North Macedonia

The first network of civil society organizations in North Macedonia was established in early 2024 through the efforts of the European Association for Local Democracy - ALDA Skopje. The national network aims to maintain a well-balanced and diversified profile of the Macedonian civil society sector, covering various fields, to ensure complementarity, promote mutual understanding, and encourage participatory approaches.


National Network

Rue hedi Nouira 2-
Immeuble Loucif -
8000 Nabeul

+216 50050033
Telephone (other)
+216 50050030
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+216 50050030
Mobile Phone (other)
+216 50050033
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

Nous sommes le premier incubateur Africain dédié à l'entrepreneuriat féminin. Nous sommes basés en Tunisie, et nous oeuvrons principalement dans les domaines suivants, l'économie circulaire, verte et la Fashion Green Tech, notre objectif est d'outiller les femmes entrepreneures, les aider à monter en compétences et leur permettre d'avoir plus de leadership pour plus d'égalité des chances. Nous les accompagnons dans les premières phases de création et de developpement de leur business.
Nous levons principalement des fonds grâce à des bailleurs de fonds qui sont sensibles à la dimension Genre, mais nous impliquons aussi notre cible à s'engager financièrement ! Nous facilitons le réseautage des femmes entrepreneures, nous les préparons à lever des fonds ! Nous avons accompagné plus de 30 projets ! Notre approche est surtout basée sur l'humain et les deux tiers de nos programmes d'incubation sont en one to one. Nous organisons des hackathon dans les universités et des évènements de réseautage régulièrement. Nous avons des partenaires dans l'ensemble de l'écosystème ( industriels, investisseurs, business angels, universités, .. )

Mission and Objectives

Notre mission consiste à permettre aux femmes de s'autonomiser à travers l'entrepreneuriat, et de gagner en leadership
Nous ciblons une vingtaine de femmes par années, et nous souhaitons élargir notre réseau en nous implantons dans d'autres pays voisins.

Main Projects / Activities

nous accompagnons actuellement 10 femmes dans le domaine de la Fashion Tech, nous souhaitons faire monter en compétence les designers pour qu'elles puissent avoir des business innovants et scalables.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous souhaitons :
- créer plus d'opportunités pour les incubées et entrepreneures tunisiennes, principalement celles implantées dans les régions éloignées de la capitale qui ont peu accès aux opportunités qui leur permettent de croitre.
- l'accès aux femmes entrepreneures à un réseau de qualité
- Créer des opportunités d''internationalisation et d'échanges internationaux
- faciliter la montée en compétence des femmes entrepreneurs
- faciliter le changement de mindset des femmes entrepreneurs ( ouverture d'esprit )

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous souhaitons :
- Créer des opportunités d''internationalisation à nos incubées
- permettre à nos équipe de Monter en compétence
- pouvoir échanger nos expériences et notre expertise à l'échelle méditerranéenne

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Co founder
Head of the organisation
Jalel Ben Romdhane
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
CO founder

Laban "Live Lactic Culture"

National Network

Hamra, Spears- Yamout Building.

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Laban operates with a unique structure, integrating both an internal troupe and an administrative body. The troupe consists of over 25 members from diverse backgrounds, including actors, musicians, therapists, and specialists. This team is versatile, capable of fulfilling various roles such as actors, directors, designers, and technicians. In contrast, the administrative body consists of 10 employees strategies and organizes project implementation. Funding is primarily obtained through project-based proposals submitted to partners such as Choose Love, UNDP, and local NGOs like Kafa and Abaad. Laban's yearly budget averages 150.000 to 200.000 USD, supporting concrete projects ranging from art-based activities interventions. Key partners include Choose Love, UNDP, FZFD, Abaad, Kafa, Amel, MCC, and Basmeh & Zeitouni, contributing to the success and impact of Laban's initiatives.

Instagram Page:

Mission and Objectives

Our Mission
Laban is a non-profit civil organisation that was legally established in 2009. We specialise in cultural, artistic, and theater interventions. We believe that these interventions are a social need. This belief has driven us to create space for communication, discussion, and expression that allows members to express their reality without judgment or restriction.

We practice this belief through:
Improvised Theater and its various forms
Playback Theater
Puppet Playback Theater
Theater of the Oppressed
Drama therapy
Expressive Arts
Art-based Creative Thinking

We also often explore and use other interactive theatrical and artistic tools to create safe spaces for dialogue, storytelling, and improvisation. We aim to contribute to advancing civic engagement, promoting freedom of expression, and increasing empathic bonds within and between different communities in Lebanon.

The different forms of theater are used in local communities, schools, universities, rehabilitation centers, hospitals, prisons, and many other settings. The topics can vary from social, political, psychological, or any other emerging themes, with high flexibility in using our formats to cater to the topics and the hosting community.

