Making research, good practices, learning activities and events on intercultural dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean accessible to everyone.


Fifth Intercultural Morning Coffee

The Anna Lindh Foundation
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The Anna Lindh Foundation organizes a series of meetings called the Intercultural Morning Coffees which bring together researchers, journalists, and civil society to discuss up-to-date issues over a cup of coffee in the morning.

The 5th Intercultural Morning Coffee called Sharing experiences on intercultural relations in Ireland and beyond, will take place on the 8th of June from 09:30 a.m.  to 10:00 a.m. CET and it will focus on intercultural relations in Ireland, which, according to Paras Mac Éinrí, Lecturer in Geography and European Studies at the Department of Geography in University College Cork, have gone through a significant transformation in the last decades.

For example, the 2020 Anna Lindh Survey reveals that Ireland is ranked at the more tolerant end of the spectrum when people were asked about how they would feel about persons from different cultural backgrounds being work colleagues, neighbors, attending the same school, and marrying a close relative.

Considering these observations and the media coverage Ireland has received in the last years, one may ask what civil society in other parts of the Euro-Mediterranean could do, in order to encourage a similar kind of positive transformation with regards to tolerance,  mutual respect, and views towards living together in multicultural communities. Another question concerns cross-cultural and foreign reporting, which seems to have undermined these social changes in Ireland while reporting on political issues.

The Morning Coffee brought together participants from Lebanon, Jordan, and Ireland.