

National Network

18. septembar
br. 3
81400 Nikšić

+382 69 661 816
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
NGO Ficus is a newly established non-governmental organization focused on the development of cultural and artistic creativity, creative industries and new technologies. Members of the organization are young authors in the field of culture and art - Marija Nikcevic, producer, Danijela Radulovic, producer, Marko Janjusevic, visual artist, Gordana Micunovic, actress. Our organization's funding sources rely on the support of local government, state competitions, private funds and competitions, and other sources of funding.
Mission and Objectives

The goals of the association are:
● protection and promotion of diversity of cultural content;
● capacity building and networking in the implementation of cultural policy through strengthening the independent cultural scene;
● development and promotion of cultural and artistic creativity (cinematographic activities; theater activities; fine arts, photography and design; music and music-stage activities; literature and publishing; manifestations and festivals);
● creating conditions for the development of creative industries;
● creating cultural content and conditions for the development of culture for children and youth;
● promotion of international cultural cooperation;
● strategic research and planning in culture;
● development of digital technologies;
● implementation of new forms of social and cultural practice.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Marija Nikčević
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Marija Nikčević
Contact (2) Full Name
Danijela Radulović
Job Title (2)

NGO Inicijativa

National Network

Vranici bb, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
NGO Initiative is reestablished last month. In this moment we have three members on a voluntary base. We want to promote goals of our organization and look for other organizations, people and partners who help us to accomplish benefit to Montenegrin community as a society of active and aware citizens, who are developing with European trends.
Mission and Objectives

NGO „Iniciative“ is involved in improving quality of living and standard of Montenegrin citizens in different kind of senses: professional, intelectual, social, economical, cultural, scentific and educational sense.

Main Projects / Activities

We are planning to accomplish our goals trough:
1. Improvement of general and specializes level of knowledge and business skills trough different kinds of training, research and analyses
2. Professional affirmation of young people and women
3. Promotion of Montenegrin natural heritage and beauty and speed up development in accordance with ecological standards
4. Promotion of science, art and culture of living
5. Enhance the culture offer of Montenegrin cities and create terms for practicing different attractive and interesting hobbies
6. Making connections and cooperation with organizations from Montenegro and abroad
7. Promotion of regional experience and European practice

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

1. Improvement of general and specializes level of knowledge and business skills trough different kinds of training, research and analyses
2. Professional affirmation of young people and women
3. Promotion of science, art and culture of living
4. Enhance the culture offer of Montenegrin cities and create terms for practicing different attractive and interesting hobbies
5. Promotion of regional experience and European practice

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF Network bring people together from across the Mediterranean and connect people of different cultures and beliefs. The members of the Network is involve in the Foundation’s programmes and projects. This is great opportunity for NGO Initiative to accomplish their mission.

Contact (1) Full Name
Valentina Kastratovic Bajceta
Head of the organisation
Valentina Kastratovic Bajceta

NGO Niegreda

National Network

Svetozara Markovica br.12, 20000 Podgorica, Montenegro

00382 67 727 878
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Niegreda is a Non-Govrenmental Organization established in January 2010 in Podgorica,Montenegro. With five members who professionally operates in various cultural sectors, NGO Niegreda tries to contribute to fostering the cultural scene in Montenegro. Since it is a new organization, Niegreda paths its way to available funds in Montenegro in order to maintain a kind of ordinary available resources. The structure of the organization includes Assembly, Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer, while the Assembly is the highest authority in decision making. Basic idea, and at the same time a great ambition of its members, is raising awareness, affirmation and realization of projects considering the importance of creative industries. By organizing exhibitions, fairs, festivals, conferences and similar projects dedicated to questions of creative industries, we provide an opportunity for various audience to act, actively or passively, in the field of creative industries. In attempt to change the situation considering creative industries in Montenegro, NGO Niegreda makes partnerships with artistic faculties (Faculty for Visual Arts, Faculty for Architecture) and NGOs that share similar ideas in Montenegro.
Mission and Objectives

Official objectives brought by the statute of the NGO Niegreda, are as follows:
- Promotion, development, broadening and fostering of the creative industries sector in Montenegro;
- Making associations in order to precipitate individual creativity, talents and crafts;
- Stimulation of private sector to invest in creative industries;
- Organization of projects that promote creative industries;
- Raising awareness about creative industries among inhabitants, businessmen, and local authorities in Montenegro.

