Lead Organisation
Ni Putes ni Soumises, France
Granted Amount
Year of Grant
National Network

Le projet intitulé "La semaine franco-algérienne des femmes" porté par l'association algérienne Djazairouna vise à organiser autour du 8 mars 2013 une semaine de rencontres, dialogues et échanges inter-culturels entre des féministes algériennes et françaises.  Le projet est mené en partenariat avec l'association française Ni pute ni soumise. Le principal groupe cible dans ce projet sont les femmes. Les activités principales se dérouleront à Alger (Algérie) sur une période effective de sept jours. Toutefois, le projet dans son ensemble sera mis en oeuvre à partir du 1er septembre 2012 jusqu'au 30 mai 2013.

Le projet vise donc à créer un espace d'échange et de rencontres entre 20 féministes algériennes et françaises. Cela permettra ainsi à chacune d'apprendre les unes des autres, de partager leurs expériences et leurs connaissances. In fine, le but poursuivi est de renforcer le dialogue inter-culturel entre les deux groupes afin de promouvoir leur coopération et de rendre leur combat plus efficient.

L'objectif du projet est clairement de renforcer le dialogue inter-culturel entre les féministes françaises et algériennes. Au cours de cette semaine, les féministes auront la possibilité d'échanger et de dialoguer autour d'activités aussi bien culturelles (leçons de cuisine, projections de films...) que professionnelles et professionnalisantes (tables rondes et débats sur les meilleures pratiques en termes de stratégies féministes). Djazairouna et NPNS partagent l'idée que l'échange, l'écoute et le partage d'expériences et connaissances entre féministes issues de différentes cultures sont primordiaux pour entretenir le mouvement de femmes, lequel est essentiel dans le processus d'avènement de sociétés démocratiques et égalitaires.

More Information

Lettre adressée à notre partenaire en annexe.

Lead Organisation
Ni Putes ni Soumises, France
Granted Amount
Year of Grant
National Network

Le projet intitulé "La semaine franco-algérienne des femmes" porté par l'association algérienne Djazairouna vise à organiser autour du 8 mars 2013 une semaine de rencontres, dialogues et échanges inter-culturels entre des féministes algériennes et françaises.  Le projet est mené en partenariat avec l'association française Ni pute ni soumise. Le principal groupe cible dans ce projet sont les femmes. Les activités principales se dérouleront à Alger (Algérie) sur une période effective de sept jours. Toutefois, le projet dans son ensemble sera mis en oeuvre à partir du 1er septembre 2012 jusqu'au 30 mai 2013.

Le projet vise donc à créer un espace d'échange et de rencontres entre 20 féministes algériennes et françaises. Cela permettra ainsi à chacune d'apprendre les unes des autres, de partager leurs expériences et leurs connaissances. In fine, le but poursuivi est de renforcer le dialogue inter-culturel entre les deux groupes afin de promouvoir leur coopération et de rendre leur combat plus efficient.

L'objectif du projet est clairement de renforcer le dialogue inter-culturel entre les féministes françaises et algériennes. Au cours de cette semaine, les féministes auront la possibilité d'échanger et de dialoguer autour d'activités aussi bien culturelles (leçons de cuisine, projections de films...) que professionnelles et professionnalisantes (tables rondes et débats sur les meilleures pratiques en termes de stratégies féministes). Djazairouna et NPNS partagent l'idée que l'échange, l'écoute et le partage d'expériences et connaissances entre féministes issues de différentes cultures sont primordiaux pour entretenir le mouvement de femmes, lequel est essentiel dans le processus d'avènement de sociétés démocratiques et égalitaires.

More Information

Lettre adressée à notre partenaire en annexe.


Le parlement des enfants

Lead Organisation
Hanan for Culture & Social Development Association, Palestine
Association Belgo Palestinienne, Belgium
Granted Amount
Year of Grant
National Network

Le projet « Parlement des enfants » mené par l’association Le Monde des Possibles en Belgique est une promotion de la vie démocratique par la découverte des fonctions parlementaires.
L'objectif spécifique du projet est de co-construire avec les enfants palestiniens de Gaza et les enfants de Liège des leçons d’éducation civique « grandeur nature », en leur proposant de découvrir la fonction de législateur et de l’exercer lors de plusieurs sessions d’un parlement des enfants.  Ils seront à cet effet invités à rédiger des propositions de loi, au terme de discussion qui devront leur apprendre ce qu’est la démocratie, l’interpellation de la société civile et le lobbying auprès des hommes/femmes politiques pour soutenir leurs propositions.  Les résultats concrets du projet seront des propositions de loi issues du parlement des enfants, des fiches pédagogiques pour reproduire ce projet ailleurs, une tribune unique au parlement européen, un suivi des propositions des enfants par les hommes & femmes politiques de Palestine et de Belgique.

