Learning about (y) our past. History lessons for intercultural citizenship in the Euro-Med region.
Learning about history does not contribute enough to acquiring intercultural citizenship competences. Instead stereotypes on cultural, traditional and religious differences have skewed perceptions of the Arab and Muslim world. Based on these observations, the project organizers set out to help young people in the Euro-Mediterranean region to acquire competences for intercultural citizenship by learning about identity and diversity, positive intercultural encounters and addressing emotional and controversial issues in history education.
The project approached these goals by producing six learning activities that can be used as alternative educational resources. These resources were developed by an international team with various cultural and professional backgrounds. The team met three times in Cyprus and Lebanon to work on the initial planning, peer review and final editing of the resources. In between meetings, the project team collected source material and piloted the resources in practice.
The learning activities were translated and published in Arabic, English, Greek and Turkish and made freely available for use on the website of EuroClio and licensed in such a way that reuse is possible.
To ensure that the main stakeholders are informed about the learning activities and encourage its widespread use the project team developed and implemented a communication plan targeting the professional community of history educators in the Euro-Mediterranean.