Making research, good practices, learning activities and events on intercultural dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean accessible to everyone.


*VM* Describe, understand and practice intercultural citizenship #3

Workshop to describe the process of making individual videos
Association Agir Ensemble, Forum Femmes Méditerranée, We love Sousse, MARCA, Partners for Transparency

A Webinar will be organized by the Anna Lindh Foundation Network Members of Morocco - Association Agir Ensemble, France - FORUM FEMMES MEDITERRANEE, Egypt - Partners for Transparency, Tunisia - We love Sousse and Portugal - MARCA Associação de Desenvolvimento Local.

This Cross-Network Activity will be part of the series of activities in the Framework of the Anna Lindh Foundation Virtual Marathon for Dialogue in the EuroMed. 

The Workshop will tackle some key issues in Civil Society, such as intercultural dialogue, diversity, living together, and sustainable communities. It will be a step forward to living together in intercultural cities, and will particularly answer the question of how to manage our differences within, and how to transfer the cultural differences into a tool for integration. It will also describe the process of making individual videos.

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