
Association for the Development of Society in Kom Al Daba'

National Network

Kom EL Daba', Nekada, Qena

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Youth and education
General Information
اســـم الجمعية / جمعية تنمية المجتمع بكوم الضبـــع0 تاريخ ورقم إشهار الجمعية / 496 فى 19/9/1996 رقــــم التليـفــــون والفــاكــــس / 6821478/096 البريد الالكتروني / kd_cda العـنــــوان / قـنـــا – نـقـــــادة – كــــوم الضـبـــع النطاق الجغرافي لأنشطة الجمعية / محــافظـــة قـنــا ميادين عمل الجمعية :- تنمية المجتمع المحلى ورفع المستوى الاقتصادى ثقافيا وإجتماعيا ودينيا عـــــدد أعــضــــاء مجـلــس الإدارة / 11 عضـــواً عــدد أعـضـــاء الجمعية العمومية / 317 عضـواً اسم رئيس مجلس الإدارة / احمد رفعت عبدالراضي تليفون / 0102037698 جمعية تنمية المجتمع بكوم الضبع منظمة غير حكومية لا تهدف للربح مشهرة برقم 496 في 19 / 9 / 1996 والتابعة( لمركز نقـــادة - محافظة قنـــا) ونطاق عملها محافظة قنا. بدأت نشاطها فى مجال البيئة والمجال الإجتماعى والتعليمي من خلال عدة أنشطة منها :-( مجموعات فصول التقوية - وتكريم المتفوقين - والحقيبة المدرسية) . تعمل الجمعية فى كوم الضبع وتخدم مركز نقادة بقراه المختلفة وعلى الأخص قرية طوخ وتوابعها .
Mission and Objectives

رؤيـــة الجمعـيــــة
مجتمع قادر على المشاركة الصحيحة في مجالات التنمية المختلفة0
رسـالــة الجمعـيــــة
نحن جمعية تنمية المجتمع بكوم الضبع – نقادة – قنا تبنينا حث المجتمع على المشاركة فى مجالات التنمية المختلفة وذلك من خلال التوعية بأهمية المشاركة وبناء قدرات المجتمع وإقامة مشروعات منتجة وذلك بجهود وتفاعل أبنائها الذين أنجزوا مشروعات بيئية وثقافية واجتماعية على أساس مباديء إنكار ألذات والتماسك والوضوح .
الـهـــدف الــعــــام :
- تحسين قدرة المجتمع على المشاركة الفعالة في مجالات التنمية المختلفة ( بيئية - اقتصادية - اجتماعية - تعليمية وثقافية ) .
- رفع الوعي لدي منظمات المجتمع المدني الشريكة بأهمية المشروعات البيئية .
- تفعيل دور المرأة في تنمية المجتمع المحلي .
- رفع كفاءة أصحاب الحرف التراثية وشباب الخريجين في مجال تطوير و تسويق

Main Projects / Activities

ونفذت مشروعات عديدة منها :-
- مشـــروع جـمــع القمامـــة ( هيئــة كيــر الـدوليــة ).
- مشروع ردم البرك والمستنقعات ( هيئة كير الدولية ).
- تــوصيـــلات مــيـــاه الشـــرب ( هيئة كيــر الدوليـة ).
- مشـــروع التــوعيــة الشــاملـــة ( هيئة كير الدولية ).
- مشـــروع صـحـــة الأم والـطـفــــل ( جــــون سـنـــو) .
- مشــروع تنفيذ الصرف الصحـــي المتكامل بكوم الضبع ( الصندوق المصري السويسري ).
- مشــروع التطوير المؤسسي وتفعيل دور الجمعية في المجتمع ( مركز المنظمات غير الحكومية NGO ) .
- تطــويــر مشــروع جــمــــع القـمــامـــة ( صندوق حماية البيئة ) .
- مشـــروع الـحـــد مــــن الفقـــــر .
- مشروع إنشاء كوبري كوم الضبع الجديد من الناحية الشرقية .
- مشـــروع تجمـيــل مـدخــل القـريــــة الغـــربـــي .

