparing to the original collection. At the end of the year 2012 it is represented with the total number of 1898 items. Artworks from the collection fund are presented in three permanent exhibitions. After the formation of the Gallery in 1987 the first permanent exhibition Spis Artists was installed (made available for public until the autumn of 2012) and in 1994 there was added a permanent exhibition of drawings and paintings of Jozef Hanula. Since 2002 there was constructed a sculpture work exhibition in the Garden of Art, and in the autumn 2012 the permanent exhibition of Spis  Artists was changed with a thematic exhibition arranged from the collections of the Gallery called Terra Gothica — Gothic route.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The membership in the Anna Lindth Foundation would bring us opportunity to work with the artists from the Middle East. The Gallery of Spis Artist should contribute with the projects such as artist-in-residencies programs, workshops, symposium as well as different exchange programme schemes linking central European with the Middle-East culture.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The membership in the Anna Lindth Foundation would bring us opportunity to work with the artists from the Middle East. The Gallery of Spis Artist should contribute with the projects such as artist-in-residencies programs, workshops, symposium as well as different exchange programme schemes linking central European with the Middle-East culture.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mgr. Lucia Benicka
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mgr. Lucia Benicka
Contact (2) Full Name
Mgr. Lenka Kralova
Job Title (2)
PR and project manager

Haliganda, Civil association

National Network
Slovak Republic

Jenisejská 2
04012 Košice

+421908 659 735
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Haliganda started up in 2002. Since that time we care children do not grow up and adults do not get old too quickly. We inspire and help parents with upbringing and invest all resources into childrens creativity. Haliganda consists of 2 Maternity centers, Creativity House and Montessori club. We are working on basis of volunteering and main base of the organization is formed by 5 memebers. Haliganda is non-profit organization. We raise funds for operation by ourselves - through grants, 2% from taxes and self-financing activities. We are working on various projects connected with art, theatre, education, international exchange, providing art workshops for children and adults, lectures for parents. Our main partners are Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Education, Košice town, Roma Education Fund, Sarvam Foundation, Brave Kids festival, Teater Piesen Kozla.

Mission and Objectives

Realization of creative and educational programs, which participants are members of the community - children, women on and the after maternity leave, parents, grandparents. Haliganda activities are focused on leisure activities for the whole family regardless the age and the creative use of public space settlement. Our mission is to create multigenerational center that provides space and services to mothers and parents of grown up children and grandparents. Providing space for large groups of people from the community where we live, in order to improve their quality of life and to ultimately assist in positive solutions to social problems. Spiritual and cultural values are ​​developed by organizing cultural events, concerts, theater performances, nature excursions, weekend family meetings, educational programs. The Association actively cooperates with other civil associations and humanitarian organizations. We are partner in public collections and contribute to the protection of human rights, the protection of health, building of solidarity awareness, assistance and charity especially among children and youth. Our association promotes a healthy lifestyle and an interactive form of learning through lectures with specialists, training, advisory, support groups, seminars, discussions, exercises. Training covers a wide range of formal and informal to the formal traditional teaching methods appropriate to each target audience, from children to adults. One of the most valuable forms can be considered just Prevention - giving advice and experience between the visitors themselves. Each has free access to the library of association, which includes books, periodicals and journals about education of children, health, development, and psychology, the social sphere and the section, and not least, visitors have free access to the Internet. The association provides social assistance and humanitarian care. The association provides social counseling through external cooperation with a social workers of the association which creates space for preventing a first contact in emergency situations. OZ Haliganda works exclusively on their creative projects and brand Haliganda is also officially recognized trademark. Under our civil association was established Haliganda Theatre and Theatre ľuds(z)kosti that are regularly presented at events over Slovakia and abroad. OZ Haliganda organizes its Haliganda Country festival with international participation performers and spectators.

