National Network
North Macedonia

Niko Fundali 18/33
7000 Bitola
North Macedonia

+389 70 20 41 94
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

ESTIMAS’s organizational structure is composed of Assembly, legally authorized representative – President, and administrator. The work of the organization is also supported by an Advisory board composed of well known and internationally positioned researchers, academics and policy makers. Currently, we have 3 full time employees, but rich with a network of partners composed of more than 20 organizations. Our main funding partners are NED, US Government, European governments, EU, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Wilfried Martens Center, and etc. Our modalities of actions involve concrete projects (mainly research based), exchanges, seminars, trainings, scholarships, fellowships and etc. We are happy that we collaborate with relevant and impactful organizations such as ELIAMEP (Greece), Belgrade Security Forum (Serbia), Cooperation and Development Institute (Albania), the Association of International Relations (Czechia) and others.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to set up and develop the first globally-recognized knowledge brand in the country and the broader region. We strive to challenge the existing standards in the area of knowledge creation and exchange and to define new ones alongside catalyzing the European integration of the Western Balkan countries. We work with a roster of experts which includes some of the most knowledgeable and qualified people in their areas, hired upon assignment. That way we guarantee that our clients and communities receive state-of-the-art knowledge, delivered by the lead experts in the region, without improvisation. Our knowledge base is related to the EU, China and the Western Balkans and delivered in accordance with three pillars, based on the specific knowledge sharing and delivery modality: Knowledge Excellence, Knowledge In Action and Language Excellence.

Main Projects / Activities

Up to date we have successfully implemented several projects related to assessing China's impact on national governance systems, enhancing policy-makers capacity to understand China and deliver evidence-based policy interventions, strengthening transparency and oversight over Chinese activities through civic engagement and invigorated policy debate, as well as integrating a values-based approach in national China-related policies. Our current EU related portfolio consists of numerous implemented projects which have helped to better understand the EU's position in terms of the Western Balkan region and North Macedonia, as well as to familiarize relevant stakeholders with the EU’s financial support mechanisms. We particularly excel in the area of analyzing and countering disinformation and propaganda, focusing predominantly on the geopolitically motivated influence operations by Russia and China where we have significantly contributed to the up-scaling of the capacities of media professionals and civil society. Our unique blend of expertise in the areas of foreign policy and communications, alongside our developed network of associates and contacts, makes us a credible partner to deliver solid results at this critical juncture for North Macedonia’s future.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ESTIMA can contribute by sharing its first hand knowledge and expertise in research and advocacy related to China and its geopolitical positioning, European integrations, enhancing journalists' skills in reporting and debunking misinformation / propaganda, fight against corruption and fostering the multiculturalism across Europe, Africa and beyond.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We see on ALF as an unique opportunity and platform to connect with relevant civic organizations, passionate for change and hungry to explore new ideas, methodologies and initiatives that can preserve and enhance the democratic and multiculturalism principles worldwide, simultaneously offering evidence based research and appraisals documents, in line with the communities' real needs. In addition, we strive to promote ESTIMA's work worldwide, inducing Europe and MENA regions and start making impact with relevant partners from these parts of the world, alongside expanding our portfolio and learn from others as ALF brings civic actors from around the world and from various strata of the society on one place.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ana Krstinovska
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ana Krstinovska

الجمعية المغربية النصر والتيسير لمغاربة العالم

National Network

شقة 3 عمارة بوحميد
سيدي واصل

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

تعمل الجمعية من أجل تعزيز قيم الحوار والتنوع الثقافي بين مغاربة العالم وعلى الإحتفال بالثقافات المتعددة للمغاربة وتقوية القدرات فيي محال الحوار بين الثقافات

Mission and Objectives

تيسير التمتع بالحقوق الثقافية
الوساطة بين الثقافات
التربية على المواطنة متعددة الثقافات

Main Projects / Activities

الإحتفال باليوم الوطني للمهاجر
الأيام الثقافية للتنوع
ورشات تكوينية في مجال الحوار والوساطة بين الثقافات

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

تتماشى أهداف الجمعية مع الأهداف العامة للشبكة المغربية لمؤسسة أنا ليند

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لأننا نؤمن بالعمل في إطار التشبيك

Contact (1) Full Name
حميد بن عزي
Job Title
Head of the organisation
حميد بن عزي
Contact (2) Full Name
لطيفة الزيواني
Job Title (2)
كاتبة عامة

