
Association for Democratic Prosperity - Zid (ADP - Zid)

National Network

P O BOX 370, VII Omladinske 30, 81000 Podgorica

+382 20 207 130
Telephone (other)
+382 20 207 132
+382 20 207 131
Mobile Phone
+382 69 600 791
Mobile Phone (other)
+382 67 273 381
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
ADP - Zid is working on different projects and activities within the following programs: • Voluntary Service of Montenegro; • Community Development; • Social responsibility of enterprises; • Youth and active citizenship; • International cooperation and EU integration; • Legislation and civil society development. ADP – Zid is actively working on youth issues from 1996, which means last 14 years. Our organization has a lot of knowledge and experience related to youth work – on the field, as well as working on the policy, especially involvement in National Youth Policy development and its implementation. ADP - Zid is Contact Point for Youth in Action programme of the EU in Montenegro (check SALTO SEE website), and support involvement of young people from Montenegro in international programs focused on non-formal learning and active participation. In addition to a very important programs where young people are in focus, ADP - Zid as one of the most powerful NGOs in Montenegro is focused on the programs oriented toward development and the social responsibilities of all stakeholders in the community. All these programs are based on the principles of non-discrimination, life-long learning and equal opportunities for all, and also on the organizational values such as participation, innovation, creativity, solidarity and activism of citizens, especially young people. Structure of the organization ADP – Zid have a Assembly and Independent Board of Directors, which represents managing bodies of the organization. Executive bodies of the organization are Executive Director and Programme Board. Within organization number of employees and persons engaging by contract is various, depending of scope of work and activities within actual projects. Large number of young people recognize the work of organization as their priorities, so the number of active volunteers within projects and services of the organization is much lesser than number of volunteers enlisted and included in volunteer's data-base. Independent Board of Directors Independent Board of Directors established by the decision of Assembly of the organization in order to direct supervise the work of organization, on volunteer base, composed from respectable individuals and community representatives interested in work of ADP ZID. Aiming development of strategic plan, programmes and project activities of the organization, Board cooperate very closely with executive director and other officers from the organization. The Board could take the role within realization of certain activities within projects of the organization. In order to make the work more effective, the Board could create some permanent or temporary committees – they could meet by need and President of the Board is in charge of gathering the committees. Work and function of the Board is defined according to special act and corresponding to statute of the organization. President of the Board of Directors is Slaven Radunovic, director of "Office Center" company. You can contact Mr. President by e-mail: Indenpendent Board of Directors is in charge of: • Suggesting to Assembly propositions of changing of Statute of the organization and suggestion about changing of mission and aims of the organization. • Suggesting to Assembly propositions about changing of Board's personal structure. • Providing effective planning of organization with participation within a process of strategic planning of the organization. • Participating in providing of suitable resources for work in organization. • Adopting Annual Report about work and operating of the organization. • Works on promotion of public reputation of the ogranization participating in representing organization in public. • Taking care about legal and ethical integrity of the organization. • Works on recruiting and orientation training of new members and evaluating the efficiency of the Board. ADP-Zid Team: Igor Milosevic Executive Tanja Drobnjak Administration and Aleksandra Gligorovic Coordinatoress of National Volunteer's Zana Bukilic Placement Dusan Ana Skoflek Coordinatoress of volunteer's exchange and volunteer's Sanda Rakocevic Coordinatoress of corporative and social responsibility During 14 years of active work ADP - ZID received support from large number of donors, international and national, and different programmes. Beside others, there are: • FOSI ROM– Foundation Open Society Institute Montenegro • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, FRESTA programme, trough SEEYN • OSCE, Mission in Montenegro • Council of Europe, European Youth Foundation • European Commission – "Youth in Action" programme • FACT – Fund for Active Citizenship • European Agency for Reconstruction (European Integration Fund) • BCIF • Ministry of finances Republic of Montenegro - State gamble fund of Montenegro • UNDP/UNV BiH • SALTO SEE Resource Center • BCYF • USAID – trough CHF International • Westminster Foundation for Democracy • Friedrich Ebert Stiftung • Norwegian People's Aid (NPA) • German Ministry for Foreign Affairs – trough Cetinje Biennale • IOCC • IKV • Haela Stiftung • CCFD • Hivos – trough Citizen's Pact for South Eastern Europe • Press Now • ORT International
Mission and Objectives

Overall goal of Association for Democratic Prosperity – Zid:
„Promotes and strengthens solidarity, responsibility and participation of individuals and organizations by development of the concept of volunteerism and the realization of socially responsible and creative programs at national and international level, which contribute to the development of civil society and sustainable community development.”

Main Projects / Activities

Organization is one of the leading advocacy organizations in Montenegro and has a lot of experience in work on democratisation of the society during past 13 years of its work. ADP – Zid leads or participates in different citizen's initiatives, developing of legal system and policies and contributes in development of civil sector in Montenegro. It has initiated and lead the first serious attempt of networking of NGOs in Montenegro – Citizen's Academy; was a main local partner within Montenegro Advocacy Programme Montenegro (MAP, USAID/ORT) which started aiming to support local and national initiatives of public advocacy; and was a project carrier of one of largest networks of NGOs and communities at Balkans – Citizen's Pact for South East Europe, which is a very good illustration of previous engagement of the organization within this field.
ADP – Zid was an initiator of development of National Strategy for Voluntarism development in Montenegro, adopted by the Government in October 2009. Organisation has developed National Voluntary Service and different programs for inclusion of the young people – Local volunteer Centre, Volunteer Centres in 6 high schools, and Volunteer service in the School for young people with physical handicap.
ADP – Zid is the member of several national and international networks - Network against discrimination in Montenegro, South East European Youth Network, Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly (hCa), UNITED against racism and intolerance, and Alliance of European Voluntary service organizations. So, beside the work on national level, ADP – Zid every year is organising international meetings, trainings, seminars, campaigns and conferences.
From 1997 to 2007. we published 62 numbers of satirical magazine “ZID”. Other important publications are: «Black on white», book of aphorisms (2002.); «Volunteerism and public institutions» (2004); «Touch of the future» - booklet about EU integration (2005); «You are right! Guide trough the law, And anything else. » (2006 i 2008); "Between the Political Party Convenience and Equal Opportunity"; «Volunteerism – social and economic resource for developing» Agenda of the policy for development of volunteerism (2008); T-Kit on International Voluntary Service on Montenegrin language; Voluntarism – Volunteer management handbook (2010). «Without political party – without job» - caricatures and aphorisms, chosen works from competition, CD edition 2006; «Instead of stupidity» – Strip and photography, chosen works from competition, 2001; «We would like to be volunteers if we have money» - documentary movie (2004); «Jusovaca – independent urban centre» - documentary movie (2003).