Our Vision
We strive to build a society that encompasses hope, acceptance, and social justice while guiding our community to freely elevate their imagination and self-expression and criticise their reality with no restriction or fear.

Main Projects / Activities

Choose Love: Laban implemented 24 playback theatre performances in Palestinian and Syrian refugee camps, targeting Palestinian, Syrian and Lebanese, working on social cohesion between refugees and hosting communities. ( 1 year project 2022)

UNDP- VFC-South of Lebanon: Laban implemented 40 activities ( World Cafe, Playback performances, Forum Theater performances, NVC and image theatre workshops and film screening) in 8 different areas in south Lebanon, reaching 1600 beneficiaries. The main objective of this project was to introduce alternative ways of communication between students, teachers and parents. (6 months project 2023)

UNDP-Living of Al Quarantina: Our partnership with UNDP after the Beirut Blast, working with 250 children from Al-Quarantina neighbourhood, with a series of expressive art workshops for self-expression, collective trauma healing. Using art therapy and drama therapy techniques. (1 year project, 2021)

Forum ZFD-OUBOUR project: we have successfully conducted a series of puppet playback theatre performances with 650 children in different schools with a series of expressive art workshops in collaboration with Forum ZFD. This experience has enriched our understanding of how artistic and theatrical techniques can be effectively utilised as tools for engagement, empowerment, and self-expression. (5 years project, 2019-2023)

Basmeh&Zeitooneh: Collaborations with Basmeh&Zeitooneh have involved a diverse range of activities designed for 400 children, including competitive activities, storytelling, music creation, storytelling, dance, and more. These engagements have equipped us with a versatile set of tools and approaches for engaging and nurturing the growth of children in various contexts. (2 days event 2023)

MCC: Collaborations with MCC (Mennonite Central Committee), have involved a diverse range of activities designed for 200 refugee and hosting communities’ children, including theatre, storytelling, music, dance and art plastic. (3 years project, 2023-2025)

Amel Association: Laban had many collaborations with Amel association in many projects,
Laban in 2023 implemented 6 programs of creative thinking, the main objective was to work with humanitarians and teachers to create a new tool (Mobile application, Book…) that can be used to raise awareness on Gender-Based Violence.

Fighters for peace: the collaboration started with series of playback performances “War stories” than developed to implementation of X-games (a demonstrative activity that tackles the extremism and its effects) and an exploratory scripted play “Safe not Sound” that looks at the concept of accountability in the light of the Lebanese civil war. (2016 till 2024).

University of Brunel “Narratives from the margins: motherhood in refuge” :The project initiated with a playback theater training and later expanded into conducting drama therapy sessions at the Chatila camp in Beirut. Initially targeting 20 Syrian refugee women, the program delved into themes such as motherhood in the midst of war and life in refugee camps, as well as the journey of women navigating the refugee experience. Subsequent to the drama therapy program, a scripted play was developed, inspired by the personal narratives of these women. To enhance empowerment, the women underwent training to individually present their stories on stage before an audience, signifying the culmination of their drama therapy journey. The script was already translated into english and is in the process of being disseminated across universities worldwide, for the project to reach its objectives wider, debunking mass media narratives on refugees and women.

Amel Association: Name of the project “Heroes of Change” Across various regions in Lebanon, including Beka'a, South, and Beirut, our initiative has successfully implemented six drama therapy programs. These programs specifically catered to marginalized women and girls who are refugees, as well as members of the hosting communities. Despite diverse backgrounds, these individuals share common experiences of being marginalized women, each grappling with unique challenges evolving around discrimination, abuse and GBV, some of the participants were at protection shelters, others resided at home. Through these programs, participants openly shared their stories, expressing their struggles, pain, dreams, and moments of happiness. The transformative impact of the drama therapy sessions is evident as these individuals not only learned to articulate their experiences but also gained awareness of their rights and discovered avenues for empowerment. The outcome of these sessions were short plays, readings, short movies and a booklet documenting these stories and sharing them within the local community to raise sensitivity and awareness on women's mental health.