A World of Neighbours

National Network

Cabralstraat 1
1057 CD Amsterdam

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

A World of Neighbours Stichting is an European NGO, based in the Netherlands. Led by Network Director Rikko Voorberg (parttime), assisted by a coördinator and communications manager (both parttime), several free-lance workers (video, fundraising, digital platform and Young AWoN). Almost 60 volunteers are part of the AWoN Team investing in vision, mission, mutual support, sharing best practices and more. Main funder is Church of Sweden, assisted by Lutheran World Federation, HIAS and Islamic Relief Worldwide. Our budget is about € 200.000 per year. Projects are: Practitioner support operations, Annual Meeting, Learning & Exchange, Network Expansion & National Networks, Monitoring & Evaluation, Young AWoN and AWoN Connect Platform. We host Montly Learning & Exchange Events, on-call Help My Case Meetings, Research Projects on Practitioner Practices, Annual Summit and more.

Mission and Objectives

A World of Neighbours envisions convivenz (living together) in a diverse, humane and welcoming Europe. A society which is mutually transformative in its relationship between receiving communities, people on the Move, practitioners and broader society.

A World of Neighbours’ mission is to empower practitioners through maintaining an interreligious and cross sectoral peer-to-peer support network of practitioners. A World of Neighbours fosters a 'community of practice' among those working on the front lines of accompaniment of people on the move, and social cohesion.

Strategic Goals
1: Provision of mutual support and collaboration amongst practitioners in support of people on the move
2: Enabling influence and advocacy to effect change by and for people on the move and practitioners

Strategic Objectives
1: Build collaboration and partnership between practitioners at both Local and European level
2: Build capacity & skills of practitioners through sharing knowledge and good practice
3: Creating a structure by which practitioners can empower each other and provide mutual care and support
4: Reduce xenophobia amongst receiving communities
5: Improve rights for, and public policy towards people on the move

Main Projects / Activities

1. Support for Practitioners
2. Knowledge program (Learning & Exchange)
3. The Annual 'Summit'.
4. Network Expansion and National Networking.
5. Young AWoN
6. Monitoring and Evaluation
7. AWoN Connect Platform

1. Support to Practitioners.
An important element of supporting Practitioners are the Home Groups. A 15 week program with 6 plenary calls and dozens of individual calls where training, peer support, sharing promising practices and exploring collaborations are central. Staff and board support the practitioners in their work and personal challenges. For the future, this includes training practitioners in fundraising and establishing and/or contributing to national networks.

2. Knowledge Program (Learning & Exchange).
A program with monthly webinars, Help-My-Case Meetings and supporting research-based practices. Lectures cover AWoN's Research Team, the vision and work of the Practitioners themselves. There is also room for current topics such as the new Migration Pact, Humanitarian Corridors and the new Rwanda Politics in the UK or how to talk to young people about the situation in Israel and Palestine. Experts from inside and outside the network are requested for this.

3. The Annual Summit.
This is the main meeting of A World of Neighbors, which always takes place in a relevant migration country. 2023 it was Hungary, in 2024 it will be Greece. It is a combination of a retreat, knowledge sharing, set annual program, visit and support to local practitioners and a public event with researchers, politicians, refugees, practitioners and faith leaders. The event results in a joint manifesto on a specific theme and a blueprint on how to conduct these conversations in one's own context with similar stakeholders.

4. Network Expansion and National Networks.
The future vision of A World of Neighbours involves 60 practitioners representing all European countries and relevant border countries on continent, all major religious groups and both refugees and born Europeans. They are under contract with AWoN to work together for a welcoming Europe, to support each other and to be the connecting force between the AWoN network and national networks. Anyone can join AWoN with associated benefits, the 60 practitioners work for the benefit of all those working around migration in Europe.

5.Young AWoN.
A network of young Europeans, with and without refugee history, who unite from various European countries and diverse (faith) backgrounds to support each other in making cross-cultural and multi-religious connections in view of AWoN's vision - a welcoming, diverse Europe.

6. Monitoring and Evaluation.
Together with the AWoN Research Team, AWoN is working on gathering information about the needs and contributions of Practitioners, and on measuring and collecting data on the outcomes and impacts of the work done by AWoN Practitioners. Research shows that reflection on one's own and others' work gets lost due to the high workload, while it is essential for work and for funding.

