
International short story competition on the theme "Tomorrow the Mediterranean", organised by Forum Femmes Méditerranée

Image of the project

Forum Femmes Méditerranée is organising an international short story competition on the theme "Tomorrow's Mediterranean", aimed at women from Mediterranean countries who have never been published.

Only one text will be accepted per author. Texts must be sent in four numbered copies of 10 pages maximum (12,500 characters) and must be sent to the FFM before 31 May 2022 to Forum Femmes Méditerranée 51 rue des Dominicaines - 13001 Marseille.

Tel: +33 4 91 91 14 89


- The winners of the Grand Prize and the Prize for Excellence will be invited to Marseille in November 2022. All winning short stories will be published in a collection.

- Meeting of the national jury: 30 June 2022.

- Announcement of the winning short stories: 30 September 2022.

- At the end of November 2022, a cultural week in Marseille with the winners.


For more information, please visit this website.

Good Practice
Good Practice Illustration

Jeunes Citoyens Méditerranéens Face aux Changements Climatiques

Parce qu'elle est un des grands défis auxquels doit faire face la nouvelle génération, la lutte contre les changements climatiques constitue un terrain privilégié où les jeunes méditerranéens peuvent faire l'exercice de leur citoyenneté. Grâce au projet Jeunes Citoyens Méditerranéens...

Lab-Inclusion-(Socio-educational laboratory of inclusion projects)

National Network

Maison des Associations, 1a place des Orphelins, Strasbourg
9, rue du grand rempart
67230 Benfeld

+33 9 53050090
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+33 6 87366024
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
"Lab-Inclusion” is an NGO created in 2016 and aims to promote Inclusive society. Its target population includes people with fewer opportunities. Being at the very beginning of our activities, our budgetary resources are to be developed in the prompt future. At this stage, however, some partnerships are already built on both levels:  the local and the international ones. On local level, partnership is set with Strasbourg University, “USM67” - deaf and hearing impairments NGO, “Vue d’Ensemble” visual impairments NGO. To implement local activities, we are applying for public instances foundations, as city halls, region and department.  On the international level, however, we share non formal educational projects with different NGOs from Armenia, Belgium, Luxembourg, Ukraine, Norvege, Russia, Italy, and Georgia, in the framework of Erasmus + foundation. Our modalities of the present actions include: conferences with academicians, round tables with social actors/professionals, individual workshops, youth exchanges and training of trainers.
Mission and Objectives

Lab-Inclusion aims to assure the active participation and the cooperation of diverse actors of the society (individual-individual, individual-social systems) towards a social inclusion. Our objectives are:
A- At the individual level, we seek to:
- work towards a better understanding of each other,
- strengthen solidarity, as well as interpersonal and intercultural communication,
- guide the person to his projects of inclusion taking into account his individual needs, and
- promote his high confidence and self-esteem etc.
B- At the level of society, we aim to: 
- promote social well-being,
- fight against negative attitudes,
- promote public awareness,
- encourage the participation of stakeholders in the process of social development, and
- reconsider the process of “living together” .

Main Projects / Activities

At this stage, all our projects are in progress:
- Drawing a “Guide of good practices” to raise awareness on the different communication bases with deaf people and people with visual impairments at schools.
- “Gender representation in animated images” – training of trainers, applied for Erasmus+.
- Organising of a conference with a University of Strasbourg professor, on the topic of “Social Inclusion”.
- Developing a youth exchange program of Deaf and Hearing (France-Belgium-Armenie), throughout of Hip-Hop and circus activity.
- Establishment of sharing workshop for refugees and migrants.
- Implementing a project under the name of  “Human Library” – an innovative and new project in Strasbourg.
- Organising linguistic workshops for migrants
- Developing different actions to raise public awareness
- Developing various action plans which aim to diagnose, analyse and identify the needs of each member of the society who feels himself excluded and thus  act to improve the situation..

