Making research, good practices, learning activities and events on intercultural dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean accessible to everyone.


Cross-cultural reporting and EuroMed mobility

VIsual Fifth Intercultural Trends & Media Platform

The Intercultural Trends and Media Platform brings together media, academia and civil society to debate on media narratives in relation to diversity and intercultural relations in the Euro-Mediterranean region to bring forward ideas on what can be done together and with a facilitated dialogue between these different actors.

A focus of the discussion was on the media coverage of migration-related issues and coexistence within multicultural societies in the Euro-Mediterranean region. During the platform the following questions were used to stimulate the discussion:

· Since the outburst of the pandemic in which way the media has covered migration issues and cultural diverse communities within your country?

· Which good and bad practices could you share in relation to the portrayal of migrants and refugees within the current context?

· What measures are there to promote diversity and dialogue via the media? What role could migrants and refugees and the media play in intercultural dialogue in the EuroMed region?

Polling data from the ALF-Ipsos Intercultural Trends Survey 2020 gathering the views of over 13.000 people from the region was hared.

The outcomes of the Intercultural Trends and Media Platform will feed into the broader process around the New Agenda for the Mediterranean. For more information on the programme and the outcomes of the platform see the attached file (s).