Main Projects / Activities

Activities of NGO Niegreda are realization of projects in the field of creative industries:
- Advertising,
- Architecture,
- Photography,
- Design,
- Fashion,
- Film,
- New media,
- Music,
- Performing arts,
- Education,
- Publishing,
- Television and radio,
- Cultural management.
The first project of NGO Niegreda was organization of 88th Travelling Exhibition of The Art Directors Club from New York, that took place from 19th April till 1st May 2010 in Podgorica.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sanja Jovanovic
Head of the organisation
Sanja Jovanovic, MA
Contact (2) Full Name
Dijana Buskovic

NGO NOVA Feminist Culture Center

National Network

Djoka Mirasevica 37/V

+382 20 266 183
+382 20 237 672
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+382 69 541 860
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
NGO Nova Feminist Culture Center is non-governmental organization. The basic legal document is Statute which goes in line with legislation regulating the NGO/s sector work. In NGO NOVA there are following governing bodies: Parliament, Executive Board and Executive Director. For now, there is only one person employed in the organization, but during 2009. two more persons will be employed. The other coworkers are being engaged by contract. Budgetary resources available in 2008 was 28 000 EUR Sources of funding during 2008 were: international donors - FOSI ROM, The Royal Netherlands Embassy, UNESCO and Montenegrin Government. Modalities of action are: concrete artistic projects initiating and organizing, seminars/workshops organizing, the publishing of books, cooperating with similar international and regional groups, projects and organizations. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities during 2008/2009 were the individuals, nongovernmental organization, cultural institutions, publishing houses, production houses, educational institutions (The Faculty of Political Science)
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to initiate and strengthen women’s/feminist artistic/cultural praxis deconstructing the concept of monolithic, ”universal culture”. That way we want to deny the idea of cultural re-presentations as universal ones, to show up them to be just constructions generated by the centers of (patriarchal) political power. So, our activity is based on the following principles: culture is not universal, culture is not non-political, culture is not non-gendered. By promoting feminine culture (par excellence culture of otherness) we are going to take part in the creation of new culture that would come out of truly interaction of different cultures - identities, social, political and aesthetic positions.
Our aims are:
- Initiating and organizing the art projects, workshops and educative programs;
- Women artists linking up and different networking forms;
- Establishing international cooperation with similar groups and organizations;
- Strengthening women’s arts infrastructure in Montenegro;
- Making influence on the culture policy creators.

Main Projects / Activities

So far, since January 2008. NGO NOVA has carried out following projects:
- Women in Media Mirror: Media Literacy and Gender Equality, chrestomathy,
- Culture is Feminine Gender - the film Pillar of Salt, 2008.
The projects currently under way:
- Culture is Feminine Gender - workshops “Am I a Feminist Artist”
- The History of Gender Representations in Montenegrin Media
- Montenegrin Women’s Private Life History
- Montenegrin Women’s History Museum

Contact (1) Full Name
Natasa Nelevic
Head of the organisation
Natasa Nelevic

NGO Parents

National Network

Velise Mugose bb
Bracana Bracanovica 75
81000 POdgorica

+382 20 27 21 68
+382 20 27 21 68
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
382 67 26 33 54
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
NGO Parents was founded as a non-profit and independent association on July 22nd 2011. Our association brings together parents/guardians with vision and initiative to bring about social change by promoting the rights and improving the living conditions of parents and children in Montenegro. Also, through concrete examples, proposals and activities, NGO Parents is proving that changes are possible and emphasizes its positive sides. NGO Parents currently gathers about 300 members, among them 26 active members who are involved in the most of the activities of the association. Active members represent the NGO's Assembly that reaches most of the decisions.   The NGO Parents in recognized in Montenegrin public by a number of activities and initiatives that directly help parents and children. We must admit that we did not have many opportunities to prove our skills in managing projects, because most of our activities are carried out voluntarily, by gathering our members very quickly around an idea and its realization. Individuals and companies help us in that. That segment of our work will have to change, since we currently have a large number of activities that request time and employees. In four years since this association exists, it received two important awards- one for volunteering action of the year, and the other is ISKRA award, a special recognition for citizens' contribution to public welfare. Also, our efforts have been recognized in Bertelsmann Stiftung’s Transformation Index Report which stated that “The civil sector in Montenegro depends primarily on foreign aid donations, with only isolated successful attempts to build a constituency within the local context (e.g., Association of Parents)”. According to a media clipping agency’s data,  the NGO Parents’s activities were reported about 504 times in the biggest Montenegrin media in 2014, excluding webportal Vijesti, radio stations and regional media.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission - Improving the rights of parents and their children in Montenegro with active participation of parents’ community in those processes, through public advocating, as well as promotion of those rights, education and informing parents about them and cooperation with institutions.
We believe in:
Equal opportunities - right to live in encouraging environment that offers possibilities for development in accordance with potentials and guaranteed rights
Preserving and encouraging families – We believe in a society which is friendly towards parents, children and families, and which creates better conditions for parenting. 
Team work - Mutual respect, strong will for changes and direction towards the same goal
Humanism – Support, empathy and tolerance in the moments when families need them most