Contact (1) Full Name
Igor Milosevic
Contact (2) Full Name
Ana Skoflek

Bruna NGO

National Network

Dr S. Zivojinovica 5
85 347 Igalo

+382 31 332 326
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+382 69 461 581
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Since 2008 Bruna was functioning as a branch office of NGO Adut and in 2010 has officially been formed as an independent organization. Since then all efforts are focused towards sustainable support to classical and affirmation of contemporary art. Another important course of action is creating a positive environment for professionals and amateurs in performing art and providing a qualitative education of solo singers. Our organization is named after Professor Bruna Spiler, Slovenian who was born in Herceg Novi, Montenegro. She was a famous pedagogue and a Head of Department of Solo Singing at the University in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Being educated in Belgrade (Serbia), Rome and Milano (Italy), she gave a great contribution to the region of Western Balkan. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities are local and national government, high schools of music and universities, international partners such as various cultural organizations and foundations. To some extent we are self sustainable and finance ourselves from project activities. Our activities are mainly focused on organizing international festivals, specialized trainings and master classes of solo singing, competitions, workshops and publishing. Bruna's activities until now have involved more than 600 various experts and students in art and cultural workers.
Mission and Objectives

Our Mission is to produce a wide range of cultural, educational, and artistic programming, including preservation of cultural heritage and documentary work that assures that the cultural legacy of the Mediterranean region and European values are disseminated to a broad-based audience. Our Vision is to be the premier producer of cultural programs, across disciplines that celebrate the richness of values, showcase the contemporary creative community, and connect to traditions derived from international culture.
Objectives and key activities of the organization are based on:
Artistic cooperation & exchange of experiences
Artistic mobility & exchange of art works
To create a network of new and original artistic projects between International community and the Balkans Investing in intercultural diversity & dialogue
Valorization of cultural heritage
Organization of exhibitions, concerts, festivals and other cultural events
Support to organizations and individuals to achieve their cultural programs & projects
Education/Training of specific target groups
To promote the development of cultural tourism in the involved territories by means of the promotion of artistic-cultural initiatives

Main Projects / Activities

Bruna Spiler International Festival of Solo Singing is a perpetual extravaganza of performing arts on the site, lectures and conversations in an extraordinary place.
Based on the belief that the culture is being equally promoted by contemporary works as well as with classical cultural heritage, Festival Bruna Spiler is devoted to the creation of educational and musical events. This is the unique Festival of that kind in Montenegro that supports classical music in coalition with international contemporary artistic expression.
In this sense, the artworks are being dislocated from conventional space and become a kind of cultural pilgrimage points - all in order to promote art mobility. Our mission is help this Festival to grow into one of the most popular in this part of Europe, through establishing of partnership, exchange and dialogue among cultural actors from participating countries and to stimulate creation of art. We are an open festival for both professionals and amateurs but expect high standards of performance and presentation. We believe that competitive music festivals have an important role to play in education. For anyone to perform their piece of music in front of an audience and an expert adjudicator is a valuable experience, whether they became professional or not. Festival focuses on exchanges of experience through the mobility of professionals, promoting the circulation of cultural works and promoting intercultural dialogue.
The festival, already five times in a row, operates year-round to produce concerts, lectures, workshops and seminars intended for professionals, master classes and specialised training programmes, an annual competition, as well as a publishing of professional literature in a memory of professor Bruna Spiler. This year Festival is going to be organized in four stages and the implementation of activities will take place in Montenegro, Germany and Serbia.
The purpose of is to provide conditions to connect international art community, promote the Art Mobility, Exchange & Development of cultural works between different countries in the place.
Our goal is to provide strong support to solo and opera singing, both classical and contemporary; discover original scripts; bring artists together; exchange perspectives; assemble performers, cultural workers and relevant institutions, as well as other activities related to solo performance.
We believe the single person on stage gives us the opportunity to connect and focus on the uniqueness of human being.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The culture of Montenegro is as pluralistic and diverse as its history and geographical position would suggest. The cultural background of Montenegro has been formed under the influences of both eastern and western civilizations, from prehistoric times to present days. On this relatively small area (with only 620,000 inhabitants), one can trace influences of the Mediterranean, middle European, East European and Oriental civilizations and cultures. Such a historical process has affected the formation of cultural image of Montenegro, which is primarily characterized by multiculturalism in the broadest sense. Montenegrin society today is diverse: multi-ethnic, multi-national, and multi-confessional. Full integration of all social groups, along with the preservation and development of their national and cultural identities, forms the core of Montenegro’s policy in the fields of multi-culturalism and minority rights. Being a strong supporter of exchange and mobility among artists, our organization already have an international reputation in organizing events to establish the foundations of acceptance of cultural diversity and promotion of cultural values in Montenegro. We can greatly contribute to ALF Network providing support to its members, exchanging experience and having joint projects in the future.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our activities are realized in continuity of FIVE years already and for a goal have affirmation and mobility on the international level, preservation of cultural heritage and values. All our project activities lead to:
1. encouraging exchanges of experience through the mobility of international professionals in the cultural field
2. promoting the circulation of cultural works by giving access to cultural works to the largest possible audience
3. promoting intercultural dialogue
Even with proceses of globalization, there is a lack of mutual cooperation and insufficient involving of institutions/organizations in the Region for establishing cooperation in joint projects and integration into a complete artistic scene with respect to the similarities/differences, insufficient associated applying/utilization of grants for art projects and scholarships for artistic education and training. The Anna Lindh Foundation runs the largest Network of civil society organisations involved in the promotion of intercultural dialogue across Europe and the Mediterranean. Since the members of the ALF Network are of very diverse nature, we find that being a part of the such a broad and wide-ranging network would be of great benefit to our organization in finding partners within the civil society and establishing collaboration at the national and regional level, connected with a common goal of pluralism acceptance and cultural diversity, mutual respect between societies, religions and beliefs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mirela Scasni
Head of the organisation
Mirela Scasni

Centar za građansko obrazovanje/Centre for Civic Education

National Network

Njegoševa 36/I

+ 382 20 665 327
Telephone (other)
+ 382 20 665 112
+ 382 20 665 327
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) is nongovernmental and nonprofit organisation, established in 2002. Vision of the CCE is Montenegro as democratic society of responsible citizens. CCE has four main programmes: Democracy, Human Rights, European integration and Active Citizenship. Our values are: permanent education, teamwork, quality, tolerance and social change.
Mission and Objectives

Mission of the CCE is to contribute to the development of civil society and participation of citizens in policy shaping and decision making through the education of various actors in the field of democracy, human rights and European integration.
Objectives of the CCE are:

Enhancement of citizens’ education in the field of democracy, human rights and European integration of Montenegro;

Encouragement of citizens to actively participate in decision-making process and building an open society based on the rule of law and equal opportunities for all;

Increase of transparency, accountability and efficiency of institutions’ work;

Monitoring and promotion of anti-corruption policies;

Research, analysis and representation of solutions and policies that are leading to democratization and Europeanisation of Montenegro;

Documenting and advocating for fact-finding on human rights violation, especially those which are relevant to the process of dealing with the past;

Improvement the status of minorities and marginalized groups;

Informing and empowering young people for personal development and social activism;

Encouragement of initiatives of the citizens.