7. AWoN Connect Platform.
A LinkedIn for Humanitarian Workers, that was the dream that is now starting to take shape in an MVP (Minimum Viable Product). Here practitioners in Europe (and beyond) can find each other, gain insight into who is doing what work, share questions and receive information about relevant funds.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

A World of Neighbours Practitioners Network (AWoN) is the only multi-faith, cross-sectoral network of migration practitioners of its size in Europe. AWoN aims at building a more tolerant society, rooted in mutual transformation, understanding, and respect. We are guided by a vision of conviviality – living together – in a diverse, humane, and welcoming Europe, with migration practitioners playing a crucial role in achieving this.

AWoN’s primary innovation is the creation of a Network and community of practice to affirm and support migration practitioners. Additionally, AWoN recognises religious communities as receiving communities, engages with both faith-based and non-faith-based organisations, and ensures the presence of practitioners with refugee experience themselves. This means that the entire ecology of migration is in the room, getting a shared sense of reality and creating the best possible outcomes.

1. AWoN is the only multi-faith, cross-sectoral network of migration practitioners in Europe.
2. AWoN is the only network with a clear aim to meet the unmet needs that practitioners have in order to do their work in a productive and healthy way.
3. Actionable research is created through the cooperation of the Practitioners Network and the Academic Research Network.

One of the greatest challenge of the Euro-Mediterranean region and European politics is unable to meet the needs of both host societies and people on the move. Day in, day out Migration Practitioners work tirelessly to do what's necessary on the ground at the borders, in the cities, in politics and wherever relevant. The unique cooperation between researchers and practitioners grounds the work firmly into reality, the mutual support that is created by A World of Neighbours brings resilience to the urgent work that is threatened by compassion fatigue, criminalisation and (secondary) trauma.

To the Network on our Country we bring a unique interfaith diapraxis, a European network of friends and colleagues that are eager to work together towards a diverse Europe with unique skills and dedication in every corner of the ecology of migration.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The growing mistrust and polarisation in society as the ALF Network states on its website is the daily experience of the Migration Practitioners. Even between colleagues in the work across Europe there's the possibility of competition and suspicion. At AWoN we work hard to build trust across borders, religions and cultural backgrounds - and we realise how hard we need every other organisation working towards this cause. Last months many interfaith and intercultural have fallen apart, some of our practitioners said that AWoN was their only interfaith network left. The unique combination of Jewish, Islamic, Christian and non-religious backgrounds working towards one goal: a diverse and welcoming europe, a society of 'convivenz' is helpful and challenging. We could use the wisdom and partnertship of the ALF network to do better what we do and to grow towards a truly beneficial network for all people involved in the work of migration and integration in Europe.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Rikko Voorberg
Job Title
Network Director
Head of the organisation
Rikko Voorberg
Contact (2) Full Name
Jean Duff
Job Title (2)
Head of Fundraising

Association Centre for Sustainable Community Development Debar (CSCD)

National Network
North Macedonia

Veljko Vlahovikj 13
1250 Debar
North Macedonia

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Association "Center for Sustainable Community Development - CSCD in Debar is a voluntary, non-profit, non-governmental, non-partisan association of citizens, formed on October 2006 by free association of citizens to exercise, protect and align their interests and beliefs to promote civil society and local communities, and to perform the activities for promotion of moral values , strengthening of inter-ethnic relations and economic development in the territory of Macedonia and abroad, and in accordance with the Constitution and law.

Human Resource Information The organization has one President, assemble with all members, program manager 26 members and 12 volunteers. The organization hires experts and consultants on the contractual basis once there is a need for external help and if additional project have been awarded to the organization

Mission and Objectives

Vision of CSCD

The vision of the organization is to increase the awareness of the organization profile among the constituencies and be recognized regionally. This could be achieved through increasing the membership in national and international association and networks. Moreover the organization will invest in capacity building of its staff and increase its expertise by building a network of professionals to work with the organization

Mission of CSCD

Our mission is to improve quality of life i the region by bringing people and local government together to promote environmental sustainability, good government and youth engagement trough dialog and local activism.