Main Projects / Activities

Some of our activities are:
• Charity actions ’Share, Together We Can Do More’, during which we collected and distributed clothes, school books and school supplies, toys,... to the socially disadvantaged families in whole Montenegro.
• In cooperation with the Dnevne novine daily we started the initiative ’Introduce Podgorica Maternity Ward to the 21st century’, during which we introduced the
public to the deficiencies that exist in that healthcare institution and the problems which their users face on a daily basis. 
• School for Parents project which gathered parents, who attended the classes led by a psychologist. The project helped parents prepare and face with different challenges of parenting. The funding was provided trough the Fund for Active Citizenship (FAKT), financed by the EU through the EU Delegation in Montenegro.
• NGO Parents initiated a campaign for improvement of conditions in public preschool institutions named ’Children Deserve the Best’, focusing primarily on Podgorica, Bar, Budva, Herceg Novi... where the problem of overcrowding in the public preschool institutions is the most pressing. The campaign resulted in providing eight new schoolrooms within the existing facilities. Our association also launched a donor campaign to which eight companies responded, procuring necessary equipment and toys to the Podgorica based kindergartens. However, not pleased with the accomplished results, the Association carried out collecting signatures to an e-petition to the government that called upon the government to build new facilities. The government undertook building of 6 new kindergartens, with the funds obtained through the Council of Europe Development Bank’s grants.
• We are offering free legal counseling in the form of helping and advising pregnant women and new mothers on how to fully realize their labor law rights since September 2013. This started as a project financed by the US Embassy, but later on our members continued helping on a voluntary basis.
• The Parents Association has been very active in the field of promotion of breastfeeding in Montenegro. We have been celebrating the World Breastfeeding Week since 2012, and the National Breastfeeding Promotion Week.
• We have been a partner to company Telenor on their project Conquer the Internet, Surf Smartly for the last two years.
• We carried out a project Pripovjedaonica, with the aim of developing a support program that would promote tolerance, nourishing differences and valuing friendship among the preschool-aged children, within which we organized 13
workshops in preschool institution Djina Vrbica in Podgorica. The project was financed by fAKT.
• Through a project financed by fAKT, supported by the EU Delegation to Montenegro, the NGO Parents created with the Ministry of Health the national breastfeeding guidelines that define protocols and activities of medical workers regarding
breastfeeding. The lack of adequate and timely counseling has been recognized by mothers, but also by the authorities, as something that in the biggest part influences the low breastfeeding rate in Montenegro. The guidelines should help medical workers in giving right advice, and mothers to know what adequate advice should be.
• NGO Parents has established the first peer counseling breastfeeding group, consisted of mothers who are being trained to help other mothers to overcome problems with breastfeeding.
• NGO Parents also initiated the action of restoring old and building new playgrounds under the name “Return Playgrounds to Children”. It was initiated in Podgorica, where we restored, together with the citizens and companies, two playgrounds. In the meantime, the action spread to
Budva, Niksic, Cetinje, Ulcinj... In those activities out primary partners are companies that donate playground toys, but also other NGOs and foundations.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have a over 300 members various profesional skils, and thanks to portal and groups on social networks, we communicate with about 60 thousand parents from Montenegro per month (statistics from Google statistics). That way we recognize their needs and we constantly receive inputs for our initiatives. With these mechanisms we will be able to influence the advancement of the rights of parents and their children in Montenegro more vigorously. Active participation of parents in our actions, support in advocacy and promotion initiatives, makes a strong front of critical mass for achieving results, as all our actions are community and need driven and supported. Our strength is gathered around the participative and transparent approach, evidence-based advocacy and strong negotiation skills with the institution of systems. It represents a firm background for further impact on society.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because, we want to achieve partnership and cooperation with organizations dealing with the same or similar issues, and to further educate and train our profesional and managerial capacities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kristina Mihailovic
Job Title
executive director
Head of the organisation
Kristina Mihailovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Danijela Knezevic
Job Title (2)
president of Bord of directors

