Bosnia and Herzegovina

Genesis Project

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Kalemegdanska 20
78000 Banjaluka
Bosnia & Herzegovina

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners: Genesis Project Budgetary resources available in a year: Approximately 300,000.00 EUR per year.  Sources of funding: Donations from international donors such as Delegation of the EU in BiH, UNICEF, Stiftung Schüler Helfen Leben (SHL), Berlin, Germany,  US Embassy, Netherlands Embassy, etc. Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.): Concrete projects implemented currently:  1.  “Bridges of trust and cooperation” (budget 190,000 EUR) 2.  “Rebuilding trust and confidence among children, teachers and parents in divided and segregated schools of Middle Bosnia canton” (budget 80,000 EUR) 3.  “Promoting Intercultural, Inclusive and Peace Education and Prevention of Violence ...” (budget 100,000 EUR) 4.  Prevention of Peer Violence and Gender Based Violence in Primary Schools (budget 15,000 EUR) Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: Primary schools, Ministries of education (entity and cantonal), different NGOs, etc.   
Mission and Objectives

Genesis Project mission is to, through our professionals and dedicated individuals, help children and adolescents throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina in fulfilling their rights to have free and correct psychophysical development regardless of their religious, ethnic and racial belonging whilst respecting their individual differences and potentials.
Our main objectives are:
• To overcome the ethnic segregation.
• To develop and support various co-existence initiatives throughout B&H.
• To implement and support different peace building initiatives.
• To educate children and adults about the peaceful conflict prevention and resolution,
child safety and violence prevention.
• To reduce the negative impact that mines, unexploded ordinances and small arms and light weapons have on children and their communities in B&H.

Main Projects / Activities

Through our work, we are seeking to build the trust and change the attitudes among different ethnic groups as a precondition for the creation of a safer environment. Through our work in the primary schools we want to improve the communication and cooperation between the divided ethnic groups and to create the peaceful and safe environment for the children in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The peace building is the main activity of our organization and therefore we have undertaken numerous peace building projects and activities. Our work is mostly focused in the primary schools located in the ethnically divided communities throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina and through our activities we are affecting a large community of people: children, teachers and parents.
In the schools where we worked, the communication skills were improved and bridges of trust and cooperation have been established. Correspondingly, the pupils have shown a higher level of knowledge about conflict, peaceful conflict prevention, etc. They also participated less in the violence and had more active role in stopping the violence in their inner environment.
Small but consistent changes in attitudes and behaviours in the field of multi-ethnic relations have also been recorded. The pupils have shown greater willingness to socialize with their peers from other ethnicities. The prejudices were also reduced.
Similar results were obtained with the teaching staff and our projects have improved the interethnic relations at school and approximately 80% of the senior grades teachers pointed out that they now spend more time with the colleagues from other components, and 94% stated that they are now closer. Over 60% of respondents supported the cooperation between the school components. After our workshops a higher percentage of teachers are for integration of the school components.
Our experiences with the pupils have taught us that children gladly participate in the joint activities; they quickly overcome the ethnic separation and develop friendships being highly motivated and dedicated to the project and its aims. For example, the teachers who have participated in our workshops have asked for the activities to be continued because they felt that these workshops offered the opportunities to expand their skills and knowledge jointly.
More about our work in divided schools you can see in the following story:
Furthermore, our work in the field of the mine risk education is very successful. The BiH Mine Action Canter recorded more than 18,200 minefields, but it is estimated that the total number of the minefields is 30,000, containing about one million mines. The locations of many minefields are still unknown. The minefields were placed along the former confrontation line, which was the subject of frequent changes, so that the mines can be found throughout the country. The members of the Genesis Project are working simultaneously on several levels and including several groups of direct beneficiaries: peer educators, teachers and students. Through our activities we are supporting the long-term school battle against landmines and UXO.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are willing to share our experience gathered through peace building project implemented throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Through our work, we are seeking to build the trust and change the attitudes among different ethnic groups as a precondition for the creation of a safer environment. Through our work in the primary schools we want to improve the communication and cooperation between the divided ethnic groups and to create the peaceful and safe environment for the children in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The peace building is the main activity of our organization and therefore we have undertaken numerous peace building projects and activities. Our work is mostly focused in the primary schools located in the ethnically divided communities throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina and through our activities we are affecting a large community of people: children, teachers and parents.
We have gathered significant amount of experience and lessons learnt which we would be happy to share with network members.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We appreciate work of the ALF tremendously and we think that we can benefit from the membership in the ALF network.
There is always room for improvement of our work and for learning new things, and we hope that we can do that by learning from other members of the ALF network. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Dijana Pejic
Job Title
executive director
Head of the organisation
Dijana Pejić
Contact (2) Full Name
Sasa Saric
Job Title (2)
member of the Executive board