Contact (1) Full Name
Fathi Mohamed Hamdellah
Head of the organisation
Ahmed Refa'at Abdel Radi
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamed Selim Ahmed

Association for the Protection of the Environment (APE)

National Network

5 Hakem Atalla st, Manshit Naser

+20 202-510-2723
+20 202-510-2723
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
002 (0) 127135529
Mobile Phone (other)
002 (0) 123445502
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The Association for the protection of the Environment,(A.P.E), is a non-profit organization serving the communities of garbage collectors in Cairo, Hurghada, Tora and Wadi El Natruun in Egypt. A.P.E. was formed in 1984 and was officially registered as number 263 with the Ministry of Social Affairs, under Law 84 of 2002 A.P.E is managed and run by a 9-member board of trustees, a staff of over 200 people from among the garbage collectors, scores of volunteers who perform consulting services in the area of financial management, agricultural extension, designing projects, health and medical matters, sewing skills, paper recycling expertise , construction needs, sales and marketing expertise, and many more. The Board translates its policies into projects that are implemented both by paid professionals and by its own unpaid professional volunteers.
Mission and Objectives

A.P.E Objective is to improve the lives of the indigenous groups of garbage collectors as individuals and as a community, .A.P.E combines its interest in serving the poor with its interest in protecting the environment specifically with regards to man-made household waste. It seeks to support the garbage collectors in their private activities of waste collection, disposal and recycling as well as devise its own schemes within this grand scheme of things.
A.P.E improves lives through hands-on implementation of projects in the area of income generation, revolving around recycling, primary health care, literacy, leadership training, mobilization of community resources, and advocacy for women and girls, as well as networking with non-profit groups in the area of environment and development while fostering strong partnership with government and private sector.

Main Projects / Activities

A.P.E benefits the garbage collector, especially women as they are considered the primary beneficiaries of A.P.E's activities. Furthermore, the environment is the second beneficiary because the activities lead to the protection of the earth's non-renewable resources by recycling and remanufacturing solid waste.
A.P.E services and works with about 400 individual: 250 women and girls in the rag recycling project, 90 in the paper recycling project, 30 young women in primary health care team, 50 young men who participate in the composting project and the garbage separation at the source project, administrative and other related staff support activities

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Soheir Kamel
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Soheir Kamel (President)
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs . Chadia Iskandar

Association International du Film d'Animation (ASIFA)

National Network

Animation Department -Fine Arts Faculty
Minia University


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
the only Arabian and African chapter of ASIFA (Association International du Film d'Animation) (International Animated Film Association)
Mission and Objectives

Networking for Animators in Arab world and Africa

Main Projects / Activities

ASIFA tries to develop several international projects for the benefit of the art of animation.
One of the most successful projects is the International Animation Day, coordinated by our French colleague on the ASIFA Board, Juliette Crochu.
A really important project for the promotion of animation among the youth is the ASIFA Workshop Group; it's roots are going back until 1979 !
Every year a worldwide animation project, composed of several regional children animation workshops, is realised and gets presented at the most important animation festivals.
stART is an art project on ASIFA.NET, that presents minimalistic animations of international artists.
More projects can be started, when the initiative of the regional ASIFA Groups is strong enough.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Ghazala
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Ghazala

Association of Friends of the Environment in Alexandria (FOE)

National Network

22 Ahmad Bek Gharbo Street, 4th Floor, Appt. 401, Zizinia

0020 (0)3 5846051
0020 (0)3 5845759
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Friends of the Environment Association, Alexandria Founded in 1990, registered under no. 1151
Mission and Objectives

The Association’s overriding goal:
Protecting, maintaining, and improving the natural and built environment in the governorate of Alexandria.