Main Projects / Activities

Within the formal educational system, there is still a lack of attention to a number of issues which are of great importance for the formation of young people and for fostering active citizenship and creating an impetus for their engagement in the decision making processes and development of democracy. Therefore the CCE organizes various schools:
Youth Leadership School has the aim to contribute to the improvement of the status of the young people, their participation in the society and their knowledge about the human rights and freedoms through: enhancing the level of knowledge and information of high school students from Podgorica in the field of democracy, tolerance, individual rights and freedoms, identities in their various forms and contents, the notion of authority, authoritative and democratic personality, attitudes, prejudices and stereotypes in the society, human and minority rights, gender equality, recognising violence, non-violent conflict management and resolution, public relations, advocacy, etc., establishing communication amongst supporters of various religious, cultural and ethnic groups, including the football fans as well; developing young people’s attitudes to values, which will have positive consequences for the raising of level of general culture in Podgorica, thus enabling these young people to contribute to constructive development of the environment in which they live.
Democracy School is dedicated to understanding of the idea of democracy and the manner of implementation of that idea. Within the School theoretical knowledge is being examined, as well as comparative practice and the skills and manner of implementation of democratic concepts in everyday life, and in particular in the political sphere. Its overall objective is raising the general level of the democratic political culture in Montenegro through: establishing of the core of the organised, methodologically and theoretically based educational activity, which would enable at least part of the citizens of Montenegro to gain the needed knowledge on: the idea of democracy, what it means, and where it comes from, which are positive and which are negative aspects of democracy, what is the democracy framework – as the process of fulfilment of human individual rights and freedoms, as the manner of social life and relations in the society, as the form of the government and ruling, as the institutional system, promoting the principle of the comparative analyses of the concrete experiences of implementation of democracy in Montenegro and other countries in Europe and worldwide; developing the ability of the critical approach and tolerant, rational and responsible public communication, or participation in formulating and proposing the measures of the public policy and its implementation.
The School of European Integrations (SEI) is an alternative adults’ education programme in the field of ideas, meanings, standards and symbols of European integration, but also European civilization and heritage in general. Besides researching above mentioned areas, the School also deals with enabling students for taking up independent and group activities regarding promotion and foundation of European standards in the contemporary Montenegrin society. By means of founding the School of European Integrations, a great step forward in promotion of ideas, meanings, standards and symbols of European integrations in the Montenegrin society has been made. Unique centre of organized educational work, adequately grounded as regards the programme and methodology and connected to the processes of European integrations as well as to the implementation and acceptance of European values and standards in general, was established with the help of the School. Primary aim of the School of European Integrations is qualitative and quantitative enhancement of human resource potentials in Montenegro, their adequate informing about the processes of European integration and putting their activity concerning aforementioned processes on the higher level.
The Human rights school provides broad theoretical and practical knowledge on concept of human rights, affirms the culture of human rights, inspiring and motivating people to stand for their rights, as well as for those who are not able to do that on their own and to empower them to have more direct influence within society in future.  School comprises 3 modules in total of one intensive week with numerous lectures, workshops, film screenings and theatre forums which will offer an opportunity to learn and discuss various topics concerning human rights. All costs related to the Scholl are covered by the CCE, with support from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through the regional project of human rights education in the Western Balkans.