Gradsko kazalište mladih Vitez - Youth City Theatre Vitez

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Silvija Strahimira Kranjčevića 1
72250 Vitez
Bosnia & Herzegovina

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

The town theater of Youth in Vitez has more than 100 members, and among them three professional actors. There are two professionaly engaged actors at the moment, and the available funds for the last year were around 50 000 euros. Next to our own there are a few sources of funding, our activities are supported by the municipality of Vitez, the Federal Ministry of Education and Science, the Minstry of Civil Affairs Bosnia and Hercegovina, Ministry of Regional Development and Eu Funds of Republic of Croatia, and the Central State office for Croats Abroad.
The main activities are directed at the production and the performing of theatrical plays, but also at the organizations of artistic camps, education and seminars. A large amount of activities are directed towards art festivals as well as co-productions and cooperations with partner organizations. Partner organizations like the Youth resource Center in Tuzla, DIS Theater Banja Luka, European home Bosnia and Hercegovina, the Youth association „Enter“ Vitez, association „Klik“ Travnik, ALF network in Bosnia and Hercegovina.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Town Theater of Youth in Vitez lies in improving the quality of life of the youth, active participation of young people in all aspects of cultural life and the local community, the recognitions and prioritarization of the youth as well as education and in helping them in acquiring new knowledge and skills, that is in developing creative skills.
The objectives in creating GKM Vitez (Town Theater of Youth in Vitez) are:
-the contributions of cultural education of children and young people.
-the promotion above all else of theater art, and through that impact to contribute in all aspects of audio-vizual art and art in general.
-the development of theater, film, radio, literary art.
-the organization of traditional manifestations, festivals, plays and other happenings in local and surrounding communities.
-gathering and conecting of all Bosnian and Hercegovian citizens and foreigners.
GKM Vitez (Town Theater of Youth in Vitez) is a firm beliver in international standards of respect and democracy, freedom and human rights protection, childrens and youths rights protection as well as the advancment in culture, dialogue and the exchange in ideas thrugh thetric plays and other theatric manifestations such as films, symposiums, festivals, conferences etc.
GKM Vitez (Town Theater of Youth in Vitez) also nurtures, where needed, the publishing of books within the goals and tasks of working with children and young people.

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities are directed towards the production and the realizations of theatrical plays, but also in organizing art camps, education and seminars. A large portionf of our attention goes towards the organizations of art festivals, as well as co-production and cooperation with partner organizations.
We would like to highlight the projects of theatrical festivals, production and co-production of theatrical plays that have won countless prizes, as well as conferences and educations which we organized.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As one of the most successful amateur theaters in Bosnia and Hrecegovina, with a positive image, we will for sure contribute to the strenghtening of the ALF network in Bosnia and Hercegovina. A large amount of successfuly realized projects, and successfu partnerships with numerous partner organizations qualifies us as very perspective organizations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF Bosnia and Hercegovina is one of the most important networks in Bosnia and Hercegovina, as well as in the Mediteranian region. Just like we have actively participated in numerous projects in the past periods that were organized by ALF Bosnia and Hercegovina, as well through partnerships with numerous members of the network and accordingly to the same goals we belive ourselfs to be a part of the ALF Bosnia and Hercegovina family.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ivan Sajević
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ivan Sajević
Contact (2) Full Name
Bruno Grebenar
Job Title (2)

HA "Prijateljice" ("Girlfriends")