Abaad: “Jina Al Dar” project : Over the past three years, our community-driven project has successfully executed a series of 100 playback theater performances, reaching out to over 3,600 Syrian refugees and marginalized Lebanese women in various camps and villages across Lebanon. Our initiative involves actively listening to their narratives and skillfully reenacting them on stage, with a particular emphasis on addressing issues related to gender-based violence and promoting women's empowerment. Our intervention happens as part of a holistic approach led by Abaad team on awareness sessions and workshops targeting the same groups. the Playback performance allows the team of Abaad to assess the needs of the group and create comfort in addressing topics such as SRHR and GBV.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In contributing to the Network in our country, we offer a unique approach centred around empowering young voices and marginalised communities through narrative-based tools, particularly theatre. Our mission aligns closely with the Network's goals, as we aim to combat extremist discourses and radicalization by fostering open, inclusive, and resilient communities. By providing platforms for young people to share their stories and perspectives, we contribute to building a culture based on dialogue and exchange, which is essential for creating more empathetic and inclusive societies.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We seek to join the ALF Network because of our shared commitment to fostering inclusive and empathetic societies through dialogue, understanding, and cultural exchange. Our organisation's mission, centred around empowering marginalised voices and combating extremist narratives, resonates deeply with the objectives of the ALF Network.
Through our work using narrative-based tools, particularly theatre, we have witnessed the transformative power of storytelling in promoting understanding and tolerance. Joining the ALF Network would provide us with valuable opportunities to collaborate with like-minded organisations and individuals across the region, exchange best practices, and amplify our impact.

Contact (1) Full Name
Farah Wardani
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Farah Wardani
Contact (2) Full Name
Magida El Hachem
Job Title (2)
Programs Manager

Draw Your Dream

National Network

4elsabren st tora elmaadi
Cairo Governorate

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

VISION Reaching a more educated society and creating creative spaces for children and girls and boys in addition to enabling women economically to increase the productive and creative capabilities of society.

Mission and Objectives

Mission Draw your dream foundation is a nonprofit foundation working in marginalized in Cairo and creating creative spaces for children and girls and boys, providing spaces to show their ideas. In addition to enabling women enabling women economically through providing training opportunities on skills and hand crafts their increase their capabilities.

Main Projects / Activities

Activity training workshops for volunteers on awareness against harassment An awareness raising event in Talaat Harb Square on sexual harassment An awareness raising event in El Gaish St., on sexual harassment Train 50 volunteer students (Cairo University) on sexual harassment Training administrative staff about harassment Train volunteers on sexual harassment An awareness event within the vicinity of Talaat Harb Square, the cinemas area, on the concept of harassment and punishment in Egyptian law Community development program for children and their families

Contact (1) Full Name
Neama Riad
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Neama Riad
Contact (2) Full Name
Mahmoud Abd Elrahman
Job Title (2)
Financial Manager

Casa do Brasil de Lisboa

National Network

Rua Luz Soriano, 42
1200-248 Lisboa

+351 213 400 000
Telephone (other)
+351 935 141 813
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Casa do Brasil de Lisboa (CBL) is a non-profit association of immigrants, founded in January 1992 by Brazilians living in Portugal and Portuguese friends of Brazil and is open to all nationalities. Since its foundation, CBL has been active in reflecting and implementing public policies, assuming a fundamental role in activism and demanding egalitarian policies for immigrant communities in Portugal. We develop projects with actions that aim to promote equal access to rights and services for immigrants. In addition to social intervention and activism work, we promote the appreciation of multiculturalism, interculturality and integration through culture.

Mission and Objectives

Equal Opportunities Equal Rights and Social Justice Interculturality and Integration

Main Projects / Activities

Gabinete de Orientação e Encaminhamento (GOE) GOE is part of the CLAIM network (Local Support Center for the Integration of Migrants), a partner with the Lisbon City Council within the scope of the PMIML - Lisbon Municipal Migrant Plan 2018-2020, and offers guidance and referral with regard to regularization and legalization in Portugal, as well as access to public and private services, such as: health, education, justice, social security, among others. The office also provides information on labor rights and other issues related to the integration of Brazilian immigrants and other nationalities in Portugal. The GOE - Guidance and Referral Office has been financed, since January 2017, by the FAMI - Fund for Asylum, Migration and Integration, managed by the ACM - High Commission for Migrations. In addition to GOE at its headquarters in Lisbon, we provide service at the Cascais Store on Tuesdays and Fridays from 10am to 1pm, as part of the partnership with Cascais City Council. Gabinete de Apoio ao Emprego (GAE) The Employment Support Office (GAE) at Casa do Brasil in Lisbon provides support to unemployed young people and adults on their path to professional insertion or reintegration and/or training. Among the activities carried out by GAE are the preparation of CVs and job search techniques, dissemination and referral to job and qualification offers and guidance on measures to support entrepreneurship. The office also establishes partnerships with companies and training entities that use its free recruitment support services for job and training offers. Service at GAE is in person and free, by prior appointment which can be requested by calling 213 400 000 and 935 141 813, by email at or in person at Rua Luz Soriano, 42, Lisbon. Grupo Acolhida The Acolhida Group has been held by Casa do Brasil in Lisbon since 2012 and consists of weekly meetings of the Mutual Aid Group. Acolhida Group has the concept of group work, a space for conversations, sharing information and experiences, since the shared experience reduces isolation, provides reflection and increases the chances of overcoming difficulties through the solidarity network that is formed. Meetings are held every Wednesday from 4pm to 5:30pm and no prior registration is required. The Acolhida Group is an activity of the Sinergias Project – What unites us? Participatory Methodologies and Integration of NPTs, financed by FAMI (Fund for Asylum, Migration and Integration) managed by ACM (High Commission for Migration). Ciclo de Sessões Informativas With specific themes, the Cycle of Information Sessions complement the work carried out by the Mutual Aid Group, as it is a space for more specific information regarding rights and duties. There are informative sessions with topics such as: Regularization in Portugal; Rights and Duties of immigrants, Portuguese Nationality; Access to Health; Workers' Rights and Duties and Women's Migration. The Cycle of Information Sessions is an activity of the Sinergias Project – What unites us? Participatory Methodologies and Integration of the NPTs, financed by the Fund for Asylum, Migration and Integration - FAMI, managed by the High Commission for Migration - ACM.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Casa Do Brasil de Lisboa, due to its history in the fight for the promotion and equality of the rights of migrant people in Portugal, has extensive experience in projects and support for reception and integration, which has generated, over the 32 years of activity, the construction of a network of associations, collectives and public and private institutions that work in the field of migration and social inclusion in Portugal.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To expand the network of contacts and possibilities of working in partnership with associations in other territories, enhancing projects and programs already developed.

