تثمين التنوع!
لتسليط الضوء على التنوع كمورد، وزيادة الوعي بوجود الاختلاف في كل مكان وضرورة احترامه والاعتزاز به كمصدر ثراء وليس كتهديد، "الاختلاف ثروة والتنوّع كنز".
Making research, good practices, learning activities and events on intercultural dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean accessible to everyone.
In this section you will find publications, events, good practices, learning activities and resource people in relation to mobility, migration and intercultural cities in the EuroMed region.
لتسليط الضوء على التنوع كمورد، وزيادة الوعي بوجود الاختلاف في كل مكان وضرورة احترامه والاعتزاز به كمصدر ثراء وليس كتهديد، "الاختلاف ثروة والتنوّع كنز".
Poverty in the modern world is a topic that is talked about, written about, discussed and fought on every day on all meridians. Poverty as a global problem is especially actualized by the problems of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the...
Thematic report entitled "The Human Rights Situation of Criminal Offenses Perpetrators with an Emphasis on the Resocialization of Prisoners" was created as a result of a research conducted by the House of Human Rights Zagreb, as part of the project...
This project was organised by the Anna Lindh Foundation National Network member Adyan Foundation (Lebanon) in the
This project was organised by the Anna Lindh Foundation National Network member Kulttuurikameleontit ry - Cultural
This project was organised by the Anna Lindh Foundation National Network member Development
The project organized by the Association Agir Ensemble (Morocco) in the framework of the Anna Lindh Foundation Intercultural Cities Programme, aims to better understand living together in intercult
This project was organised by the Anna Lindh Foundation National Network members System and Generation
This project has been organized by the Anna Lindh Foundation National Network member Candid Foundation (Germany)