The main program activities of CSCD

Good governance
Protection of environment and promotion of cultural heritage
Youth activism
The main partners of the organisations are:

Local and central government, Youth organisation, Donor based organisation, Private based companies,

Main Projects / Activities

The most interesting projects made by CSCD are:
• Eco drone patrol, which is funded by the American Embassy
• Youth Center for Climate Change, - institutional grant from the program-Civil Organizations in Action for Climate Change financed by the Swedish government
• Protection and sustainable use of the protected areas of Shar Planina, Mavrovo and Korab-Koritnik - Funded by PONT
 Together for green transition against the climate change - Foundation Open Society Macedonia
 Platform for Investments in Community In partnership with ALBIZ Foundation-EU
• Advocacy for solar energy for the citizens of the Western Balkans - financed by WBF
• Management for energy efficient municipalities - Civica Mobilitas - partner grant
 Debar On, electronic citizen participation- Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC
 Civica Mobilitas Program -Together for Clean Dibra- Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC
 Promotion of the Natural resources of Dibra- EU
• Cyber angel guardians – safety of children on social networks and the Internet, from the misuse of personal data—FOOM, USAID
• Cross Heritage - Program for decentralized cooperation between Lower Normandy and Macedonia
• Encouraging participatory democracy – EIDHR
• We deserve better — FOOM
• Greater transparency of local funds for civil society organizations – FOOM, USAID
• Antigone, Trilingual drama – ERASMUS + program

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our association offers expertise aligned with the network's goals, fostering collaborative efforts for impactful change. We bring resources, including financial support and staff expertise, to amplify collective initiatives. Committed to learning and growth, we envision a long-term partnership maximizing mutual benefits and community impact.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We aim to join the ALF Network to align with similar organizations, fostering collaboration for greater impact. Access to resources and diverse perspectives will enhance our work, fueling growth. Joining ALF expands our network, amplifying our reach and influence for the communities we serve

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Shuip Marku
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Shuip Marku
Contact (2) Full Name
Flamur Mulladauti
Job Title (2)

European Policy Institute - Skopje

National Network
North Macedonia

Antonie Grubisic 2/2
1000 Skopje
North Macedonia

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

The European Policy Institute was founded in 2011 as an association of citizens under the Law on associations and foundations. EPI’s mission is, through high-quality research and proposals on European policy, to provide a sound base for debate and solutions, targeting decision-makers and the wider public. We currently have 11 team members and a yearly budget of around 400 thousand euros. We are mostly project-funded, but we also do consultancy and we are the research-partner organization for the EU Fundamental Rights Agency. All our donors and projects are available at….

Mission and Objectives

EPI’s mission is, through high-quality research and proposals on European policy, to provide a sound base for debate and solutions, targeting decision-makers and the wider public.

Creating a public space for an exchange of opinions involving decision-makers and stakeholders in creating European strategies and policies
Raising awareness of the public and decision-makers of the EU integration policy
Promoting critical thought, research and analysis in creating and implementing strategies and policies for EU integration
Promoting regional cooperation and contribution to the debate on enlargement and Europeanization in the region and wider
Development of the dialogue on EU integration in the civil society in the Republic of Macedonia, in the region and EU

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects are focused on Rule of Law and Human Rights. We have organizational support from the Delegation of the European Union, for our work on rule of law. As part of the project we prepare quarterly briefs on rule of law, as well as a Shadow Report on Chapter 23. We have another project funded by DEU, focusing on Human Rights and the Universal Periodic Review. The objective of the project is to advance the promotion and protection of human rights in North Macedonia by supporting parliamentary and CSO engagement in the area. As part of the regional group Think for Europe, we are partners in the project WeBER 3.0 focusing on Public Administration Reform. We also have a project in which we organize a deliberative poll. This project is funded by NED.
We are a research partner organization for EU FRA and work on following the EU integration of the country and the region.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As a think-tank organization we can contribute to intercultural dialogue and to research on the EU accession.

Contact (1) Full Name
Simonida Kacarska
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Simonida Kacarska
Contact (2) Full Name
Ardita Abazi Imeri
Job Title (2)
Programme Coordinator

Africa Voices

National Network

6 Amin Sami, Sayeda Zeinab
Cairo Governorate

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
+20 106 585 2450
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information

Africa Voices is a media platform that will address these challenges by giving a platform to the voices of Africans. The platform will feature stories from across the continent, told by Africans themselves. These stories will shine a light on the challenges facing Africa, and they will give a voice to those who are often silenced.
The target audience for Africa Voices is Africans from all walks of life. The platform will also be of interest to people who are interested in Africa, including policymakers, academics, and the general public.