Main Projects / Activities

We have been working on various kinds of project, the most interesting are „Haligandaland“ - international festival for children and their curious parents. It is platform for creative people from various scientific and art fields who can inspire children and parents with their projects created for our festival only to feel creativity, variety of cultural antetypes and aesthetic values. Professional artists meets children and their world face to face. We wish production for children would not be perceived as secondary, naive and easy. Our festival does not present opus only but it gives a space to present projects created right on the place. „Knock and…“ - reading of goodnight fairytales by their authors as Tomáš Janovic, Branislav Jobus, Erik Groch, Stanislav Rakús and many others to the children at their homes, „Reading in the sand“ - large sand-pit is meeting point for children and parents with archaelogists, historians, geologists „Other music“ - music group which create own instruments, play instruments from various exotic counties and use historical instruments also. Projects of Other music take children to different counties or they drag them into various historical periods, art workshops for children and adults, lectures for parents. "Brave Kids" - international festival for children from disadvantaged background, from the street, slums, favelas, postwar countries, orphancies. Brave Kids is a platform of dialog for children from all over the world. The project aims to inspire children to imagine a better future for themselves and provide tools to help fulfill their aspirations, using Art as the main medium of education.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Haliganda is organization with wide range of activities as culture, art, theatre, education, social work, charity, humanitarian aid. We have 13 years old knowledge and experience with work on various kinds of international projects. Our target group are children and families. We do support children creativity, their vision of life, their individuality with help of art.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe in better world and we do our best to participate on its creating also. We have many of international cooperating organizations and being a part of such organization as Anna Lindh Foundation will enable us to contribute with our knowledge and experiences on various kinds of projects with valuable aim.

Contact (1) Full Name
Roman Sorger
Head of the organisation
Roman Sorger

House of Europe

National Network
Slovak Republic
+421 2 54 43 09 04
Telephone (other)
+421 2 50 222 338
+421 2 54 64 22 42
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+421 903 15 40 15
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Religion
  9. Youth and education
General Information
1.President of HoE - Peter Benuska Director of the office – Roman Lauko 5 members – volunteers 2. 3. Via grants we apply from different sources depending from the event we are going to organize 4. HoE has operated in 3 main areas: - Education and Culture - Development of cities and regions - Citizen diplomacy International and national projects, Seminars, Conferences, Training courses, Youth gatherings etc. 5.National Institute for Education Faculty of Education, Comenius University Information Office Council of Europe
Mission and Objectives

House of Europe Bratislava - Center for European Clubs and Europe at School
Houses of Europe are independent, non-profit, non-governmental legal subjects which assert neutral political, cultural, and educational aims that lead to European unification.
In December 1997 the civil association House of Europe was founded in Bratislava. In February 1998 Center for European Clubs and Europe at School were established at the House of Europe Bratislava. European projects – EC and EaS aim to support the development of European consciousness among young people, to enforce Global and particularly European dimension in education, and to implement the principles of multicultural education as a part of education for civil society. Projects direct young people’s attention to undertaking responsibility and contributing actively to building democratic and multicultural Europe. The main aims - to contribute into process of transforming multicultural Europe into intercultural modern civil society.

Main Projects / Activities

All different – all equal: Equal opportunities for all - European Youth Gathering (August 2007)
Spirit of the Partnership in Plural Europe – European Youth Gathering – (August 2006)
Being of Citizens of Common Europe (August 2005)
Multicultural Education and Experience - International Seminar for teachers from 14 countries of Europe Bratislava (December 2004)
Future for Europe - Training Course for Youth Leaders - (August 2004).
Our common European future –Multicultural educational training of young people July 2003).
Meeting point: History – International training seminar for youth workers July 2002).
Better environment – better Europe – European Youth Gathering – (July 2001).
European youth trainings – roads to European citizenship – Training Course for Youth Leaders (May 2001)

Contact (1) Full Name
Natasa Ondruskova
Head of the organisation
Peter Benuska

Institut Blizkovychodnych Studii (IBS) / Institute for Middle East Studies

National Network
Slovak Republic
+421 949 652 919
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
1. The Institute has 3 members 2. Members’ donation 3. Not regular funding available 4. Awareness rising and education projects 5. NGOs with similar mission and local partners from other countries.
Mission and Objectives

Rising awareness about the Middle East in Slovak society and breaking stereotypes. Creating a space for dialogue and better understanding between cultures.