Main Projects / Activities

The Association's activities:
•Monitoring and identifying the problems from which the natural and built environment suffers.
•Cooperating with the bodies of scientific research, the executive authorities and popular entities, as well as with the industrial institutions, to figure out suitable solutions for the problems of the environment.
•Propagating lifestyles and developmental concepts that help preserve the environmental resources from irrational consumption, and keep its components intact from pollution
Projects carried out by the Association:
1-A project on the legal education in the field of the environment: (funded by Oxfam).
2-A project on developing and relocating foundries outside the populated areas: (funded by the Social Fund for Development).
3-A project on preparing trainers in the field of the environmental education:
4-A project to establish a garden for environmental education, to be located in the premises of the International Garden of Alexandria: (funded by the Development Department at the Dutch Embassy).

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Abd El Aziz El Guindy
Head of the organisation
Mr. Abd El Aziz El Guindy

Association of Human Development

National Network

10th Street Mansoura

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Board of Directors - Executive Management - Financial Management - Media Unit Society's funding is: Self-financing + Altythsal funding through grants by the Assembly for the implementation of projects Development of democratic practice for rural girls Project to strengthen the culture of complaint Observatory Electoral Observatory A new social contract Get your card Participated and watched The national reconciliation project Projects Polls Election Observation
Mission and Objectives

Work on human development in all fields of scientific and intellectually, socially, economically, and attention to human development and building maintenance person and his rights in accordance with the decisions of international human rights
The type and fields of work of the Assembly:
Cultural fields
Fields Almahotalimah
Fields of social (social assistance)
Care and protection of motherhood and childhood
The fields of youth welfare and raise their scientific and intellectual
Awareness of concepts of democracy
Promote a culture of human rights
Support of popular control and enhancing transparency and integrity
Civic education and the promotion of popular participation
The work of the Assembly to achieve its objectives in these fields through the following activities:
Democratic construction projects for local communities
Opinion polls
Development projects, the practice of democracy
Projects, leadership development and rural popular
Projects, monitoring and documentation
Preparation of brochures, pamphlets, periodicals
Preparation of training manuals

Main Projects / Activities

Democratic construction projects for local communities
Opinion polls
Development projects, the practice of democracy
Projects, leadership development and rural popular
Projects, monitoring and documentation
Preparation of brochures, pamphlets, periodicals
Preparation of training manuals

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Mohiey Eldeen
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Mohiey Eldeen
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamed Yosry

Association of the Configuration of Knowledge and Creativity

National Network

81, Kanoub Street, off La Gaîté Street, Ibrahimmiya

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
0020 (0)103153998
Mobile Phone (other)
0020 (0)0123992044
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
The Egyptian Cognitive Centre is a NGO registered in Alexandria under the number 1351-2000. It was established in 2000. Amongst the staff, 5 volunteers working in creativity development, and 3 employees (1 secretary and 2 monitors working with children with special needs). The organization is supported through the subscriptions of its 70 members. It is also funded through projects undertaken in collaboration with Egyptian or foreign partners
Mission and Objectives

- Developing extra-curricular activities.
- Developing creativity as an added value to our community.
- Developing the ability for Egyptians to live in a globalized world, by promoting such qualities as democracy and tolerance.
- Creating a new global personality, regardless of gender and religion, within the Egyptian society.

Main Projects / Activities

- Workshops in developing creativity, organized within the Cognitive Centre's premises or in government and private schools
- Development of educational culture within the family context.
- Helping children to overcome their disabilities in education.
- Special trainings for teachers, mostly focusing on developing their creativity.
- Project with the British Council in Cairo aiming at creating a manual for civic and human rights education in schools.
- Conferences targeting the community and aiming at changing mentalities in the society.
- 2 projects in the filed of changing the educational system (one related to setting educational standards, and the second one promoting public education and fighting private tuition).
- Developing the awareness and creativity of the children in need within the framework of the Coptic Church.
- Running of a unit of psychological assessment.