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The members of Lab-Inclusion intend to actively contribute to the Network in France by means of very particular level of inclusion projects. Indeed, the fact that the majority of our staff members are human sciences PhD doctors and future doctors represents a diversity of the potentials with cross-disciplinary knowledge. Moreover, our contribution could also be noticed in the partnership we set with EECA countries, but also with MEDA countries and MEDA communities in France. Also by the diversity of our backgrounds, we are direct representatives of individuals, who are concerned by inclusion issues. Last but not least, our contribution involves our participation in the collection of good practices and diverse projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Being conscientious of Mediterranean countries collaboration for France, joining ALF Network gives as big opportunity to get new waves and horizons of partnership. This will allow us to take part in civil society organisations, and become an actor in the promotion of inclusive society and intercultural dialogue across Europe and the Mediterranean. Eager to experience new meetings and new topics, we are looking forward to develop new partnerships based on thematic interests.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
President of Lab-Inclusion
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Anissa HAMZA
Job Title (2)
Secretary of Lab-Inclusion

The International Children Care Film Festival (ICCFF), edition 2022, Paris


The International Children Care Film Festival (ICCFF) is a unique venture that aims to promote and raise awareness of child and youth protection through and by means of cinema.

Free and open to all, the first edition took place in Paris in July 2021. Its success has led the ICCFF to pursue its commitment with a 2nd edition which will take place from 26 June to 2 July 2022, in Paris.

The ICCFF uses images as an amplifier of information and debate as a catalyst for awareness. In addition to organising an international film competition in Paris consisting of 7 days of screenings and debates, the ICCFF provides off-site programming and film workshops throughout the year and everywhere in France, but also abroad, thanks to a "film caravan" which aims to take the actions of the International Children Care Film Festival beyond its borders.

For the 2022 edition in Paris, there are :

- 963 films received from all over the world from 60 countries.

- 93 international films in official competition, for a total of 35 hours of screening during the 7 days of the festival (26 June - 02 July 2022).

- For more information about the festival, click here.



Good Practice
Good Practice Illustration

اشعر، شارك، افعل: تمكين الشباب من خلال التعلم المشترك بين الثقافات

مع تزايد التنوّع في المجتمعات، يبدأ الشباب في التشكيك في هويتهم وعلاقتهم بالآخرين وبالدور الذي يمكن أن يضطلعوا به في مجتمعهم. انطلاقاً من هذه الملاحظات، شرع منظمو المشروع في زيادة الوعي حول التسامح والتماسك الاجتماعي والتضامن بين جميع أعضاء مجتمعاتنا...


National Network

25 rue st messkl
13014 Mrseill

Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information


Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

"Pro et + si affinités", season 4: Call for projects 2022 Films Femmes Méditerranée

Film Femmes Médterranée

Films Femmes Méditerranée launches its event Pro et + si affinités, season 4. This event, to be held in Marseille in September 2022, is dedicated to promoting encounters between the women film-makers selected and professional producers also coming from the Mediterranean region.

Its aim is two-fold: to support the film-makers selected in the development of their films and to facilitate the production of their projects. One-to-one exchanges with producers will be made available to them. Workshops with professionals of writing and pitch will also be on offer.

Who may participate? Any woman film-maker from any of the countries listed in the Call document attached who carries out a project of feature film (whether fiction or creative documentary), as long as she has already successfully completed a film, short or full-length. Please note that film-makers already selected in 2021 may not apply this year.

Deadline to submit an application is set on March 18, 2022.

More information at:

#KidsDrawPeace4Ukraine Project

Image of the project

Children shaken by Russia's invasion of Ukraine are turning to art to express their concerns as part of the #KidsDrawPeace4Ukraine project organised by the French association Global Youth & News Media

The initiative was inspired by Kleine Kinderzeintung in Austria and News-O-Matic in the United States, the first children's news media to collect this type of art. To date, other media and partners in Argentina, Canada, India, Finland, France and the UK have joined the project. News-O-Matic covers the daily world news in Spanish and English and receives many photos each month via its special application. For a few weeks now, the newspaper has been asking its readers to send in creative works about Ukraine. By the beginning of April, nearly 1,000 children had participated, with one Austrian class going even further, designing more than 200 doves and raising around 400 euros by offering some of their work for donations after a service at a local Catholic church and donating the money to help Ukraine.

Editors and participants are also disseminating drawings through all social media with the common hashtag #KidsDrawPeace4Ukraine.

To find out more about the project and how you can get involved in helping refugee children make their own artwork, visit this link.