Mission and Objectives

1- Increasing the visibility of African voices
2- Raising awareness of the challenges facing Africa
3- Empowering Africans to speak out for their rights
4- Promoting democracy and good governance

Main Projects / Activities

Africa Voices will focus on the following topics:
1- Freedoms: This includes issues such as the right to free speech, the right to assembly, and the right to protest.
2- Women's rights: This includes issues such as gender equality, violence against women, and female genital mutilation.
3- Economic and social rights: This includes issues such as poverty, inequality, and access to education and healthcare.
4- The effects of climate change: This includes issues such as drought, food insecurity, and the displacement of people.
5- Poverty, drought, political rights, and the effects of armed conflicts and violent groups on the future of the continent: This includes issues such as the impact of these challenges on people's lives, the solutions that are being proposed, and the role of the international community.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I am confident that by engaging with the Africa Voices initiative and leveraging the extensive network of the Ana Lindh Foundation in Egypt and other African nations, we can collectively enact meaningful change. Here are several avenues through which we can collaborate:

Primarily, we can harness the Ana Lindh Foundation's network to identify proficient journalists across Egypt and other African countries who possess the capabilities to contribute to Africa Voices. Through meticulously designed workshops and training sessions, we will equip them with the requisite skills to proficiently convey African narratives while adhering to journalistic standards.

Once we have identified these journalists, collaborative efforts can be initiated to produce impactful content for Africa Voices. This collaboration may encompass the creation of various content formats such as long-form articles, concise videos, podcasts, infographics, and social media posts, all aimed at spotlighting the diverse voices and narratives of Africans, with a focus on the thematic areas outlined in the Africa Voices initiative.

Furthermore, we will leverage the Ana Lindh Foundation's established connections and resources to effectively promote the Africa Voices platform and ensure broad dissemination of its content. This may entail prominently featuring Africa Voices on the foundation's digital platforms, strategically disseminating content across social media channels, forging partnerships with relevant organizations or media entities, and facilitating access to app stores for enhanced accessibility.

In order to ensure that Africa Voices resonates with its intended audience, proactive engagement with diverse communities across Egypt and African countries will be prioritized. This could involve organizing tailored events, seminars, or interactive forums to raise awareness about the platform and encourage active participation from the target demographic.

Lastly, we will play an instrumental role in evaluating the impact of the Africa Voices initiative within the communities it serves. Through systematic collection of audience feedback, meticulous monitoring of engagement metrics, and comprehensive assessments, we will ascertain the initiative's effectiveness in achieving its overarching objectives.

By leveraging the vast network and resources of the Ana Lindh Foundation, we have a unique opportunity to significantly contribute to the success of Africa Voices, amplifying African voices, fostering awareness on critical issues, empowering individuals, and advancing principles of democracy and good governance across the continent. Let us unite our efforts and collaboratively strive towards effecting positive change.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As a co-founder of the "Africa Voices" initiative, my decision to seek membership within the esteemed Ana Lindh Foundation (ALF) Network is driven by the profound advantages it offers our project.

Foremost, ALF's expansive network and wealth of resources present unparalleled opportunities to fortify and sustain Africa Voices. Through affiliation with ALF, we gain access to invaluable expertise, extensive connections, and potential funding avenues, all of which are instrumental in enhancing the impact and longevity of our initiative.

Furthermore, ALF's widespread reach across Egypt and numerous African nations provides a formidable platform for amplifying the voices and narratives featured in Africa Voices. By collaborating with ALF, we can effectively disseminate our content to diverse audiences, ensuring widespread recognition and resonance of African stories.

Additionally, ALF's network serves as a fertile ground for identifying and nurturing talented journalists who share our vision for Africa Voices. Through engagement with ALF, we can recruit skilled professionals, provide them with opportunities for professional growth, and cultivate a community dedicated to impactful storytelling and advocacy.

Moreover, both Africa Voices and ALF are united in their commitment to advancing human rights, democracy, and social inclusion. By forging a partnership, we can magnify our collective advocacy efforts and work collaboratively towards fostering positive change across the African continent.

Lastly, ALF's expertise in evaluation and impact assessment is invaluable for Africa Voices. By leveraging ALF's methodologies and tools, we can rigorously measure the effectiveness of our initiative, ensuring that our endeavors yield tangible and meaningful outcomes for African communities.

In summary, seeking membership within the Ana Lindh Foundation Network aligns seamlessly with our mission and objectives for Africa Voices. Through strategic collaboration with ALF, we are poised to maximize our reach, empower journalists, champion human rights, and contribute significantly to the advancement of Africa's future.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mahmoud Hashem
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mahmoud Hashem/ Hossam Rabie
Contact (2) Full Name
Hossam Rabie
Job Title (2)

Association ZANKA90 pour la Culture

National Network

Dar Dawya Douar Boujmil
Commune Al Alyenne
92200 M'Diq

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

La culture comme moyen de développement !