Contact (1) Full Name
Atef Nabih
Head of the organisation
Dr. Ma'azouza Ebed

Association of the Egyptian Female Lawyers (AEFL)

National Network

6 Hussen Kamal Street - Dokki - Giza - 6 Floor - Apartment 22

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Association of the Egyptian Female Lawyers (AEFL) is a registered NGO with the Egyptian Ministry of Social Solidarity (#3236) with the mission of activating women’s political participation and supporting women’s legal and political rights that approved by national law and international conventions. Vision: AEFL is seeking to create Egyptian women who can defend their rights and work to spread values of gender equality, justice, and freedom within Egyptian society through awareness programs, research studies and networking with governmental and non governmental institutions concerned with women issues. Mission: AEFL works towards spreading the values of gender equality, justice, and freedom within Egyptian society, encouraging girls and ladies to get their political, social and legal rights through achieving the following goals: 1) Empower women to defend their political, legal, and social rights. 2) Raise awareness of women’s political status and the importance of activating their role within Egyptian society. 3) Build a strong front of female lawyers who are qualified and involved in both political and public life. 4) Raise awareness of the international conventions and instruments protecting human, particularly women’s, rights in order to change the culture of the community. AEFL’s policies for working are as follows: Provide services for women in general and female lawyers in particular within the Lawyers Syndicate and its branches in five governorates (Giza, Beni Swif, El-Manya, Qena, and Aswan). These services will ensure women’s freedom from gender discrimination, regardless of the economic, political, social conditions that they are living in. AEFL believes in a woman’s right to hold any organizational position, as stated in their developmental and human rights plans. AEFL’s work focuses on the principle of transparency for better performance and permanent success and superiority. Members of AEFL: The General Assembly of AFFL is 96 female members representatives from five governorates (Giza, Beni Swif, El-Manya, Qena, Aswan). Board of Directors: AEFL has a Board of Directors which includes 9 female members representing five governorates (Giza, Beni Swif, El-Manya, Qena, and Aswan). Internal Administration of AEFL: AEFL has a guideline of policies and procedures, which organize and guide the administrative and financial work within the association, the relation between manger and executive directors, and the relationship between the association and other organizations.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: AEFL works towards spreading the values of gender equality, justice, and freedom within Egyptian society, encouraging girls and ladies to get their political, social and legal rights through achieving the following goals: 1) Empower women to defend their political, legal, and social rights. 2) Raise awareness of women’s political status and the importance of activating their role within Egyptian society. 3) Build a strong front of female lawyers who are qualified and involved in both political and public life. 4) Raise awareness of the international conventions and instruments protecting human, particularly women’s, rights in order to change the culture of the community

Main Projects / Activities

: The Danish- Egyptian Dialogue Institute (DEDI) Mama Cash : National Endowment for Democracy ( NED) : Global Fund for Women (GFW) : Mediterranean Women Fund Development Fund for African Women Open Society Foundations- Arab International foundation for electoral systems (IFES) Swiss embassy in Cairo : European Union

Contact (1) Full Name
Rabha Fathi
Job Title
Board Chairman
Head of the organisation
Rabha Fathy

Association of Upper Egypt for Education and development

National Network

65 Qobeissy, St., Daher
Cairo Governorate

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

- AUEED is a non-governmental organization (NGO) working in Upper Egypt for 80 years to empower local communities, targeting the poorest through education and development programmes with a special focus on children, women and youth
- AUEED structure is consists of the board and the management in the Cairo central level and four field offices in Minia, Assiut, Sohag and Luxor with a total number of 1500 staff.
- AUEED resources based on internal and external donors and AUEED assets
- Our donors (USAID, Save the children, EU) and others
- AUEED is managing 35 formal schools and 17 parallel schools that provide a high quality of education in 5 governorates in addition to implementing high schools and literacy classes (e.g. the Literate Village project targeting 500 community schools and achieving Social, cultural and economic development for local communities).
- MoE ministry of education, Ministry of Social Solidarity (MoSS), General Authority for Literacy and Adult Education

Mission and Objectives

AUEED Mission:
To empower local communities through quality education and development programs with a
special focus on children, women and youth. We work towards a more socially responsible society
in Upper Egypt through building partnerships, promotion of team spirit, volunteerism and justice.
In all its developmental efforts, AUEED seeks to maintain the national Egyptian identity through:
• Offering education opportunities to everyone without discrimination while promoting the
individuals' freedom, creativity and human dignity
• Promoting the basic human right to health, especially for woman and children to be able to
pursue a better life.
• Addressing all forms of poverty: cultural, financial and that related to capacity and skills.
• Creating job opportunities that enable developing the community, especially low-income.
• Reviving the cultural and artistic heritage of Upper Egypt.
AUEED Vision
A sustainable community that endorses human values, dignity and rights, where the people,
especially the poor in Upper Egypt, are empowered to utilise all their potentials in ways that help
them develop themselves so that they can play an effective role in developing their communities.