NGO Systemic Eco-Cultural Action SECA

National Network

Velji Vinogradi b.b. 85310 Budva

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Organisation staff numbers 10 people, all included voluntarily. Sources for funding are collected through sponsorships from companies, institutions and foundations. SECA stand behind Budva Ecological festival and cooperates with NGO Infomont on various projects.
Mission and Objectives

Non-governmental association „Systemic ecological and cultural action - SECA'' was established as a non-partisan, non-governmental and non-profit organization whose goals are focused on the ecology and culture, and on promotion of those goals through organising public events and researches and lectures on environmental issues and issues related to culture and cultural tourism.

Main Projects / Activities first digital library of Montenegrin culture and Budva Ecological Festival

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Slobodan Markovic
Head of the organisation
Mr. Ljubomir Filipovic


National Network

Vucedolska br 1
81000 Podgorica

00382 67 272 352
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
NGO NOMEN founded senior journalist in order to help develop professionalism on the media scene in Montenegro. NOMEN i also interested in projects with similar NGOs in the country and abroad which share the same values.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the NGO NOMEN is to:
Help reporters to apply professional and ethical standards.
Support the activities of civil society to develop awareness in the public about the importance of development of democracy, respect for human rights, improvement of tolerant dialogue and cooperation among the people and nations;
Support the civil society organizations in their training to raise public awareness of human rights and issues of general public importance

Main Projects / Activities

Activities of NGOs NOMEN are:
Education of journalists and the public in order to develop modern media based on professional rules and ethical standards;
Organizing workshops, courses, seminars and training for journalists, media staff and people from economic, cultural and public life ;
Activities on the application of new technologies in the development of the media;
Connecting with organizations of civil society and networking in order to achieve common goals. Developing cooperation with similar institutions in Montenegro and abroad, especially in Southeastern Europe.
Conducting research that aim to establish the situation in certain areas of general public importance

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

NOMEN aims to enhance the professional and ethical standards of journalism. The goal of NOMEN is mutual cooperation of journalists and journalist organizations in the country and abroad.
NOMEN's goal is to strengthen the voice of those individuals and organizations that build a society of equal and free citizens.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Networking is an essential part of NOMEN's mission. We are certain that ALF Newtork can contribute in order for NOMEN to achieve it's goal.

Contact (1) Full Name
Aida Ramusovic
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Aida Ramusovic


National Network

Toloska suma, Zgrada 2, UP83, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro

+ 382 67 611 666
Telephone (other)
+ 382 68 181 931
Mobile Phone
+ 382 67 611 666
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 382 68 181 931
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
NGO ATAK is association of the freelance artists and students. We are using language of art in alternative ways, with a strong emphasis in active, professional production and presentation of art. NGO ATAK consists of seven people that are: writers, designers, actors, and translators. Right now, we are planning to do playwright Blind and to adapt it for a stage and other projects.
Mission and Objectives

We would like to connect and cooperate with other similar organizations in order to create and include more social – engaged art in many fields such as: publishing, theatre, music, film, fine art, design, comic, video, and graffiti.

Main Projects / Activities

- Translation, printing and promotion of playwright "Blind" by Belgian Nobel Prize winner Maurice Maeterlinck, published by NGO ATAK and Open Cultural Forum
- Active presentation of segment from playwright "Blind" on the military airport Golubovci with the participation of ATAK's members, Association of youth with disabilities
- Participation in the program during the exhibition "Salvador Dali" in the Public Museums and Galleries Podgorica (poetic, acting, video and newspapers)
- active literary evening with the participation of the young Montenegrin poets; topic "Mysticism of Dead Poets" in Apartment 201, Podgorica
- Program "NGO gathering in total darkness" within Erste Foundation Award, Podgorica

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

NGO ATAK could contribute with opening of new artistic spaces in Montenegro and to improve communication in artistic field. Within this we can activate other artists to contribute with their creation to Network as well as to Motenegrin cultural scene.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because, we considered that joining AFL Network is important to us, as young organisation, and that we can connect with other similar organisations in order to improve our actions and to share and gain experience from others.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dragana Tripkovic
Head of the organisation
Dragana Tripkovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Stefan Boskovic