Main Projects / Activities

Regularly updated website about the Middle East in Slovak language. The website serves as an information portal, offers background of the current development in the region and analyzes with different prospect.
Lectures for students at universities and schools.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jamil al-Sbenaty

ISAC - International Society for Arts and Culture, o.z.

National Network
Slovak Republic

Landererova 8
81109 Bratislava

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Structure of organization:
Non-profit, grassroots, civil association.

ISAC is completely run by a team of volunteers on a part-time basis. There is no full-time employed person in ISAC.

Sources of funding:
Ticket sales, workshop fees, grants, and donations from members and the public.

Current projects:
1. Funnylicious Improv Theater -
2. Story Nights -

Partners and collaborators:
Various NGOs based in Slovakia in including the city of Bratislava.

Mission and Objectives

ISAC is a non-profit, grassroots, and immigrant-led civil association whose interests are to make performing arts accessible to everyone and to use the arts as a way to foster cross-cultural awareness and build healthy and progressive communities. We strongly believe that arts and culture bring us together and teach us about ourselves and the world around us.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Funnylicious Improv Theater
- Slovakia's first and only multicultural theater in English language.
- Monthly live performances, classes, and workshops.
- Largest improv community in Slovakia

2. Story Nights
- An international storytelling club and live event series dedicated to inspiring, healing, transforming, and entertaining people through the art of storytelling.
- Two well-received storytelling events; True stories and Bedtime stories for Adults.
- Local chapters in Vienna, Budapest, Cebu, and Manila.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Ways to contribute:
1. Workshops, know-how, and education
2. Networking
3. Collaboration
4. Events and meetings

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe ISAC's mission and objectives completely fit ALF Network's and we would be honored to be part of an international network working towards similar goals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hon Chong
Job Title
President/ Founder
Head of the organisation
Hon Chong

Katarina Balunova

National Network
Slovak Republic

Hroncova 1
04001 Kosice

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

I am Slovak contemporary artist, curator, researcher and cultural activist. The main themes in my work are city, utopia, oscillation between past and future, posthumanism. In my artistic practice I work in the field of painting, installation, photography and video.

Mission and Objectives

I feel I want to know Arab culture and art more deeply as I believe that the diversity of cultures is always the enrichment for both sides.

Main Projects / Activities

During my career I had had the opportunity to visit Middle East several times: Rational vs Intuitive group exhibition at Etihad Modern Art Gallery, Abu Dhabi in 2018, Slovakian Art Month Residency at Art Hub Abu Dhabi in 2017, 1st UAE Art Biennale under the Ministry of Culture, Al Ain in 2016, Creativity Between Compulsion And Mutiny symposium at Museum Of Modern Art Al Minya or Alexandria Symposium For Mediterranean Arts under the Alexandria Film Festival in Egypt in 2014.
The re-visits of the Middle East countries have been extremely enriching for me, giving me an insight into a very interesting culture and art.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I the past I organised some international curatorial projects involving Arab artists and presented them to a European audience. I would like to continue with that activity.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I think ALF Network could provide me contacts of the international organizations for possible future cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Katarina Balunova
Head of the organisation
Katarina Balunova

KELTIEG, o.z. Civil associoation

National Network
Slovak Republic

Štefanikova 13
07101 Michalovce

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

structure: 1 person director, and aprox. 40 volunteers budgetary per year: from projects it depends 6000 - 30000 EUR surce and funding: 2% from Taxes, members fee, grants and sponsorship Modalites: events, festivals, briefings, concerts, debates, courses and lessons, Partners: The British council, irish embassy, Spanish Embassy, french embassy, Centre for Migration IOM Slovakia, and many others private or state or non profit organisations

Mission and Objectives

keeping and development of cultural herritage around the world, cultural exchanges... (education project for children about jazz music 2010, 2011) international celtic culture festival 2001- 2005, celtic year events multicultural Gastrofestival of migrants (food non profit festival for public from migrants in slovakia) and many others.. support about sound system for others, support for publicity of books ... audio media

Main Projects / Activities (education project for children about jazz music 2010, 2011) international celtic culture festival 2001- 2005, celtic year events multicultural Gastrofestival of migrants (food non profit festival for public from migrants in slovakia) and many others.. support about sound system for others, support for publicity of books ... audio media festival of historical gardens in Slovakia cooperated with National Trust

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- with own projects inovative, multimedia, creative solutions for supporting of solutions for problems between cultures - like a partner for international projects with capacity for organizing coordination and realisation slovak part of projects...producing of events...