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
+387 35 245 210
Telephone (other)
+387 35 245 211
+387 35 245 210
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Structure: Assembly (42 members), Supervisory Board (3 members), Board of Directors (6 members), director, 3 program coordinators; 13 full time and 35 part time employees, 3 volunteers (local and international) Budget: app. 281.000 euro a year Sources of funding: international organisations and individuals, local and cantonal government, local business community, membership fees, own services, fund raising events Modalities: concrete projects and own services Main partners: local NGOs, Tuzla Municipality, Social Welfare Center in Tuzla, Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogue in Tuzla, Faculty of Social Welfare in Tuzla, Educational-Rehabilitation Faculty in Tuzla, Prosecutor's Office in Tuzla, Ministry of Social Welfare of Tuzla Canton, Pedagogue Institute of Tuzla Canton, Ministry of Education of Tuzla Canton and Republika Srpska, Ministry of Social Welfare of Tuzla Canton
Mission and Objectives

We advocate for better position and active participation of beneficiaries in community, providing psycho-social, educational, counselling support and services with possibility of employment, contributing so to democratic society development in general.
1st program component: psycho-social support and counseling
2nd component: education on civil society and local community empowerment
3rd program component: poverty alleviation through strengthening od female entrepreneurship

Main Projects / Activities

-psycho-social individual and group support to traumatized persons, PTSP sufferers, domestic violence victims, etc.
-burn out prevention and alternative violence project seminars to professionals, NGOs, students, etc.
-playrooms for pre-school children
-speech therapy to school children
-peace building education for school children, school management and parents in 10 schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina
-reconciliation summer holidays for teenagers from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia
-regional networking with partners from Sweden, Croatia, Serbia and Macedonia gathered around platform of European integration of Western Balkan countries
-providing cleaning services on the local market
-sustainable agricultural activities for minority returnees

Contact (1) Full Name
Jasminka Tadic Husanovic
Head of the organisation
Jasminka Tadic Husanovic


National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Blajburških žrtava 100, 88000 Mostar
Kraljice mira 3, 88266 Međugorje
88000 Mostar
Bosnia & Herzegovina

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Media
  3. Others
  4. Religion
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Herzegovina University (Sveučilište Hercegovina) is a private higher education entity, recognized by the competent ministry of education, but also involved in social work.  
Mission and Objectives

It is situated both in Mostar and Međugorje, both places well known for their specific social roles, inter-ethnic and inter-cultural conflict (divided city - Mostar) and special form of religiosity, peace and reconciliation (Međugorje).
It is young but vibrant and growing institution, aware of it's social role in society as complex as Bosnia and Herzegovina is.

Main Projects / Activities

Various projects and programs of social work, primarily education (especially issues of special education), research, psychology, social research, inter-religious and inter-cultural relations, as well as other fields.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By employing intelectual and academic capacities in raising level of approach, work, analysis and understanding of results. We have created environment of understanding and respect within our institution among professionals and students coming from BiH, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro ... we believe our smaller network can bring improvement to the ALF Network. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that we can work better if we find partners and expand our work across Mediteranean and Europe, therefore ALF Network is a great resource to have. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Marko-Antonio Brkić
Job Title
Head of Organisation and Development Office
Head of the organisation

High music school in Tuzla Bosnia and Herzegovina

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Mirze Delibasica 1
75000 Tuzla
Bosnia & Herzegovina

+ 387 35 262 531
+ 387 35 262 531
Mobile Phone
+ 387 61 286 332
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Secondary Music School in Tuzla was founded in 1957 and is currently attended by 106 students. Teachers working in the school have been qualified on music academies in Bosnia and Hercegovina and abroad.
Mission and Objectives

Ever since it was founded, the school is the vital element of the city cultural life and no significant cultural event takes place without the participation of the school.
Students participate in national and international competitions and win many prizes.
Students can choose to play violin, piano, flute, guitar, accordion, trumpet, clarinet, violoncello or they can choose solo singing lessons.

Main Projects / Activities

Many years of hard work and enthusiasm and love towards music from former and current employees are woven in today’s success of the school, as well as the investments of the community we live in.