Fondée en 2016 à Tanger, ZANK90 pour la Culture est maintenant installée dans le Douar Boujmil dans le Nord du Maroc et souhaite participer activement au développement de ce village isolé des montagnes Jbala.

Conçue comme une plateforme de compétences au service des projets Artistiques, Culturels ou Sociaux dans la Région Tanger – Tétouan, ZANKA90 prône un travail collectif au bénéfice de la création artistique, l’environnement et le développement économique.

Budget ZANKA 2019 93 350 dh
Budget ZANKA 2020 63 203 dh
Budget ZANKA 2021 95 080 dh
Budget ZANKA 2022 283 377 dh

Subventions nationales et internationales par projets
en 2023 : FLATTA ; Minitère de le culture, Institut Français, Institut Culturel Italien, Ambassade D’Espagne, Fondation Tanger Med...
Atlier Anjra Tabiaa ; Lyon Métropole, Crédit Agricole, Coup de Soleil Rhone Alpes

Budget ZANKA 2023 126 536 dh

Mission and Objectives

L’association a pour buts :
- De créer une plateforme de compétences au service des projets innovants valorisant le développement de l’esprit d’initiative et de citoyenneté : festivals, conférences, foires à thème, projections, manifestation sportives, concerts, éditions, concours, collectes pour œuvres sociales, formations.
- D’introduire et de développer, par le biais de manifestations culturelles sportives et sociales de proximité, l’esprit d'émancipation, d'ouverture, de tolérance, d'originalité, d'entrepreneuriat, de coopération et d'échange, notamment auprès des jeunes du territoire de la région Tanger- Tétouan- Al-Hoceima.
- De regrouper et de fédérer les acteurs culturels, sportifs et sociaux porteurs de projets à Tanger et dans le nord du Maroc.
- De travailler autour la défense de l'Environnement, la diffusion de la Culture et des Arts, le Développement Humain, la Citoyenneté, la valorisation du patrimoine
De fait promouvoir la destination « nord du Maroc » et soutenir sa durabilité, ainsi que d'œuvrer pour la sauvegarde de sa mémoire et de son patrimoine naturel et immatériel.

Main Projects / Activities

8ème FLATTA avec le création du 1er Sentier Land Art au Maroc - 12 artistes Marocain et internationaux
Ateliers Anjra Tabiaa pour des formations en Agroécologie au bénéfice de 30 petits paysans
Actions AGR pour le développent touristique du Douar Boujmil

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Information et Échanges interculturels

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Information et Échanges interculturels

Contact (1) Full Name
JeanChristophe MICHAUT
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Jean Christophe MICHAUT

Rural Coalition

National Network
North Macedonia

Jordan Piperkata, Street, 15
6250 Kicevo
North Macedonia

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Rural Coalition is already a recognized partner of local civil society organizations, municipalities, institutions, which covers more segments of action, starting from grass root activities, up to monitoring, following legal national and EU regulations, creating documents for public policies, representation and monitoring. More than 10 years this organization is dedicated to improving the quality of life in rural areas. It is non-formal coalition of 58 local grass root organizations through which it covers all the territory of North Macedonia. It has 2 employees and 8 engaged persons on honorary basis. It has 100.000-150.000 annual budgets and 90% its’ activities are financed by European Union. As we already mentioned it has variety of activities like field activities and working through the method learning by doing, organization of workshops, seminars, national and international experience and knowledge sharing etc. Main partners: local associations, national organizations and organizations from the Western Balkan countries.

Mission and Objectives

Improving the conditions in rural areas for the establishment of sustainable family farms and organizations through direct support, capacity building, contribution to balanced regional development and participation in the creation of local and national agrarian policy.
Objectives: First objective if focused on promoting gender equality in the local community, including economic empowerment, financial independence and social inclusion of women with a focus on women from rural areas, as well as inclusion and activation of young people in the local community, and towards the creation of sustainable local development with developed and competitive rural communities.
Second objective: Advocacy based on evidence according to the needs of the community, as well as in the direction of bringing the legislation closer to the citizens at the national and local level, including EU integrations, especially in the clusters related to local and regional development, gender equality and agriculture and rural development
Third objective: Development of rural tourism as one of the main sources of income and opportunities for the development of local and rural communities, but also an opportunity for employment and self-employment of the local population.