The CCE is, inter alia, reference organisation in Montenegro of the Initiative for RECOM towards the establishment of a regional commission to identify the facts about all victims of war crimes and serious human rights violations committed on the territory of the Former Yugoslavia in 1991-2001. CCE has an extensive experience in projects related to transitional justice, education, advocacy and supporting sustainable peace policies. For years CCE has been active in projects related to dealing with the past, where it remains one of the Montenegrin NGOs with strongest track record. The V Forum on transitional justice of post-Yugoslav countries held in May 2009 and gathered app. 400 participants from all these countries, was organized by the CCE.  Additionally CCE organized a number of national and regional consultations with various stakeholders on RECOM initiative, as well as diverse projects with different regional and EU partners such as panel discussions and conferences about Montenegrin war crimes cases (e.g. Conference War for peace- 20 years after, held in December 2011, which was the first time since the attack on Dubrovnik in 1991, that the Croatian and the Montenegrin sides engaged in a dialogue about the military campaign which cost dozens of lives, and inflicted significant material damage on the city of Dubrovnik). During last two years CCE has achieved excellent results in coordinating the RECOM process in Montenegro, especially in raising public support for the initiative and gaining the buy-in, and even pro-active support, of virtually all political actors in the country, both political leaders of the opposition and the highest state representatives. CCE is implementing the campaign RECOM for the future, producing photo and video materials followed by panel discussions and public actions and events, in order to widely spread the idea of the necessity to talk about recent, war history of Montenegro, and Western Balkan region in general. CCE has a great team of 20 young people engaged on full time contract or part-time contract, devoted to their programmes, working together on making the Montenegrin society more democratic and actively contributing to its further development.
CCE has conducted or still conducts, among others, following major projects: "Corruption on local level – zero tolerance!" with the overall aim to strenghten the role of the civil society organisations, local governments and relevant national bodies in policy development, monitoring and campaigning for the decrease of corruption in Montenegro's local communities. The specific objective is to strengthen the implementation of anticorruption policies at the local level and to increase citizens awareness on importance of effective anticorruption mechanisms and actions in 14 Montenegrin municipalities. Estimated results: 1) Identified corruption-prone areas within 14 municipalities; 2) Raised awareness of citizens on consequences and forms of the corruption within 14 municipalities; 3) Provided policy recommendations for critical areas (public procurement, public-private partnerships, urbanism, employment, political corruption and local parliament); 4) Strengthened participation of civil society, local authorities and citizens in fight against corruption in 14 municipalities. To be finished by May 2014, funded by the Delegation of the EU in Montenegro and Royal Norwegian Embassy. Through the inspection against the corruption! – with the overall aim to contribute to the increase of public trust in the criminal justice sector through implementation of effective watchdog activities to track the government responses to reports of illegal activities and corruption. Specific objective is to monitor the activities and enhance capacities of the Administration for Inspection Affairs and Inspection units as the first and citizens’ closest instrument to tackle corruption and misconduct in public institutions in Montenegro. Estimated results: 1) Assessed level of satisfaction of inspectors employed in the Administration for Inspection Affairs on the re-organisation of work within the Inspection units and the main problems/concerns in the implementation of work; 2) Monitored capacities of the Administration for Inspection Affairs to prevent and act as first response to corruption; 3) Strengthened active participation of citizens in reporting cases of corruption and misconduct. To be finished in May 2014, through the Criminal Justice Civil Society Program (CJCSP) financed by the U.S. State Department. Monitoring of the corruption cases in Montenegro – with the overall aim to contribute to reducing level of corruption in Montenegro through its effective prosecution. Specific objective is to assess judicial efficiency in processing anti-corruption cases and raise awareness among the general public as well as legal and media professionals of corruption problem and existing anti-corruption mechanisms. Project results: 1) established communication and cooperation channels with the authorities in charge for processing corruption cases (courts, prosecution, Ministry of Justice); 2) monitoring of the efficiency, impartiality and fairness of the Montenegrin judiciary and other stakeholders in processing corruption cases; 2) raised awareness among the general public as well as legal and media professionals of corruption problem and existing anti-corruption mechanisms; 4) recommendations for improvement of the legislation, mechanisms and procedures in place, as well as media reporting in a final report. The project was funded by Royal Dutch Embassy and finalized in spring 2013. Corruption in education – with the overall objective to accomplish to the decrease of the corruption level in Montenegro within education sphere. Specific objective is to establish mechanisms of monitoring and implementation of measures of fight against corruption in the sphere of higher education system. Project results: 1) Strengthened knowledge and skills of students in identifying and fighting corruption in higher education, using the methods and techniques for acquiring relevant information on corruption and best policies and practices in fighting it in respective field; 2) Increased level of transparency of the university and its organisational units in the field of financial management, employment procedures, and in the enrolment process, 2) Raised level of public awareness on key corruption issues within education and provided policy recommendations for decision makes. Ongoing from 2008, mainly supported by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs. How much is invested into the fight against corruption and organized crime and are there visible results in this respect? – with the aim to raise awareness on the expenditures from the Budget of Montenegro and European Union funds. The specific objective is to point out the investments in the fight against corruption and organized crime, as one of the key problems of Montenegro on its path towards the EU and the (in)visible results in this direction. As a result detail study was published. Voluntary project, with new ongoing activities. Accountability and transparency of the authorities – with the overall aim to contribute to the building of accountability culture within decision makers. Main reports: “Parliament of Montenegro – public procurements and contractual services in 2011”, “Parliament of Montenegro – how much citizens paid for the work of their representatives in 2012”“How much have managers within the state administration bodies earned in 2012” as well as within Media and Democracy reports – “Report on the allocations for the media in the Budget of Montenegro in 2012”, “Report on the allocations for the media in the Budget of Montenegro in 2011”, “Report on the allocations for the media from local budgets in  2011”.
Also the CCE is the organizer of the Fast Forward Human Rights Film Festival  the first and only of its kind in Montenegro, is to raise awareness amongst the citizens of Montenegro about relevance of human rights, their protection and promotion, and foster a system of values which underpins harmonious relations between different people – whatever the grounds for their difference. Fast Forward Human Rights Film Festival begins on the International Human Rights Day (10 December). During the past four editions of the Festival, which debuted in 2010, in cooperation with the Cultural Information Centre “Budo Tomović“, Montenegrin National Theatre and Rectorate of the University of Montenegro, we have shown 46 wonderful films from the most recent production, most of them winners of numerous nominations, awards and recognition all around the world. This way, the concept of human rights attracted a broad audience through an innovative and refreshing artistic approach. Growing attendance (more than 2000 visitors in 2012) at the Fast Forward Human Rights Film Festival fully justifies its existence, and it is especially encouraging that many of the visitors are young people, who we hope will be additionally inspired by this experience to stand up for their rights. The value of the Fast Forward Human Rights Film Festival is also its regional component, reflected in continuing cooperation with similar festivals in the region, above all the Pravo Ljudski Film Festival from Sarajevo and later on Beldocs from Belgrade. In addition to the central activity of film screenings, during the Fast Forward Human Rights Film Festival, we also organise panel discussions which explore unpopular topics, bringing them into the public space as relevant issues for reasoned debates.
More details at:

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Centre for Civic Education(CCE) has strong partnerships relations and joint collaboration activities in many projects with different stakeholders. CCE is also a member of wide networks and coalitions. At the national level, the CCE is one of the founders and active member of the widest existing coalition of non-governmental organizations in Montenegro “Through Cooperation to the Aim”. In addition, CCE is a member of the Network of NGOs for Democracy and Human Rights as well as the Coalition for LGBT Rights.
At the regional level, the CCE is a member of the Coalition for RECOM, which stands for the establishment of the Regional Commission for establishing the facts about war crimes and other severe human rights violations in the territory of former Yugoslavia, as well as the reference organization for this coalition in Montenegro. Also, the CCE is a member of the Regional Coalition for Equality – STEP, which operates in Serbia, Kosovo and Montenegro.
More broadly, the CCE is a member of CIVICUS, World Alliance for Citizen Participation, an international network consisting of influential organizations of the whole world.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The CCE has broad experience in project implementation and has proven to be a good coordinator and cooperater. The CCE will be a quality partner in promoting knowledge, recognition and mutual respect, promote human rights, the rule of law and of basic freedoms.