Contact (1) Full Name
Cyntia de Paula
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Cyntia de Paula
Contact (2) Full Name
Victor Costa Hastenreiter
Job Title (2)
Senior Project Technician


National Network

Largo José Afonso, Casa do Largo - Pousada da Juventude s/n, Sala das Associações
2900-650 Setubal

351 928023092
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Youth and education
General Information

We are a regional Youth NGO, from the district of Setubal, developing mostly educational projects, though Non-Formalsessions with and at schools, in topics such as Human Rights, Political and Financial literacy, sustainable development and on the European Institutions, with fundings from smale scale grants, such as in the DEAR program. We work regularly with the European Parliament, Local, Regional, and National authorities, as a way to make sure the needs and wants of young people reach those taking the decisions, and vice-versa, as well as with Europe Direct AML, and IPDJ, portuguese Youth And Sports Institute.

Mission and Objectives

Capacitate and empower the youngsters, so that they can better be involved in society and in the decisions that afect their lives.

Main Projects / Activities

Y4C goes to school, project we started last year, in the topic of the european elections. So far around 1000 youngsters partecipated in the sessions. Youth Story, building policy recomendactions based on auscultactions actions, in schools, and in street actions.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

It is our point of view that we can contribute to the Network in various ways. First of all, by being a young NGO, from a region where we are really lacking them, we have gained powerful insights in the importance of CSO in creating and ensuring Intercultural Dialogue. We are very active, be it in the sessions we are conducting, but also in participating in other networks events, and we would surely mark presence in the ones from this Network. Last but not least, we are skilled in non-formal education, and well connected with relevant stakeholders, which can be very valuable for the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the network because we identify with its priorities, see it as a powerful networking tool, to create meaningful partnerships and capacitate our members, with the high quality work developed by this network. We want to contribute to it and ensure that it is active and going well in Portugal, as we recognize the huge importance of networks such as this in ensuring meaningful intercultural dialogue and youth participation. Lastly, we see it as a funding opportunity, to better allow us to reach a higher number of youngsters, and to better work with them.

Contact (1) Full Name
João Manuel Nunes Brás
Job Title
Head of the organisation
João Brás
Contact (2) Full Name
Diogo May
Job Title (2)
President of general assembly


National Network

Avenue Taib Mhiri 8060
Beni Khiar

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

“AVEC” is a cultural, non-governmental organization founded in 2015 based in
Nabeul,Tunisia. Our organization mainly focuses on Volunteering Mobilities,
Active citizenship, Entrepreneurship, Social and Solidary Economy, Gender
issues, Women Empowerment , Culture, Environment and Health