Main Projects / Activities

We have variety of projects and activities like: Academy for women entrepreneurs from rural areas which we have organized with US Embassy in our country, then projects that are related to strengthening the capacities of youth in rural areas and their involvement in local public decision making processes; currently we are working on establishing of local partnerships for local climate change; digitalization of services in rural areas; gender-responsive budgeting; preparation of monitoring reports for different aspects of spending of public funds by the municipalities; gender mainstreaming in the sector of agriculture and rural development; creation of local strategies and plans for municipalities and local action groups etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can first contribute to the promotion of the network in our country, given that we cover the entire territory of the country and that we have 58 member associations. Furthermore, we would make our contribution in the area of network capacity development, project management, coordination, then our active involvement in the organization and implementation of events, projects, workshops etc. Also, because we have a long network of associates of all types (institutions, CSOs, ministries, municipalities, etc.) we could encourage new partnerships and networks in order to strength the network and its active contribution to the politics, social and economic development of the country.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Networking in such a network will bring the organization a different kind of benefits considering that it is one of the world's most famous foundations. Additionally, through the network we will be able to build our capacities as an organization, we will be able to build the capacities of the member organizations, and through the network we will connect all over the world with organizations similar to us, so we will also expand our work and acting area. As we mentioned, we can contribute a lot to the network as well, and our experience from working in networks so far shows that the changes and improvement of our life and society depend on how many stakeholders work towards the same goal. The more we are, the greater is the success, so that is our main motivation to become part of such a new network, the first of its kind in our functioning.

Contact (1) Full Name
Liljana Jonoski
Job Title
Executive director
Head of the organisation
Liljana Jonoski
Contact (2) Full Name
Boban Kostadinovski
Job Title (2)
Program coordinator

Cultural Company Cine@Art

National Network

20003 Agii THeodori

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Youth and education
General Information

The organization's structure includes a three-member Board of Directors, elected for a three-year term by the General Assembly, which appoints the President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
The Board of Directors manages the organization and may authorize the President or a member to represent it before courts and authorities, entrusting them with the power to commit the organization by their signature. The Board's decisions are made by a simple majority vote, with the President's vote counting as double in case of a tie. For specific decisions, a full quorum and a 2/3 majority of all members are required.
The Board may delegate administrative tasks and daily management duties to the President, subject to the Board's approval. The Secretary maintains records, minutes, and correspondence, while the Treasurer manages finances in collaboration with the President. Budgetary preparation and submission for approval at the General Assembly are among the Board's responsibilities.
Board members must be European citizens, adults, free to manage their property, have a clean criminal record, and exercise their political rights. Only regular members of the organization for at least a year can become Board members, except for the members of the first Board.
The Board manages the organization's interests, ensures compliance with the statutes, prepares budgets and financial reports submitted for approval at the General Assembly.
Any Board member absent without justification from five meetings a year is replaced by the General Assembly unless decided otherwise.

Mission and Objectives

The purpose of the Cultural Company Cineart is artistic and cultural, never profit-oriented. Its main objectives include presenting film festivals, music, and theatrical productions based on Greek and global drama and satire texts, as well as improvisational theater, aiming at understanding contemporary issues through artistic effectiveness. Additionally, organizing concerts, seminars, lectures, and other events (such as painting and photography exhibitions) to approach and develop cinematic, musical, and theatrical arts, promoting culture and the arts in general. Providing education in cinema, drama, and music through seminars or establishing a higher school. Also, producing, promoting, advertising, and enjoying cultural goods and works by creating Cinema, Music, and Theater departments. Furthermore, promoting Greek and European culture through cinematic, musical, and theatrical education, particularly focusing on the cultures of Greece and Cyprus. Participation in common cultural programs and European programs. Organizing joint procurement of materials & support services for the departments.

Main Projects / Activities

The Cultural Company Cine@Art is a charitable corporation established in 2018 and since then continues to promote emerging artists, gender equality, humanitarianism, diversity and diaspora in films.
We are the co-organizers of the local festivals:
Bridges International Film Festival - Corinth, Greece
Bridges International Film Festival - Loutraki, Greece
Bridges International Film Festival - Nafplio, Greece
including several activities such as film screenings for schools and general audiences, concerts, workshops, photo and painting exhibitions.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As a participant from Greece, with our own multi purpose hall of activities in Korinthia, Greece and being supported by the local authorities,, our organization can contribute to the Anna Lindh Foundation network through various modalities:

Mobility for Partnership: We can actively engage in seeking international partners for collaborative projects and consortium creation. By participating in joint brainstorming exercises, we can contribute our expertise and ideas to the development of project proposals, fostering meaningful partnerships across the Mediterranean region.