Contact (1) Full Name
Daliborka Uljarević
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Daliborka Uljarević

Centar za helenske studije - Center for Hellenic Studies

National Network

Ivana Vujosevica 19
81000 Podgorica

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Religion
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Center for Hellenic Studies is a non-profit organization, established at the end of 2015, and based in Podgorica, Montenegro. It is the first organization/institution in Montenegro dedicated to the study and promotion of Hellenic culture from antiquity to the present. The Center is represented by Dr. Filip Ivanovic, executive director, and Dr. Mikonja Knezevic, general secretary. It also gathers a number of scholars who serve as the Center's associates. Currently, the Center has no employees, but the management and the associates work on volunteering basis. As a rather young organization, the Center has already realized a number of activities (book presentations, series, of lectures, etc) and plans on expanding the range of projects such as journal publication, round tables, conferences, etc. So far, all of the activities have been funded personally by the Center's management. As a non-profit organization, the Center depends on donations and sponsorships.
Mission and Objectives

Center for Hellenic Studies is a non-profit organization founded in 2015 and based in Podgorica. The Center is the first institution in Montenegro dedicated to the study and promotion of Hellenic culture and civilization. The main goal of the Center is the study of Greek cultural and intellectual heritage from antiquity to the present. Some of the specific goals of the Center are research in the fields of philosophy, literature, archaeology, philology, theology, history, art and other areas significant for the exploration of the Hellenic world; investigation into the influence of Hellenic culture on the formation of European identity, as well as fostering and stimulating the humanistic ideals founded on the universal values of the Hellenic culture.
The Center honors its mission through a variety of activities, such as organizing conferences, round tables, lectures, summer schools and workshops; establishing and strengthening connections with the Hellenic Republic and with Greek academic and educational institutions and associations, along with conducting public campaigns with the aim of popularization and promotion of Hellenic culture and civilization.

Main Projects / Activities

In January 2016  the Center organized a presentation of the volume "The Ways of Byzantine Philosophy", published in 2015 in the USA, edited by Dr. Mikonja Knezevic, the Center's general secretary. In February 2016 the Center has launched a series of lectures "Hellenism and the Contemporary world", within which ten scholars will give lectures on different aspects of Hellenic culture and thought - it is expected to conclude the series in June 2016. These lectures are also being posted on the Center's YouTube channel.
The Center's plans are to organize a round table "Notable Serbian Hellenists of the 20th Century" in September 2016, as well as the publication of the first issue of a journal of Hellenic studies under the Center's direction. In addition, Dr. Filip Ivanovic, executive director, and Dr. Mikonja Knezevic, general secretary, gave a number of interviews to Montenegrin TV stations and newspapers, promoting the aims and mission of the Center for Hellenic Studies.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Some of the aims of the Center for Hellenic Studies are shedding light on historic and cultural ties between Montenegro and Greece; establishing cooperation with similar organizations and institutions in Greece and abroad; providing insight into the formation of the European identity under the influence of Hellenic heritage; fostering and promoting universal humanistic values grounded in Hellenic culture and civilization. Thus, the Center will do its best to promote inter-national and inter-organizational cooperation, civil engagement, critical thinking, and exchange of ideas. It will also contribute to the general education and cultural awarness of the Montenegrin society, especially of the youth, through offering lectures, courses, summer schools, etc.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Main reasons for Center for Hellenic Studies's application to join the ALF Network are cooperation, exchange of ideas and funding.
Anna Lindh Foundation aims at connecting people from different countries of the Euro-Mediterranean, to which Montenegro too belongs, and improve inter-cultural understanding and cooperation. In this sense, the Center for Hellenic Studies is eager to engage in exchange with other similar organizations in the region greatly shaped by the shared values rooted in Hellenic culture, which is exactly the Center's main focus. ALF already gathers certain institutions from Montenegro (such as Faculty of Arts and the Ministry of Culture) with which the Center would like to cooperate. In addition, there are a number of foreign organizations/institutions, members of the ALF Network, which deal with Hellenic culture and civilization, so the membership to the ALF would facilitate the Center's connection with them.
Besides that, the ALF's goal is also to provide help with funding and capacity building, which is another of the Center's needs and it would facilitate the establishment of the Center for Hellenic Studies as a significant research and cultural institution in Montenegro.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Filip Ivanovic
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Dr. Filip Ivanovic

Center for Culture, Education, Protection and Promotion of Human Rights IDENTITY

National Network

Montenegro, Podgorica, Bulevar Sv. Petra Cetinjskog 46

+382 67 873 205
Telephone (other)
+382 68 081 180
00382 202 175
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+382 67 873 205
Mobile Phone (other)
+382 68 081 180
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Non-profit organization of 11 equal members. Decision-making bodies are the Assembly and the Executive Director.
Mission and Objectives

NGO Center for Culture, education, protection and promotion of human rights IDENTITY was the initiative of people in different areas have the results of general public importance. IDENTITY activists have impressive professional and a great volunteering experience and all are trained to act according to democratic principles, for nenesilnu communication, training the trainers and fascilitatori for team work and have the personal qualifications to perform the activities of the Association.
Joining is - together, we shared ambition to osvijetlimo dark times in the stages of genesis of civilization, the aspirant that our contribution will be useful for the whole society and that our objectives will be achieved fruitful, visible and valuable current and future man, who is a collective noun, run , base, shelter and altruistic reason for our mission.
In the context of the cultural activities we are to preserve the cultural identity of Montenegro, fostering cultural heritage, strengthening links with the Diaspora, cultural multidisciplinary field of activity, cooperation with other organizations and institutions, the loklalnom, regional and international level, that as their primary work with the culture and incentive for individuals that culture without borders give a relevant contribution.
In the field of education insist that the institutional and vaninstitucionalnom education provide adequate guidelines to modern methods adapt educational contents, to educate staff for the implementation of the application of interactive knowledge acquisition, the importance of the principles of classical and adapts efektnije implemented in the general educational system, to in obrzovanje introduce animatorski factors, greater funding and motivational strategy for employees, and for users to governmental and non-governmental sector a coherent planning and execution of educational activities that education needs to become and to all strata of society.
Protection and affirmation of human rights provide an authentic place in the process of social transition and jurisdističke practice, initiating an ethical code that includes the correlation of moral and legal binding requirements, and ethical models. Uspostvljamo digniteti arbitration in the fight against all ovlika violence, discrimination, chauvinism, racism, and mobinga nehumanih action, as well as all anticivilizacijskih phenomenon that imprisons and pridubljuju crisis morla and obezvrijeđuju identity, existence and esenciju reality. Opposes the empirija which antinomičnom in relation to philanthropy and pacifimom. Support the sanctioning of crime and degradation konfirmisanih value. Empowers raising individual and collective moral consciousness as a basis for any legal and humane actions, necessary for the development of healthy, modern democratic society, and focused on the constant convergence sphere of justice and law.
Constituted as an ambitious expert team, our mission posvijećenost this proves sensibility and pride, which is implemented in the sublime work.