Main Projects / Activities

Formal education programme
non-formal education programme
cultural development programme
health and environment programme
microcredit programme

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

AUEED has a long history in promoting cultural activities, saving heritages in Upper Egypt like Tahtib (stick dancing)
and providing small funds to cultural Initiatives lead by youth.
AUEED can exchange experience with the other members on how to promote equality using cultural activities

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

we already were a member in ALF network, we believe in networking and partnerships and AUEED used to be a big player in Egypt in terms of policymaking and advocacy

Contact (1) Full Name
Nevien Wagdy
Job Title
Cultural development programme manager
Head of the organisation
Wahid Naguib

Association of Upper Egypt for education and development (AUEED)

National Network

65, Obeissi Street, Daher, 11271 Cairo

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+20 12 3401636
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information
1. Structure of the organisation The Association is a non-profit non-governmental organization enjoying "public status" registered with the Ministry of Social Affairs in Egypt under 1010 / 1967. Its schools are monitored by Ministry of Education Total Number of staff employed and/or partners: 1300 persons 2. Sources of funding Many international and local donors (refer to Annual Report) 3. Modalities of action - Formal and Non-Formal Education - Socio-economic Development 4. Main partners Group of Austrian, Dutch, French and German Donors, Fastenopfer and Caritas Switzerland, ERP-USAID, Coptic Orphans, Social Fund for Development and European Union, Save the Children (UK), CCFD and Les Amis de la Haute Egypte (France), CIDA and PACHE (Canada) , Ford Foundation, Unicef, UNDP and NCCM
Mission and Objectives

1. Mission
We are a community based non profit organization working in Upper Egypt to empower local communities targeting the poorest of the poor through education and development programs focusing on children, women and youth. We work through dialogue, respect and love and in solidarity with our partners in the community
2. Main objectives of the organization:
1. To empower the poor in Upper Egypt
2. To mobilize the various groups that we work with to fully participate in building their community
3. To network with the society at large
4. To develop local communities and enhance their capacities through education and development

Main Projects / Activities

a. Strategy for Continuous Development and Education:
First: Formal Education for Children
Second: Non-formal Education through
Third: Socio-economic Development
b. Strategy for Empowering Local Institutions to Lead Self-development Efforts:
First: Institutional Capacity Building of local organizations
- Building the institutional capacity of local community organizations to be able to lead community development efforts.
Second: Networking
- Networking with governmental and non-governmental organizations, both inside and outside the community.
c. Strategy for Continuous Quality Improvement:
First: AUEED Program Development
- Setting standards and quality indicators for measuring the efficiency and effectiveness of development interventions.
Second: Institutional Capacity Building for AUEED
- Setting systems, policies and plans and developing staff skills and performance to ensure quality of interventions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dina Raouf khalil
Head of the organisation
Maged Mousa Yanni (Executive Director)

association to maintain the noble values

National Network

Kafr Meet Fatek
Mansoura, Dakahlia

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
association seeks to preserve the values in all aspects of life. In the area of young people seeking understanding, dialogue and youth employment. In the area of women seeking Assembly for the operation of non-working women. In the area of the General students go to school for the dissemination of culture among students. As for the Labor association: It is a voluntary system work.
Mission and Objectives

Good dialogue between young people
Youth Employment
Operation of the women
Ethical culture among students in schools and universities

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Ibrahim Ibrahim Ali Mohamed
Head of the organisation
Nabila El Sayed El Tahan