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Transformations of television consumption practices: An analysis on documentary viewing among post-millennials [Gen Z]

A. Podara, M. Matsiola, T. A. Maniou, G. Kalliris
Participations - Journal of Audience & Reception Studies
Year of Publication

The adaptation of new infrastructure in the media industry, as well as the evolution of Web 2.0 and beyond, has decisively altered the ways of producing and consuming audiovisual content. The forthcoming generation of viewers are the post-millennials who have been born and raised within a digital world with completely different consumption patterns when compared to the previous generations. This comparative study aims to explore and assess the transformations of audiovisual consumption practices within the current digital environment. Specifically, the research focuses on examining audiovisual consumption patterns on documentary viewing utilizing focus group method; Greece and Cyprus were selected as case study locations, due to their interconnected culture and origins. The results are presented in a dual level; initially the ways post-millennials of Greece and Cyprus consume web & traditional documentaries are examined. Moreover, the patterns of audiovisual content consumption, comparing to previous generations, are explored.