Main Projects / Activities

Plan activities for this year: humanitarian concert I record and projects that we have a volunteer research needs: ID CULTURE CG and ethical Krug Podgorica (which will be specifically to deal with the protection and affirmation of the rights of children, young people and employees). Obvljamo special preparation counseling abused children, and a campaign, "Poverty and the drubbing much pain." Opening Eduka / center, with a number of program activities, it is the beginning of next year. In continuity, we maintain that publishing activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dragana Radoman
Head of the organisation
Nevenka Vukovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Velibor Damjanovic

Center for Democratic Transition (CDT)

National Network

dr Vukašina Markovića bb
Rimski trg 10
81000 Podgorica

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Research
General Information
CDT was founded in August 2000. Its current staff consists of 12 full time employees. CDT's managing structures consist of 3-member Executive Board, 5-member Managing Board, 3-member Supervisory Board and Assembly of 32 members. CDT is member of ENEMO - European Network of Election Monitoring Organizations, GNDEM - Global Network of Domestic Election Observers, CSAC - Civil Society Against Corruption, ACTION SEE - Regional network of organizations which promote political accountability and SELDI - South European Leadership for Development and Integrity. Organisation is currently supported by different donors, such as: British Embassy Belgrade, British Embassy Podgorica, US Embassy, EU, BTD, NATO PDD, OSI Think Tank Fund, MSI, The Rockfeller Brother Foundation, Fund for Active Citizenship, Government of Montenegro. First quarter of the year is an active fundraising period to ensure full financial stability. Average annual budget in last three years was up to 300.000,00€. Aiming to achieve financial transparency, all financial data are available on our web site. CDT's five program areas are Elections, Good Governance, EU and NATO integrations, Civil Society.  One of the most important CDT programmes is dealing with political corruption, through monitoring and analysis of financing of political parties. In previous years CDT monitored political parties financing and promoted legislative changes, which resulted in adoption of the new Law on Financing Political Parties in 2011, in the drafting of which CDT also took part.  
Mission and Objectives

CDT strives to promote democracy in Montenegro - characterized by honest and accountable government, dynamic civil society, and active and informed citizens - through development and fostering of public dialogue, education of political stakeholders, advocacy and monitoring of institutions, processes and policies.

Main Projects / Activities

CDT is implementing many projects aimed on improvement of transparency and accountability of public institutions on national and local level, and better communication between government and citizens. For more information, please see CDT's Annual Report:

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

CDT is one of the most prominent NGOs in Montenegro, and is actively involved in various regional and international CSO networks and joint advocacy initiatives which opened channels of communication and cooperation both with different CSOs and state institutions aiming at higher involvement of civil sector in creation of state policies. CDT has a Research Center, which has been established as support for those CDT project activities requiring scientifically and methodologically based research and expert analysis. The Center works on projects and researching teams are created ad hoc depending on the nature of the project. In its network, the CDT has a great number of highly skilled personnel, capable of conducting demanding researches and analyses. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Dragan Koprivica
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Dragan Koprivica
Contact (2) Full Name
Milica Bogdanović
Job Title (2)
Web Content Editor

Center for Euro-Atlantic Politics

National Network

Njegoševa 36a

+ 382 68 02 30 06
Telephone (other)
+382 68 02 30 05
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+382 69 22 50 84
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
The bodies of the Association are the Assembly, Management Board, and the Executive Director. Beside the Executive Director, President of Assembly and Executive director assistent, we have 20 permanent contributors. The sources of our funding are donors, and depending on project these funds go from 2 to 15 thousand euros. Our yearly budget is app. 50.000 EUR. Our main action is daily editing, updating and maintaining our web portal European reporter (, as well organizing the trainings and seminars for journalists and local officers. Our main donors and partners are FOSI ROM, British Embassy in Montenegro, USA Embassy in Montenegro, Norway Embassy in Serbia, NATO Headquarters in Brussels
Mission and Objectives

To support the development and strengthening of the media in Montenegro, through the connection of professional journalists at the local and regional level;
Education of local journalists for specialized topics, by organizing training, courses and seminars;
Promotion of European and Euro-Atlantic Politics by organizing seminars, round tables and panel discussions;
An objective and accurate reporting on current political and economic developments;
Further promotion and support for civil society in Montenegro operation;
The promotion of democracy and the rule of law.

Main Projects / Activities

Establishment and maintaining of web portal European Reporter (project continuously funded by FOSI ROM for over two years )
Training of local government officers on European Integration (funded by the Municipality of the Capital Podgorica)
Reporting on NATO integration - project continuously funded by USA Embassy in Podgorica for two years )
Production of 120 episodes of TV show on European integration "Euroscope", funded by British Embassy in Podgorica
Four trainings of journalist for reporting on European and Euro-Atlantic Integrations

Contact (1) Full Name
Bojana Šupeljak
Head of the organisation
Bojana Šupeljak
Contact (2) Full Name
Neđeljko Rudović

Centre for multimedia Production - CEZAM

National Network

Vaka Djurovica bb, Podgorica
81000 Podgorica

+382 67 825 820
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
The aims of the Centre for Multimedia Production are: • To participate through various kinds of creative activities in creating and developing a civil society in Montenegro in which diversity is respected; • To stimulate and empower young people, as well as socially responsible citizens, to be actively engaged in creating a society of equal opportunities through public and cultural activities; • To gather together socially active organisations and individuals, in order to develop ideas and to create practical policies by means of campaigns, the results of which would have an impact on the legal framework; • To publicly advocate solutions which would encourage and lead towards the creation of a system of social inclusion; • To raise awareness of current problems and present ways to solve them, using multimedia content; • To carry out promotions to strengthen the representation and participation in politics of underrepresented groups; • To research, document and analyse the practices of institutions in the areas where they are active, and on the basis of that, make practical policy proposals and recommendations, and to advocate their adoption; • To organise events, seminars and various kinds of activities, through which young talent would be encouraged to develop; • To promote the values of social activism through creative impulse, leading to better correlation between different socially active groups; • To affirm national artistic creativity and active participation in promoting and protecting the environment and culture heritage of Montenegro; • To implement creative and accessible ways of carrying out informal education.   CEZAM’s activities have the goal of organising various forms of creative, socially affirming events which encourage the development of democratic capacities through joint work and individual endeavour, both locally and on an international level, through: • Assistance in creating multimedia and cultural and art projects; • Publishing activities – printing magazines, publications, books and CDs/DVDs; • Building websites, graphics design, professional and artistic photography; • Creating the most diverse kinds of informal education for young people through youth work, by means of workshops, training sessions, seminars, courses and discussions; • Cooperation and joint projects with various formal and informal groups of similar-profile young people; • Informing young people through internet sites as well as via social networks; • Support for young people and promising staff of various profiles oriented towards building democratic capacities in society; • Organising art colonies, summer and winter schools; • Establishing the Centre’s library with print and electronic publications and audio-visual material; • Cooperation with institutions, universities, schools, professional associations and other organisations, as well as individuals who share CEZAM’s mission and goals.
Mission and Objectives

