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Presentation of the framework and possibilities of poverty reduction in the Republic of Croatia
Đordana Barbarić
Association Most (the Bridge)
Year of Publication

Poverty in the modern world is a topic that is talked about, written about, discussed and fought on every day on all meridians. Poverty as a global problem is especially actualized by the problems of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the World Bank expects that as a result, 88 to 115 million people will be pushed into extreme poverty, and by 2030, the poverty rate in the world could be around seven percent. Material poverty often leads to social marginalization and exclusion, it accompanies the feeling of worthlessness, hopelessness, loneliness, fear and despair, it brings crisis and family breakdown, increase in violence, delinquency, addictions, mental health difficulties, therefore poverty is rightly called "a stain on the conscience of humanity". . Through all its basic programs, the MoSt Association strongly advocates an approach to this problem through the concept of empowerment. Experience of working with numerous vulnerable groups, implementing services tailored to the needs of individuals and families living in various unfavorable circumstances and empowering them through psychosocial support, organization of numerous public actions, encouragement and promotion of civic solidarity and philanthropy, and continuous strengthening of community resources and connecting stakeholders to at all levels, resulted in important changes in the life course of people in need and changes in public policies. The publication "Poverty - a stain on the conscience of humanity" - Presentation of the framework and possibilities of poverty reduction in the Republic of Croatia contains a compilation of various texts, records, research, strategies and examples of good practice and presents the work of institutions, institutions, academic communities, civil society organizations and civic initiatives that individually or within networks, they make strides and promote innovative approaches in the field of poverty reduction. Therefore, this is also a record of the time we live in, a significant social problem is spoken out loud and made visible in order to influence effective public policies and contribute to social change.