NVO Art Dulcinium

National Network

Stari Grda bb


+382 30 421 124
Telephone (other)
+382 30 422 004
+382 30 401 181
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+382069 517 175
Mobile Phone (other)
+382 67 803 886
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
In this organization we are all graduated artists, painters, sculptors, ceramics, etc. Usually budget for year is from 3.000 to 4.500 euros, depend on projects and budget. Montenegro Ministry of Culture. Municipality of Ulcinj, private sector. Art project as, simposyum, art colony, exhibitions, etc.
Mission and Objectives

• Promotion of tourist beauties of our country.
• Producing one artwork together in interaction;learning through doing.
• Cultural connection between our country and European countries
• Influencing the decrease of stereotyping and conservatism and increase of individual power within the strong, civil society.
• Making the basis for further cooperation, both short and long-term.

Main Projects / Activities

-2001 “Art Dulcinium”, art project with Jung artists from Ex-Yugoslavian Republics. Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia, Slovenia, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia.
-2004 “Balkan Dulcinium Art”, art project with Jung artists from all Balkan countries, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey, Greek, Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, Macedonia, Kosovo, Slovenia.
-2005 “Servantes Dulcinium Art”, art project celebration of the 400th anniversary of the publishing of Servantes' "Don Kichote" the art colony was organized in Ulcinj gathering young artists from the Mediterranean region, Spain, Greek, Turkey, Slovenia, Italy, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo, Bosnia, Albania.
-2006 “Montenegro in the eyes of American artists” represents art colony with young participants from USA and artists from Serbia and Montenegro and Kosovo.
The art colony enables ‘connection’ between our country and USA as a leading world art and cultural scene.
-2008 “Euro Art Dulcinium” The art colony organized in the Old Town of Ulcinj, and it gather all the young artists from the area (Montenegro, Serbia, and Kosovo) and European Countries (France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Spain, Austria, Slovenia, and England).
-2010 „Art of our neighborhood” The art project with artists from countries which are bordered with Montenegro, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, Albania, Kosovo.
NGO Art Dulcinium organized a lot of exhibition
-2002. . SKC “Studenski Kulturni Centar”, Belgrade.
-2004 . “YUBIN”, Belgrade.
-2005. “Gallery 28” Temisuara, Romania.
-2005. “Gallery of Ministry of Culture”, Pristina.
-2005. “Reale Gallery”, Ulcinj.
-2005. “Art Gallery”, KC Ulcinj.
-2006. “YUBIN”, Belgrade.
-2006 . Gallery of Fine Artsi, Tirana, Albania.
-2006. . La Carboneria, Sevila, Spain
-2006. Gellery “Frinzgar”, Ljubljana, Slovenia
-2006 Kula Balsica, Ulcinj
-2007 . “YUBIN”, Belgrade
-2008. “Kula Balsica”, Ulcinj
-2008 . Cultural Centar, Toledo, Spain
-2010 Palata Venecija, Ulcinj

Contact (1) Full Name
Vahida Hasanagic Nimanbegu
Head of the organisation
Vahida Hasanagic Nimanbegu
Contact (2) Full Name
Renata Masanovic Rijavec

NVO Foundation Atalanta

National Network

29 Novembar 1/5 , Pljevlja

067/ 502 424
Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
NGO Foundation is engaged with modeling, culture and education but also with organization of concerts, model revues, product design and literary groups.There are some theatre performances in order to achieve language routine. It also includes the education of youth and women in order to become hairdressers, cosmetic makers, dressmakers and dance groups. We also make a selection for the miss of the region. We also have the courses of English,French, Italian language on several levels.
Mission and Objectives

We want to include as much children as we can( period from the kindergarden, in school , at the university but also the women which are social cases in order to enable them for further living , for work and improvement.This organization also includes some sport events, the rules of good behaviour and the rules for a good walk.

Main Projects / Activities

Including children and youth but also women which are social cases in the organization of
1. Model revues
2. Concerts
3. Dance groups
4. The selection for the miss of the region
5. Courses for the product design and litterary groups.
6. Hairdressers and cosmetic workers
7. Dressmakers
8. Social and psychological help for Women which are social cases.
9. Some performances in the theatre.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pejovic Zorana
Head of the organisation
Pejovic Zorana
Contact (2) Full Name
Bujisic Bojana