The Mission of the Centre for Multimedia Production is, through the means of modern production methods and techniques, to take an active role in the promotion of civil activism, participatory democracy and social inclusion with the aim of full participation of all citizens, young people and children in the economic, social and cultural life of Montenegro, creating accessible and recognisable artistic forms through affirming, developing and protecting all human rights and freedoms, as well as the natural and cultural heritage of Montenegro.
The Vision of the Centre for Multimedia Production is of a highly developed civil, multiethnic, multicultural and multiconfessional society in Montenegro, within which all citizens will be able to live a free and dignified life nurturing and developing universal human values with the aim of creating an environment of equal opportunities, mature civic and ecological awareness and social responsibility.

Main Projects / Activities

Centar for multimedia production - CEZAM ( is relatevily young NGO. Team of the CEZAM is consist executive director and filmmaker, graphic designes, web designers, programmer, cameramen, lawyer, economist and one geo-politician. So far organisation has been involved in several projects.
Cooperation with Montenegrin Universal Theatre: realization of the documentary film "Preserved resources of the North of Montenegro", which is in its final stage. (Post-production).
Cooperation with Association of paraplegics Podgorica: realization of the promotional video called "Taxi for the people with disabilities" within the same-name campaign that is being implemented at the national level.
Within IPA projects for which the NGO Association of Youth with Disabilities of Montenegro received financial support, which will be implemented in the following one year and half, until January 2016, Center for multimedia production have a status of partners in project activities - making of two documentaries on the two topics: accessibility (physical / architectural ) and employment of persons with disabilities in Montenegro.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Centre for multimedia production - CEZAM can contribute to the creation of various multimedia forms within a certain actions, comprehensive initiatives and campaigns for raising awarness on national level.
Whether CEZAM participates as a partner in the project or in the separate engagement, organizations can contribute to the creation of text, audio, still images, animation, video, or interactivity content forms, which can significantly help the visibility of certain problems in society.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Center for multimedia production sees itself as a member of this esteemed organization. As a young organization, we think that it is very important to be part of ALF Network that gives and opens new possibilities for faster connectivity and even more better cooperation of organizations that have aim of a common operation and improvement of the various social aspects!

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr Blagota Marunovic
Job Title
Executive director
Head of the organisation
Mr Blagota Marunovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr Bojan Bulatovic
Job Title (2)
IT expert

Centre for Sustainable Tourism Initiatives

National Network

Piperska bb
20 000 Podgorica

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
CSTI was founded in 2006 with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and CHF International, as part of their Communitiy Revitalisation through Democratic Action - Economy (CRDA-E) program. The CRDA-E program, in coordination with partners CSTI and FORS Montenegro, the Foundation for the Development of Northern Montenegro, aims to facilitate sustainable economic development in the municipalities of Andrijevica, Berane, Bijelo Polje, Danilovgrad, Kolašin, Mojkovac, Nikšić, Plav, Pljevlja, Plužine, Rožaje, Šavnik and Žabljak, as well as in other parts of Montenegro. Our first project The Development and Promotion of Tourism Products in Northern Montenegro, funded by CHF International/USAID, was implemented for one year, from May 2006 through April 2007. Focusing on best practices from other developing countries, the project aimed to positively impact employment and increase the revenues of small enterprises and entrepreneurs, the project's beneficiaries, by enhancing the promotion and presentation of the tourism offers in northern Montenegro and by establishing a tourism agency specifically designed to sell unique northern Montenegrin adventure tourism packages. Since its establishment CSTI has worked to set clear goals for the development of both the supply and demand sides of the tourism market, particularly in the hinterland of Montenegro, while contributing to the national and regional dialogue on broader development issues. CSTI prioritized initiatives relating to strategy and planning, product and service development, capacity building, and promotion and business linkages. Thus, in many of the projects, CSTI works directly with tourism entrepreneurs to adapt products and services to meet the needs of consumers.Since 2010 the main donor of upcoming projects is considered to be European Union.
Mission and Objectives

Vision & Mission:
CSTI promotes responsible travel to Montenegro - its long term goals are increased employment and increased income in tourism sector through promotion of the natural beauties, outdoor activities and existing establishments; increased public awareness and involvement of local businesses and communities in creating plans and strategies for development of the area they live and work in.
Our Vision:
"The tourism industry generates prosperity and peace for Montenegro's citizens while preserving the wild beauty of its environment."
Our Mission:
The Centre for Sustainable Tourism Initiatives is the driving force for the development of the tourism products in Montenegro. By following the principles of responsible and sustainable tourism, we will economically regenerate the regions, reduce poverty and attract investments.
•We provide active community leadership by supporting and coordinating local, regional and cross-border tourism development programs;
•We work with ministries, local self-governments, tourism organizations, tourism service providers, agencies, associations, international tourism and development organizations and other tourism stakeholders.
•We share and encourage the exchange of tourism know-how and foster cooperation and collaboration amongst our partners;
•Together with our partners, we implement innovative tourism initiatives that continually raise quality standards and improve the competitiveness of the industry.