Contact (1) Full Name
Zrinka Andrejas
Job Title
School Manager
Head of the organisation
Zrinka Andrejas

Human Rights Office

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
+387 35 360 490
Telephone (other)
+387 35 250 504
+387 35 360 491
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Human Rights Office Tuzla has 10 employees – 5 permanent and 5 part time. Main partners are Helsinki Citizen Assembly (HCA) Banja Luka, CMS Zagreb, Croatia, Group 484 Belgrade, Serbia, BIRN and ADI Sarajevo. Current sources of founding – European Union, Embassy of Great Britain in Bosnia and Herzegovina and USAID. Currently HRO is working on several projects: Through integration and social inclusion to active citizanship, Free legal aid, Juvenile justice, Minorities for Minorities.
Mission and Objectives

Human Rights Office Tuzla is non-governmental, non-profit, civic organization with the goal to educate citizens on human rights as stated in the United Nations General Declaration on Human Rights and other international declarations and conventions, in accordance with the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, through disseminating knowledge on seminars, round tables and other public events, as well as using electrong media outlets and press.
Main objectives are: Promoting knowledge on human rights across Bosnia and Herzegovina, in particular those defined iin the Declaration on Human Rights and Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Working on human rights implementation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Main Projects / Activities

Through integration and social inclusion to active citizenship is project where Human Rights Office in partnership with Helsinki Citizen Assembly is working on better and integrative social and health insurance policy for all citizens in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Free legal aid is free of charge legal aid for everyone, and HRO Tuzla is implementing it since 1995. Juvenile justice is project where HRO effort is more then four years long. It's goal is to improve legislation in BH, and to induct alternative way of treating behaviour of juvenile offenders. This project is contributing general decreasing of juvenile delicvency in BH. Minorities for Minorities is regional project where HRO Tuzla with CMS from Zagreb is searching for good minority practices in countries of Western Balkans.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elizabeta Lukačević
Head of the organisation
Branka Rajner

IMIC - International Multireligious Intercultural Center

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information
Organization has four members in board of directors coming from different religions (Catholic - Franciscan, Orthodox, Jew and Muslim. There are more than 2000 members who are involved in implementations of projects from time to time. They are professionals from different fields working on research projects, lectures, organizing exhibitions, meetings on cultural and religious diversity. Funding depends on donors who support our projects. IMIC prepares research projects, organize seminars, symposiums, conferences, trainings, internships. Partners are: Embassies of USA, Canada, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Egypt. Ministry of Education, City of Sarajevo, European Commission, various Jewish, Christians and Islamic Organizations, many non-governmental organizations from region, Alexandrina Library, National and University Library in B&H.
Mission and Objectives

IMIC provides a platform for the promotion of inter-religious dialogue and development of discourse on justice and peace in B&H and in the South East Europe. The organization supports the goal of a multireligious, multiethnic and multicultural society in B&H, and promotes a complete democratization and reintegration of the country and its people, securing of human rights and culture of tolerance, reconciliation and mutual understanding. Foremost, among the goals of the IMIC is the facilitation of understanding the central role played by the spiritual dimension in the peace process. The IMIC is active locally as well as globally in its support of peaceful encounter and understanding through theoretical dialogue, often together with the international organizations, and bringing communities together in prayer, action, and day-to-day shared life. Our Center is convinced that tolerance in multireligious Bosnia-Herzegovina must be safeguarded. This is more essential here than anything else. Multireligious tolerance through dialogue is the guarantee for lasting and sustainable peace in the country.

Main Projects / Activities

Multireligiosity an Reintegration of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2004) and since 2005 pilot project »Woman, religion, politic«.
Project »Religious Studies at University in SE Europe in 21st century« together with Arizona State University, Oslo and Sarajevo University« in 2007
Projects that IMIC implements at the moment and the most recent projects are:
▪ Inter-religious Dialogue through education and communication of the youth in multicultural society of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and publication of results of this project/research- (with support of Soros education department and local communities)-2007/2009;
▪ Cooperation with Embassies - we look for possibilities of organizing events/lectures/performances etc with embassies in B&H) in order to promote cultural heritage from different countries.
▪ Improving the services of IMIC Library -2008/2009; (Modernization of library consisted of few thousands library materials on religions, ecumenism, dialogue between religions, history, philosophy, cultural heritage, human rights and gender;
Singing Memorandum of Understanding with Library of Alexandria (and providing internships for librarians in BA)
▪ Section of Literature on Women’s rights and Religion- 2008/2009;
▪ Faith and Community: Dialogue (with support of Bureau of Cultural and Educational Affairs of the US Government and IREX)-2007-2009

Contact (1) Full Name
Arijana Aganovic, project coordinator
Head of the organisation
Marko Orsolic, director
Contact (2) Full Name
Sabina Pstrocki, project coordinator

International Peace Center (Sarajevo Winter Festival)