Mission and Objectives

To contribute to the building of a cultural bridge between Tunisian and Euro-
Mediterranean youth for exchange of knowledge, experiences, and access to other
- To contribute to expanding principles and values of democracy.
- To strengthen the relationships between Tunisian and Euro-Mediterranean youth
- To establish youth exchange programs.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2015 “AVEC” has been working on different projects’ experiences. Our staff is
used to coordinate, implement, develop and monitor youth projects in non-formal
education at local and international levels.
We have coordinated and participated in several KA1-KA2 projects
*Youth Exchange : “Young GreEntrepreneurs”
Evora, Portugal
5-12 January 2023
The coronavirus pandemic is a wake-up call to stop exceeding the planet’s limits. We
need to shift from industrial to more eco-friendly economy to reverse the climate
crisis. Doing so will enhance balance between economic growth and environmental
protection, will bring profit and create jobs, and improve wellbeing in both rural and
urban communities worldwide. The “Young GreEntrepreneurs” project aims at
supporting green entrepreneurial skills development among youngsters from
Portugal, Ireland, Georgia and Tunisia via exploring social entrepreneurial ideas,
which has a positive effect on the natural environment and at the same time is
financially sustainable.
*Training courseE: BE HUMAN
Alicante, Spain
22-28 May 2022
The countries involved in the project are: Egypt, Greece, Italy, Czech Republic,
Algeria, Turkey, Tunisia, Spain and UK.
Its aim is to train a group of young people to become an active group of youth
workers. The project is the fusion of the past, the present and the future. The profile
of the participants is youth workers who want to learn more about human rights and
activities related to them, to acquire the qualities of active youth work.
-Develop a work plan which they can follow in their work.
-To learn about human rights.

-Promote the creativity of the participants to improve their results.
-Secure a future group of workers aware of the importance of human rights. -Share
and learn exercises and activities used in the youth field.
-Create an "E-BOOK" that youth workers can use for their activities and workshops.
13 -22 JULY 2022
The main objective of the project is to develop the key transversal competences (
knowledge,attitutes and aptitudes) of 44 youth workers and young leaders from
European, Medittereanean and Caucasian countries. The training aims at supporting
them on how to take initiative and start their own youth projects linked to the topic
of Urban Agriculture, by developing their personal and professional skills,enhancing
their active participation on the social level as responsible citizens. Hence, this
training would increase their employability and better their work quality.

*Local environmental project :CLEAN,CREATE,EDUCATE
This project involves 24 volunteers working for one month. They realize a project of
common interest and public utility. The volunteers are deeply involved in this project
by participating in the cleaning of the beaches,animating recycling workshops and
raising the public awareness by implementing dissemination actions.
* Capacity building in the field of youth :LEAR2VOLUNTEER(2021-2022)

E-learning is an efficient means for ensuring the volunteers to develop their
competences all along their ESC project. It is also a suitable way toget engaged into
a continuous and easy-to-achieve learning process in order to enhance their skills,
optimize their role within the host community, and find their career way.
Moreover, the e-learning can be an efficient tool to support mentors, trainers and
supervisors of the volunteers. For these reasons, in 2017, we created an online
platform ( which includes online trainings to support
European volunteers.
In this context, we organized and coordinated this CBY project to improve this
platform and continue to meet the needs of the future volunteers and the priorities
of European Solidarity Corps’ program.
We cooperated with our partners engaged in the ESC programme, coming from 5
EuroMed countries: Tunisia, Turkey, Jordan, Greece and Italy. Together we launched
a project based on our experience and made up of diverse & complementary
activities for 20 months, centred on the topic of on-line educational support for the
ESC volunteers.
The main objective of our project is to enhance the adoption of innovative practices
from youth workers related to European volunteers, by developing personalized,
collaborative and accessible learning approaches for all young beneficiaries of
European Solidarity Corps projects.

* AFAC 2021-2022
We coordinated this project aiming to join our strengths to rejoice the conversations
and collectively build an infrastructure for alternative film dissemination across the
Global South. We are specifically interested in the following topics:
● Mapping grass-root media individuals, collectives, initiatives and spaces in their
respective contexts, particularly where
funding for independent cultural initiatives is absent
● Understanding the economic conditions of alternative media practices in a
postcolonial context and neo-colonial environments
● Delving into vulnerable practices of archiving
● Locating and understanding censorship’s history and its

