Making research, good practices, learning activities and events on intercultural dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean accessible to everyone.

Good Practice

Mediterranean Citizen Journalism Workshops Web Arts Resistances

Good Practice Illustration

For its 15th anniversary, Babelmed presented the W.A.R project and its new platform as well as the first videos produced by the Tabasco Video team, documenting a choice of citizen and artistic experiences in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d´Azur region. We were also given the opportunity to open registrations to young citizen journalists wishing to participate in the Marseille editorial staff hosted by Tabasco Video and Babelmed. The latter, formed in September 2016, was responsible for supplying the W.A.R platform with videos and multimedia content centered on the theme of the project, it gave access to three training sessions. The deadline to participate in this essay and its three workshops (two in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d´Azur region, one in Rome) was set for July 22, 2016.

The project is based on the collective: "Doing together".

To allow participants' involvement in the realization of the project, during the video workshops, we implemented training-action devices in which we did not do "instead", but "with" the participants.

Introductory training in filming and sound, "shot-editing", interview techniques, reporting, editing were set up throughout the project in order to train participants in audiovisual techniques. .

For this workshop we have formed a group of 6 active participants. These people were selected by Tabasco Video in collaboration with BabelMed.

The realization of video workshops allowed:

- to stimulate creativity: this is about federating the group and installing a climate of trust and freedom in order to promote a multiplicity of ideas, which have not been all taken up, but which has shown that the field of possible subjects is vast.

- to put the frames: making a film means communicating so that others can watch it, so you can't just do anything. It is therefore a question of setting the limits and providing a framework in which creativity evolves: learning the camera, notion of shot, shot, off-shot, sound.

- learn to think through the audiovisual media: our society floods us with images that we rarely decode. Audiovisual language is writing as such. The participatory video made it possible to go to the other side of the mirror, to learn to think about the image, to decode the underlying discourses, to build one's own speech.