Mobility for Action: Our organization can host and participate in face-to-face intercultural dialogue events such as workshops, debates, and trainings. We are keen on inviting external parties from different organizations around the Mediterranean to enrich these events and promote cross-cultural understanding and cooperation.

Mobility for Creativity: We are open to hosting creative individuals or artists, providing them with the opportunity to explore new horizons and collaborate with peers in Greece. Through this modality, we can facilitate the exchange of creative ideas and promote cultural diversity within our local artistic community.

Mobility for Knowledge: Partnering with academic institutions and peers, we can contribute to the creation of knowledge products related to intercultural dialogue. By co-producing cross-sectoral knowledge in the Euro-Med region, we aim to foster deeper understanding and cooperation among diverse communities.

Overall, our organization is committed to actively participating in the ALF program, leveraging our resources and networks to promote intercultural dialogue and collaboration in Greece and across the Mediterranean region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that our presence in the largest network of civil society organisations such as the ALF Network will empower the promotion of intercultural dialogue and the Greek heritage across the Euro-Mediterranean region and beyond.

Contact (1) Full Name
Julia Logacheva
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Julia Logacheva


National Network
North Macedonia

7500 Prilep
North Macedonia

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

SEGA is national platform of youth organizations in North Macedonia, with over 20 years’ experience in lobbying for needed legislation changes in youth participation, information, employment and activism. The main focus of field of work of SEGA is: Youth activism; Youth participation; Youth employment; Democracy, mutual confidence and cooperation; Community development; Information; Advocacy and lobbying for youth policy. Moreover, SEGA have significant experience in research, publications, development and application of innovative youth tools. SEGA has long-term cooperation with a number of primary and high schools, VET centers, universities, business sector and governmental institutions.

The management structure is composed of the following bodies:
· Assembly – composed of all members;
· Governing Board – composed of five representatives of the full members, elected by the Assembly;
· Supervisory Board – composed of three representatives elected by the Assembly members.

The executive structure is organized in the Head office, which is located in Prilep, with 7 permanent staff members. SEGA’s budget turnover for 2023 was app. 521’000 EUR, mostly funded by EU, UN agencies, Pestalozzi Children's foundation, etc.

Mission and Objectives

SEGA works on development and implementation of youth policies at local and national level, connects and strengthens youth organizations aiming to activate youth and improve the conditions for their personal and professional development in the Republic of Macedonia

Youth influence the changes and the development of Macedonia, participate in the decision making at national and local level for issues that directly concerns them. SEGA as a sustainable and developed youth coalition enables youth to believe in themselves, to accomplish their interests, to create and to build.

Main Projects / Activities

Project: Youth participation towards strong and sustainable community development
The project is financed by the European Union and aims to improve the quality of youth policy implementation based on structural cooperation and substantial participation of networked civil society. The expected key outcomes are: To strengthen the capacity of CSOs to independently and effectively influence local decision makers related to youth issues based on evidence and through local networking, To enhance the civic competences of young men and women to substantially participate in the democratic community life using innovative models through gender-sensitive and peaceful approaches, and To enable public institutions to develop and implement informed and quality youth-related public policies based on equal opportunities through sustainable partnership with local civil society.

Youth empowerment enabling prospects in Prilep
The main aim of the project, which is supported by the SOS Children’s Village, is to contribute to improving employment prospects and active participation in the labour market of vulnerable youth in Prilep. Through the project, SEGA raises awareness of the local community on the need for social integration of vulnerable youth in Prilep, increases the employability skills of vulnerable youth from Prilep and enhance their employment competences based on the actual labor market requirements.

Promotion of safe school environment
This project’s objective is to enable children from primary and secondary schools, to enjoy their right to quality education in a safe and participatory school environment. This objective will be ensured by ensuring that primary and secondary schools apply a prevention mechanism to address violence, improving teachers’ pedagogical skills and content knowledge as well as enhancing their teaching methods to support and promote protection, participation and gender equality. The project is funded by the Pestalozzi Children’s Foundation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

SEGA can contribute to the network by sharing knowledge and expertise in the field of youth, as well as the local youth context. SEGA can also enable local networking with youth organizations and relevant institutions.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

SEGA is joining in the ALF network to learn more about new programming approaches, to use opportunities for mutual learning and to expand on contacts for future possible partnerships.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Executive director
Head of the organisation
Zoran Ilieski