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
00 387 33 207 948
00 387 33 207 948
Mobile Phone
00 387 61 480 131
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
IPC has its members, Assembly, Auditing Board, Administrative Board, Sarajevo Winter Festival, Publishing and one employed person. IPC is funding by grants form local and state communities for projects and sponsorships.
Mission and Objectives

International Peace Center Sarajevo
Geographical coverage: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe, World
Program: Human rights, cooperation with the peace groups and the youth organizations, eco-programs, promotion of BiH tourism, solidarity and humanitarian program within the project Direct action, publishing, organization of the programs related to the solidarity and humanitarian activities, educational and cultural manifestations and other intercultural and inter religious programs in Europe and in the World.

Main Projects / Activities

Competition for the project of the Concert Hall, Sarajevo
Participation of the artist at the Biennale of the Young Artists of the Europe and Mediterranean (Lisbon, Turin, Roma, Athens)
The X Biennale 2001 “Chaos and Communication” in Sarajevo
Presentation of the artists from BiH in the Europe and in the world (in more than 150 cultural centers at all continents).
The Project "Sarajevo, The European Cultural Center ‘93 / ‘94", held under the auspices of UNESCO
The First World Forum, dedicated to the intercultural, inter religious dialogue and the Conference of the Stability Pact and security in the South-Eastern Europe
International scientific and cultural gatherings SARAJEVO – MEETING POINT, since 1991.god.
Peace related activities in Sarajevo, Wien, Barcelona, Paris, Brussels, Strasbourg, Roma,
Solidarity activities and humanitarian projects (Dubrovnik, Sarajevo, direct help to the University, hospitals, social welfare institutions, NGO, humanitarian organizations and citizens
Eco-project “Skakavac”, Magazine “EKO-oko”
First cultural and tourist guide along with Good Vibrations

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

International Peace Center Sarajevo - IPC Sarajevo - City Festival – creative design of the city

City Festival – creative design of the city

International Peace Center Sarajevo - IPC Sarajevo

City Festival – creative design of the city


Ibrahim Spahić, art director of the Grad International Festival, which takes place from August 29 to September 21, 2023. said that this year's festival is a sign of creative shaping of the city by artists and citizens of Sarajevo.

"This year's festival is a sign of creative tattooing of the city, citizens and artists of Sarajevo and marking the most significant parts of what we call neighbourhoods, mahals. This is how we pass through what is our environment. In the program, we have opened numerous exhibitions in different galleries so far. We also had a number of other activities. The most important activity is that in Gimnazijska Street and the Campus of the University of Sarajevo, on the World Day of Peace on September 21, we will create a Mediterranean environment and send a message for life, freedom, peace and of course for the survival of humanity in the circumstances in which the world is today. Mrs. Violeta Selimović Huart, our violinist, will play compositions for 'Ulica snova', Štrosmajerova next Thursday, and Adis Lukač has created a phenomenal piece about Europe and Zeus that will confront the experience and reflections of the students he works with at the school of applied arts. Also, there will be a big piano concert by Zlatan Božut, as well as many other art and music events," said Spahić.

Adis Lukač, sculptor and professor at the art school, said that it will be interesting to see the reflections of young people on the environment in which they live.


"The painting - the representation of Europa and Zeus is an ancient theme, and this year at this festival, the goal is to reflect on this painting of mine, which was done on canvas, by the students, who will observe that painting and make their own works, sketches on the given theme and see we will see how they perceive the topic of Europe and Zeus today. It will certainly be extraordinary to see young people looking at this topic considering that they are living in a time of turbulence," said Lukač.

Violeta Smajlović Huart, a violinist from Sarajevo with an address in Paris, said that she will hold a short performance in Štrosmajerova street in Sarajevo.

"When I was growing up in Štrosmajerova Street, that street was called 'Dream Street', it looked different then, there were no restaurants. Moreover, today there is extremely loud music, and in the era when I was a child, there was the same music but of a different genre. My father is a composer of classical music, and my brother, Vedran and my sisters, we are all professional musicians and classical music was heard there day and night. I am extremely busy and happen to be in Sarajevo and when Ibrahim asked me to play, I agreed. It will be a short performance that we will do on the balcony, symbolically, and I will play my father's music like I used to, and I would play a few more short compositions," said Smajlović Huart.


Retrieved from: Peacebuilding Network