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- I´m the member of international network for managers and promoters for world and rootś music from the world ( Showcase scotland project) - we want be a partner near deleting of borders between cultures around the world

Contact (1) Full Name
Mgr. Roman Kozák
Head of the organisation
Mgr. Roman Kozák

Kultúrne centrum Museum, o.z.

National Network
Slovak Republic

J.Mazúra 26
03601 Martin

+421 911 566 505
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Since 2008 we exist as a civic non-profit organization in Martin, Slovakia. We work with volunteers. We dont have employes right now. Our budged doesnt usually exceed 25000 Eur per year. Our sources of funding: Government and local grants, Visegrad grant, European grants We already organized plenty of projects focused on importing artists from all over the Slovakia an Europe into our region. (international jazz festival Jazzalife, all year seasons of art/music activities,..) Our main partners now are Ministry of culture SR, Visegrad Fund, Town of Martin.

Mission and Objectives

Non-profit organization M@M o.z. was found in 2008 by group of artists, cultural and technical managers, as a reaction of the insufficient development of cultural offer in Martin town. Despite this fact Martin town is officialy provide in Slovak Constitution as „The capital“ of Slovak culture. We become cultural alternative for the audience not only from Martin, but also from the whole region of Central Slovakia with an objective to prepare a professional opened cultural space focused on a high purpose art. We support artists across various artistic disciplines, such as performing arts (music, theatre, film), literary arts, media and digital arts, interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary arts. Mission Statement: To promote the creation, performance and distribution of the arts in region of Central Slovakia. Our objectives are awarding arts grants, providing arts services, coordinating arts advocacy, and generally promoting appreciation and participation in the arts.

Main Projects / Activities

Every year we aplly for projects to ministry of culture and Visegrad fund. Projects are planned to import musicians and artist from all over the Europe so we can confront our arts and skills. We try in these project to create common platform for both, Slovak and Europeans artists.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

What we can offer is that we have quite goot overview in slovak culture, so we can recommend and manage to other istitutions in ALF what is the best what the Sovak Republic have in its arts.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our goal is to have more posiibilities to import culture in our region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ľuboš Šulov
Head of the organisation
Ľuboš Šulov
Contact (2) Full Name
Mgr. art. Adriána Cieślaková

Ludia proti rasizmu

National Network
Slovak Republic
00421 (2) 16 356
00421 (2) 16 356
Mobile Phone
00421 903 636 124
Mobile Phone (other)
00421 911 709 881
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Religion
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Structure: head, office manager, lawer - hard racism, PR, media - soft racism, plus based on current projects - project managers Budget: approx. 60 000 - 100 000 EUR Funding: foundations, private donors, government funded projects, EU Modalities of action: Free law support to victims of racist violence and discrimination, researches, public campaigns, cultural and social projects aimed at development of mutliculturalism and tolerance, education and prevention in schools, cooperation with Slovak Police, football against racism in europe, publishing information materials Main partners: EUMC/FRA, UNITED, Open society foundation, Friedrich Eber Stiftung, FARE
Mission and Objectives

will to solve the problems of racism, xenophoby, antisemitism, homophobia and discrimination in the Slovak society
invoking public discussion
finding solutions, ways of prevention and elimination of racism, its cause, action and effect in society

Main Projects / Activities

Football against racism in Europe
Monitoring of neonacist actions and web activity
Mladi lidri za toleranciu - Youth leaders for tolerance
Zabudnute pribehy - forgotten stories (searching for hidden marks of Jewish community)
Police staff training
Infocentres on festivals, concerts, etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Juraj Kiss
Head of the organisation
Marcela Pilouskova
Contact (2) Full Name
Marcela Pilouskova