Contact (1) Full Name
Wided Ghadhoun
Head of the organisation
Adel Slama

مسرح الثلاجة

National Network

بيت عوا \ جسر السوق
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

تم تأسيس مسرح الثلاجة في يونيو 2019. مسرح الثلاجة هو مسرح دمى متنقل متخصص للأطفال والكبار. تأسس
مسرح الثلاجة في بلدة بيت عوا في مدينة الخليل، هذه البلدة التي تعتبر من البلدات والقرى المهمشة في فلسطين حيث
تحدها المستوطنات والجدار من ثلاث جهات، وتفتقر كثيرا للنشاطات الثقافية والترفيهية، حيث لا يوجد في البلدة او
البلدات المجاورة أي متنفس للأطفال سوى الشارع، لا يوجد حدائق عامة او خاصة، او متنزهات ولا حتى ملعب او
نوادي او مكتبة، وتكاد تكون ثقافة المسرح معدومة في هذه البلدة والقري المجاورة ، .
لذا تم تأسيس هذا المسرح في هذه البلدة وهو مسرح دمى يعالج قضايا مجتمعية تربوية ونفسية يعمل في فلسطين وقراها
ومدنها ومخيماتها. يقدم هذا المسرح عروضه وخدماته داخل المدارس والغرف الصفية وفي الساحات والشوارع
والحدائق ويقدم رسالته بشكل سلس وترفيهي قريبة من المجتمع وثقافته.
تأتي رغبة مؤسسي وإدارة المسرح في تحديد مقر المسرح في بيت عوا، لرغبتهم في إنشاء بنية ثقافية في المنطقة وفي
القرى المجاورة، وتأكيد الجذور الثقافية مع الانفتاح على جميع الأشكال الثقافية، حيث يتم التعامل مع الموضوعات
المجتمعية السائدة بطريقة المسرح والدمى. علماً بأننا مسرح متنقل ويجوب كافة مدن الضفة الغربية والقدس والداخل
المحتل ضمن جولات عروض يتم تنظيمها بشكل دوري. وتم تأسيس مسرح الثلاجة بالتعاون مع بلدية بيت عوا وبالتعاون مع مسرح رويال ماريونيت
البلجيكي الذي يعمل بنفس التقنية التي يعمل بها مسرح الثلاجة، ونوع الدمى والديكور المستخدم في العروض.
يهدف مسرح الثلاجة الى رفع مستوى السلام الداخلي لدى الأطفال الفلسطينيين في محافظة الخليل وفي فلسطين بشكل
عام وتنمية روح الإبداع لديهم. كما ويهدف المسرح الى الاسهام في رفع القدرات الابداعية لدى هؤلاء الأطفال الى جانب
التفكير الناقد وتعزيز دور المسرح في المجتمع الفلسطيني.
يقدم مسرح الثلاجة عروض مسرحية لكافة الفئات العمرية في كافة محافظات الوطن وخارج الوطن، وكذلك يقدم ورشات
صناعة افلام صور متحركة (انيميشن) للأطفال والكبار، ويقدم عروض حكايات شعبية.

Mission and Objectives

تم تأسيس مسرح الثلاجة في يونيو 2019. مسرح الثلاجة هو مسرح دمى متنقل متخصص للأطفال والكبار. تأسس
مسرح الثلاجة في بلدة بيت عوا في مدينة الخليل، هذه البلدة التي تعتبر من البلدات والقرى المهمشة في فلسطين حيث
تحدها المستوطنات والجدار من ثلاث جهات، وتفتقر كثيرا للنشاطات الثقافية والترفيهية، حيث لا يوجد في البلدة او
البلدات المجاورة أي متنفس للأطفال سوى الشارع، لا يوجد حدائق عامة او خاصة، او متنزهات ولا حتى ملعب او
نوادي او مكتبة، وتكاد تكون ثقافة المسرح معدومة في هذه البلدة والقري المجاورة ، .
لذا تم تأسيس هذا المسرح في هذه البلدة وهو مسرح دمى يعالج قضايا مجتمعية تربوية ونفسية يعمل في فلسطين وقراها
ومدنها ومخيماتها. يقدم هذا المسرح عروضه وخدماته داخل المدارس والغرف الصفية وفي الساحات والشوارع
والحدائق ويقدم رسالته بشكل سلس وترفيهي قريبة من المجتمع وثقافته.
تأتي رغبة مؤسسي وإدارة المسرح في تحديد مقر المسرح في بيت عوا، لرغبتهم في إنشاء بنية ثقافية في المنطقة وفي
القرى المجاورة، وتأكيد الجذور الثقافية مع الانفتاح على جميع الأشكال الثقافية، حيث يتم التعامل مع الموضوعات
المجتمعية السائدة بطريقة المسرح والدمى. علماً بأننا مسرح متنقل ويجوب كافة مدن الضفة الغربية والقدس والداخل
المحتل ضمن جولات عروض يتم تنظيمها بشكل دوري. وتم تأسيس مسرح الثلاجة بالتعاون مع مسرح رويال ماريونيت
البلجيكي الذي يعمل بنفس التقنية التي يعمل بها مسرح الثلاجة، ونوع الدمى والديكور المستخدم في العروض.
يهدف مسرح الثلاجة الى رفع مستوى السلام الداخلي لدى الأطفال الفلسطينيين في محافظة الخليل وفي فلسطين بشكل
عام وتنمية روح الإبداع لديهم. كما ويهدف المسرح الى الاسهام في رفع القدرات الابداعية لدى هؤلاء الأطفال الى جانب
التفكير الناقد وتعزيز دور المسرح في المجتمع الفلسطيني.
يقدم مسرح الثلاجة عروض مسرحية لكافة الفئات العمرية في كافة محافظات الوطن وخارج الوطن، وكذلك يقدم ورشات
صناعة افلام صور متحركة (انيميشن) للأطفال والكبار، ويقدم عروض حكايات شعبية.