Main Projects / Activities

CSTI Activities and Results:
CSTI is a small but devoted team; over the first two years they have achieved significant results in all four target areas. Their emphasis on the distinct competencies of an NGO and a business allowed for a comprehensive approach to tourism development in the north – responding to the market demands of today while anticipating the needs of future.
Strategy and Planning CSTI has stayed in-step with strategy and planning efforts on the local and national level while simultaneously working with community leaders and local entrepreneurs in the northern municipalities to improve their short and long term planning.
 Recognizing the importance of tourism as a strategic economic development tool, the Ministry of Tourism and Environmental Protection of Montenegro led a 2007 revision of the National Tourism Master Plan. CSTI actively represented the interests of northern constituents, contributing to the greater inclusion of priorities for tourism development in the north in the final document.
 CSTI built reputations as results-oriented organizations, resulting in their frequent collaboration with the government sponsored National Tourism Organization (NTO) on promotion and activity implementation. The Hiking-Biking Initiative, detailed below, provides a clear illustration of the relationship forged between the NTO and CSTI – and the resulting benefits for the north.
 Following their involvement in developing the Master Plan and the inaugural Hiking-Biking tour, CSTI was invited to take part in Ministry-led, public-private working groups to strategize and implement the Hiking-Biking Initiative and to establish a credit line for tourism stakeholders.
 CSTI mapped tourism assets in northern Montenegro, visiting more than 400 natural and cultural attractions, tourism businesses, NGOs, and associations. This process led CSTI to identify entrepreneurial leaders in the tourism sector and capitalize upon their talents during pilot tours.
 Early on CSTI conducted market analyses to better understand global trends in tourism and relate them to potentials in the north. CSTI then identified priority market segments including adventure and eco/cultural tourism. Already, CSTI is taking the next steps in attracting customers in these segments by building partnerships with highly regarded international tourism associations and tour operators.
 The lack of data in relation to tourists, expectations, habits and overall satisfaction is another obstacle to tourism development. In response, CSTI completed the first in-depth opinion survey(s) focused on the north. Surveyors interviewed more than 1,000 tourists traveling to both the mountains and the coastal areas providing CSTI and its public and private partners with a better understanding of regional and international visitors to Montenegro.
Product and Service Development By leading the design of products and services in the north CSTI gained valuable insights into how best to link supply and demand in this nascent market.
 When developing tours CSTI worked directly with tourism entrepreneurs to adapt products and services to meet the needs of consumers. CSTI has worked with dozens of individual small lodging and service providers to guide their preparations to serve foreign visitors. After developing 5 initial Pilot Tours for the 2006 season, MA has since conducted more than 60 tours and conferences ranging in size from 2 to 40 people and typically involving up to six tourism entrepreneurs per trip.
 After receiving certification training from the British tour operator, Exodus Tours, CSTI hosted a familiarization trip for 8 Exodus-certified guides to test tours developed by CSTI. Based on their experience, Exodus selected two tours for inclusion in their catalogue which is viewed internationally. The first tour is an 8-day trek throughout Montenegro, focusing on the north; the second is an 11-day regional discovery tour that includes Montenegro, BiH and Croatia (Dubrovnik). The tours can be viewed at (see pages 47 and 50).
Screen shot of

Contact (1) Full Name
Svetlana Vujicic

Civic Alliance

National Network

Vukice Mitrovic 16, 81000 Podgorica

+382 20 655 175
+382 20 655 175
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+382 69 416 975
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Media
  4. Others
  5. Research
General Information
Civic Alliance (CA) is founded through the merger of two well established NGOs – Youth Initiative for Human Rights and 35mm, with the intent to intensify our work in supporting the rights of individual citizens towards the state system. CA has following functional bodies: founding assembly, board of directors and advisory board. CA employees four program coordinators and office manager and from 2-10 part time staff and experts pending on realised projects. For 2012 CA has secured founding in the amount of 136000e from international donors: Rockafeller Brothers Foundation, East-West Institute, Norwegian Embassy. CA designes and realises its activities according to strategic plan and assesment on most apropriate intervention. Thus CA functions through realisation of concrete projects which usually include set of different activities. CA is functioning on bases of partnerships and with several CSOs from local level CA has signed MoUs in order to support their efforts and strengthen their capacities to enhance civic activism and civic participation locally. Additionally, we cooperate with relevant CSOs, media, public and state institutions and bodies, Parliament and Judiciar system in order to maximise impact through joint efforts and/or through implementing control mechanisms.
Mission and Objectives

Montenegro is civil and democratic society based on the rule of law. Montenegro is developing as the society of active and informed citizens while public institutions function in accordance with positive legal regulations aiming at achieving public interest.
Civic Alliance (CA) efficiently contributes to establishing civil and democratic society, through strengthening capacities and support to civil initiatives, protection and promotion of human rights and the control of work of public institutions.
Truth, justice, peace, tolerance, responsibility, equality, team work, activism, transparency, constant learning, and cooperation.

Main Projects / Activities

I The rule of law
CA believes that the rule of law is not only formal implementation of rights, but also the rule of justice and protection of all citizens from excessive power of authorities and inefficiency of the system.
Through this program, CA conducts the control of work of courts and other public institutions and it also works on education of decision makers and leaders. CA insists on professional and efficient system of justice, and better quality of work of public services, especially in the area of health services and education.
Education of politicians, NGO and trade union leaders, and journalists as well, on standards and the best practice in this area, is in focus.
II Human rights
Human rights program includes monitoring of quality of implementation of laws, and monitoring, researching and documenting of human rights violations, their processing, and representation of victims before competent courts and public bodies.
Human rights program is focused on facing past, problems of torture and discrimination, politically motivated violence, freedom of expression, freedom of gathering, protection of personal data, religious freedoms, minority rights, status of displaced persons, economic and social rights.
Specific goal of CA is provision of support to other organizations with the similar mission.
III Media program
Media program performs constant public representation and initiates issues on cases of corruption, inefficient administration and human rights violation. Monitoring of social processes, criticizing on anomalies, and publishing of reports on human rights violation via media, is the most efficient manner of conducting the mission of the organization. School of investigative journalism, open competitions for the best investigative stories create solid group of cooperators and inexhaustible source of information from the terrain.
Cross-border cooperation with the media productions is directed towards reconciliation, conjoined life and issues of economic and social character is one of the goals contributing to accelerating integration processes in the region.
IV Civil Society
Responsible and highly aware citizens that are actively participating in the communities and society development are the foundation for development of democratic and just society. CA believes that civic activism is key component for community development and that it represents control mechanism that advances the performance of institutions. Citizens’ participation in decision making, development and everyday life of community is necessary for development of healthy society.
CA therefore sees as its primary tasks the strengthening of civic awareness, as well as informing of citizens and supporting civic initiatives and civic organizations that share the same values.
V Public policies
In the frame of the Public policies program area shall be performed analysis of data and problems identified through the work in other program areas, and their placing in the context of system problems, failures, and deficiencies. The final result provides formulating adequate solutions and their public presentation and representation.
With the aim of networking all CA activities, the area of Public policies shall provide strategic support to all remaining activities, by collecting and analyzing important data aiming at better quality of public representation in individual cases.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

CA can contribute by offering its expertise in areas of Rule of Law, Human Rights, Media, Civil Sector and Public Policies. Also, we are in direct contact with number of citizens and different stakeholders on daily bases so we can also be potential for information sharing and networking.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF Network seem to be relevant framework for our mission and vision of society. Also, we believe it can provide us with opportunities to exchange practices and learn from potential partners outside of our context.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hadzibegovic Ajsa
Head of the organisation
Boris Raonic