Main Projects / Activities

عروض مسرحية عائلية
عروض حكايات شعبية
ورش تصنيع انواع مختلفة من الدمى
ورش صناعة افلام انيميشن مع فذات عمرية مختلفة
وجود مكتبة عامة للمسرح يرتادها اطفال المنطقة بشكل دوري

Contact (1) Full Name
ديانا رمضان عبد الهادي السويطي
Job Title
مؤسسة ومديرة المسرح
Head of the organisation
ديانا سويطي

جمعية بصمتك للبيئة وتثمين الواحات والتنمية المستدامة

National Network

11021 In Salah

+213 029373489
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

• الإسم الكامل للجمعية: جمعية بصمتك للبيئة وتثمين الواحات والتنمية المستدامة
• رقم وتاريخ اعتماد الجمعية : 04/2012 - 10/01/2012
• شعار الجمعية : مبادرة ... تعاون ... بيئة أفضل
• مجال النشاط : البيئة والتنمية المستدامة
• الفئات المستهدفة : جميع فئات المجتمع
• المقر: ايقسطن ولاية عين صالح
• إسم ولقب رئيس الجمعية 2020-2025 : فراجي محمد بن فراجي
• رقم الهاتف والبريد الالكتروني للرئيس: 0666053656 / @ /
• البريد الالكتروني للجمعية:
• اهداف الجمعية :
01- العمل على ترسيخ مفهوم سلامة البيئة والمحيط والنظافة الجوارية.
02- حماية الموروث الطبيعي والتنوع البيولوجي والبيئي.
03- القيام بحملات التشجير والتزيين والبستنة .
04- المحافظة على المناطق الرطبة ،والحيوانات البرية.
05- تأسيس النوادي النوادي البيئية بالمدارس التربوية والشبانية وترقيتها.
06- المحافظة على الموروث الثقافي للمنطقة.
07- القيام بحملات تحسيسية وتنظيم دورات تكوينية في المجال البيئي والثقافي.
08- تثمين الواحات بالحفاظ على النخلة والمنظومة الواحاتية.
09- العمل على ترقية واستخدام الطاقات المتجددة .
10- ترشيد استغلال المياه ونشر ثقافة الحفاظ عليه.
11- المشاركة في المهرجانات والملتقيات والمعارض الثقافية والشبانية .
12- إعداد ونشر بحوث وندوات ومحاضرات بيئية.
13- القيام بخرجات ورحلات دراسية استكشافية وسياحية.
14- ترسيخ السلوك البيئي عن طريق شبكة الانترنت خاصة وسائط "التواصل الإجتماعي".
15- الإعداد والقيام بنشاطات ثقافية وسياحية( جمع ادوات تراثية ،تشجيع الحرف التقليدية .
16- القيام بحملات تطوعية للحد من ظاهرة التصحر الناتجة عن زحف الرمال.
• رؤية الجمعية:
في ظل العمل الجمعوي التطوعي وتحقيقا لأهداف التنمية المستدامة ندرك أن الاستدامة البيئية تستهدف الحفاظ على البيئة ومواردها والحد من التاثير السلبي عليها.
من هنا رؤيتنا أن نكون نموذجا رائدا لمنظمات المجتمع المدني في مجال العمل البيئي التنموي المستدام.
• رسالتنا :
تقديم أفضل الممارسات والتدخلات التنموية المستدامة لمختلف شرائح المجتمع بكفاءة وفعالية عالية.
• شعارنا : مبادرة ... تعاون ... بيئة أفضل

Mission and Objectives

• اهداف الجمعية :
01- العمل على ترسيخ مفهوم سلامة البيئة والمحيط والنظافة الجوارية.
02- حماية الموروث الطبيعي والتنوع البيولوجي والبيئي.
03- القيام بحملات التشجير والتزيين والبستنة .
04- المحافظة على المناطق الرطبة ،والحيوانات البرية.
05- تأسيس النوادي النوادي البيئية بالمدارس التربوية والشبانية وترقيتها.
06- المحافظة على الموروث الثقافي للمنطقة.
07- القيام بحملات تحسيسية وتنظيم دورات تكوينية في المجال البيئي والثقافي.
08- تثمين الواحات بالحفاظ على النخلة والمنظومة الواحاتية.
09- العمل على ترقية واستخدام الطاقات المتجددة .
10- ترشيد استغلال المياه ونشر ثقافة الحفاظ عليه.
11- المشاركة في المهرجانات والملتقيات والمعارض الثقافية والشبانية .
12- إعداد ونشر بحوث وندوات ومحاضرات بيئية.
13- القيام بخرجات ورحلات دراسية استكشافية وسياحية.
14- ترسيخ السلوك البيئي عن طريق شبكة الانترنت خاصة وسائط "التواصل الإجتماعي".
15- الإعداد والقيام بنشاطات ثقافية وسياحية( جمع ادوات تراثية ،تشجيع الحرف التقليدية .
16- القيام بحملات تطوعية للحد من ظاهرة التصحر الناتجة عن زحف الرمال.

Main Projects / Activities

- مشروع : التربية البيئية في المدارس التربوية تمويل مديرية الشباب والرياضة لولاية تمنراست2014.
- مشروع : "السياحة البيئية الشبانية"من تمويل مديرية الشباب والرياضة لولاية تمنراست2016.
- مشروع : "تنظيف وصيانة الخنادق وتجميع المياه المستعملة بالبساتين القديمة" بقرية ايقسطن. من تمويل الإتحاد الدولي لصون الطبيعة 2015-2017.في إطار برنامج ppi-oscan
- مشروع : "دور الانشطة العلمية للشباب في تثمين الواحات "2020 من تمويل وزارة الشباب والرياضة.
- مشروع : "السياحة الواحاتية من اجل التنمية المستدامة "من تمويل وزارة الشباب والرياضة للموسم 2022.
- إتفاقية شراكة مع الوكالة الوطنية للنفايات 2020 .
- المشاركة في ملتقيات ومعارض وطنية ودولية في مجال البيئة والتنمية المستدامة حضوريا وعن بعد .
- الجمعية عضو بالاتحاد العربي للمنظمات غير الحكومية 2023-2024-2025.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

* يمكن التعريف بانشطة المؤسسة
* المشاركة في ايجاد حلول لاشكلات مجتمعية
* تقديم اقتراحات ومشورات من اجل التنمية المستدامة

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

انطلاقا من اهداف الجمعية وانشطتها نسعى دائما الى العمل على التشابك الجمعوي للنا نؤمن انه يؤسس لعلل جمعوي محترف وفعال

Contact (1) Full Name
‪Mohamed Faradji‬‏
Job Title
استاذ تعليم ثانوي
Head of the organisation
فراجي محمد
Contact (2) Full Name
فيصل عبد السلام
Job Title (2)
مربي مختص للشباب والرياضة

جمعية سوا على الجنة للتنمية ورعاية الفئات الخاصة

National Network

3 ح محمود شعلان من شارع المشروع من شارع الاقصر - المنيرة الغربية - الجيزة

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

نحن جمعية سوا على الجنة للتنمية ورعاية الفئات الخاصة مشهرة برقم 3645 لسنة 2010 وذات نفع عام بقرار رئاسة مجلس الوزراء رقم 1484 لسنة 2018

Mission and Objectives

تدريب الشباب على متطلبات سوق العمل
السعي الى تطوير وبناء قدرات الشباب
تنميه مهارات وقدرات المرأة وخاصه المرأة المعيلة
تنميه مهارات التفكير والابداع واسلوب حل المشكلات للأطفال والشباب
تثقيف وتوعية الشباب تجاه الوطن والمجتمع بما له من حقوق وما عليه من واجبات.
فصول محو الامية
ندوات توعية وارشادية لعلاج الادمان
دمج ذوي القدرات الخاصة بالمجتمع من اجل ان يصبحوا منتجين

Main Projects / Activities

المساعدات الاجتماعية
الدفاع الاجتماعي
حماية البيئة المحافظة عليها
أصحاب المعاشات
التنظيم والإدارة
الفئات الخاصة والمعاقين
الخدمات التعليمية
رعاية الطفولة والأمومة
الخدمات الثقافية والعلمية والدينية
تنظيم الاسرة
الخدمات الصحية
التنمية الاقتصادية
النشاط الأدبي
حماية المستهلك
رعاية المسجونين واثارهم
الصداقة بين الشعوب
حقوق الانسان
رعاية الاسرة
رعاية الشيخوخة

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

المساعدة في الوصول للفئات المستفيدة للمشاريع الخاصة بالشبكة وتنفيذ مشاريع مشتركة ندوات توعية للشباب وكل ما يطلب من الجمعية ضمن اهداف الجمعية

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لتعزيز فريق عمل الجمعية والاستفادة من خبرة الشبة والتعرف علي المؤسسات خارج جمهورية مصر وامكانية المشاركة معهم

Contact (1) Full Name
سيدة محمود بيومي
Job Title
رئيس مجلس الادارة
Head of the organisation
سيدة محمود بيومي محمد
Contact (2) Full Name
محمد عبدالله محمد العربي
Job Title (2)
موظف حسابات