Lead Organisation
Hanan for Culture & Social Development Association, Palestine
Association Belgo Palestinienne, Belgium
Granted Amount
Year of Grant
National Network

Le projet « Parlement des enfants » mené par l’association Le Monde des Possibles en Belgique est une promotion de la vie démocratique par la découverte des fonctions parlementaires.
L'objectif spécifique du projet est de co-construire avec les enfants palestiniens de Gaza et les enfants de Liège des leçons d’éducation civique « grandeur nature », en leur proposant de découvrir la fonction de législateur et de l’exercer lors de plusieurs sessions d’un parlement des enfants.  Ils seront à cet effet invités à rédiger des propositions de loi, au terme de discussion qui devront leur apprendre ce qu’est la démocratie, l’interpellation de la société civile et le lobbying auprès des hommes/femmes politiques pour soutenir leurs propositions.  Les résultats concrets du projet seront des propositions de loi issues du parlement des enfants, des fiches pédagogiques pour reproduire ce projet ailleurs, une tribune unique au parlement européen, un suivi des propositions des enfants par les hommes & femmes politiques de Palestine et de Belgique.


Inizjamed, Malta
Kalem Literary Agency and Istanbul Tanpinar Literature Festival, Turkey
Alsun Faculty of Languages, Ain Shams University, Egypt
Bogazici University, Turkey
Granted Amount
Year of Grant

The project LITERATURE ACROSS FRONTIERS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN aims to develop strategies to advance intercultural dialogue in the wider Euro-Mediterranean region, and to raise awareness of its cultural and linguistic diversity by means of fostering literary exchange across the Mediterranean, and in particular between European countries whose literatures are written in less widely used languages on the one hand, and Arab countries and Turkey on the other. The project consists of two distinct but interconnected strands of activities:

a) Strategy workshop and conference

Two workshops will be held as part of a two-year strategy development exercise to follow up recommendations formulated at two conferences organized by the LAF Platform in Istanbul in 2011: “Literary Exchange and Translation in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: Challenges of the Next Decade” and “Writing, Translating and Publishing in Minority Languages in the Euro-Mediterranean Region”, and at a further workshop held in Beirut in July 2012. The LAF series of consultation meetings bringing together cultural operators working in the sector of books, literature, translation and literary events on both sides of the Mediterranean, will culminate in the closed conference “Towards a Strategy for Literary Exchange and Translation in the Euro-Mediterranean Region” that will address broader issues of cultural policy, the role of culture in external policy at national and EU level, mobility of cultural works and actors, and the relationship between local and global cultural initiatives, in order to position the needs and demands of our sector in a broader context and draw up a strategy for cooperation across the Mediterranean. The events are planned by a LAF Euro-Med working group.

b) Developing models for training of young literary translators in the South and East Mediterranean

Two week-long training workshops for young literary translators applying models developed in a previous pilot project and addressing the lack of trained translators working from less widely used European languages will be implemented in Egypt and in Turkey. Apart from developing short-term intensive training models, the workshops will aim to establish a sustainable long-term programme attached to tertiary educational institutions in the two countries. The training will adopt a practical approach, focusing on translation skills and introduction to literary translation as a profession, and encouraging participants to take up a specific translation project.

The project aims to broaden and strengthen the informal Euro-Med network brought together by the LAF platform and use the outcomes of the LAF 2011-2013 conferences and workshops as a basis for the development of strategies to increase literary exchange and cooperation in the region, develop informal training models for young translators and networking opportunities for cultural operators.

The broad objectives are:

Training of young literary translators into Arabic and Turkish; improving the quality of literary translation and publishing in Arabic and Turkish; increasing the amount of literary translation into Arabic and Turkish from European languages – especially less widely spoken languages – and improving the quality of these publications, as a result of exchanging and implementing industry best-practice with all actors in the translation chain; facilitating high quality literary events and training schemes around the region based on the expanded and strengthened network that is at the heart of this proposal.

Inizjamed, Malta
Kalem Literary Agency and Istanbul Tanpinar Literature Festival, Turkey
Alsun Faculty of Languages, Ain Shams University, Egypt
Bogazici University, Turkey
Granted Amount
Year of Grant

The project LITERATURE ACROSS FRONTIERS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN aims to develop strategies to advance intercultural dialogue in the wider Euro-Mediterranean region, and to raise awareness of its cultural and linguistic diversity by means of fostering literary exchange across the Mediterranean, and in particular between European countries whose literatures are written in less widely used languages on the one hand, and Arab countries and Turkey on the other. The project consists of two distinct but interconnected strands of activities:

a) Strategy workshop and conference

Two workshops will be held as part of a two-year strategy development exercise to follow up recommendations formulated at two conferences organized by the LAF Platform in Istanbul in 2011: “Literary Exchange and Translation in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: Challenges of the Next Decade” and “Writing, Translating and Publishing in Minority Languages in the Euro-Mediterranean Region”, and at a further workshop held in Beirut in July 2012. The LAF series of consultation meetings bringing together cultural operators working in the sector of books, literature, translation and literary events on both sides of the Mediterranean, will culminate in the closed conference “Towards a Strategy for Literary Exchange and Translation in the Euro-Mediterranean Region” that will address broader issues of cultural policy, the role of culture in external policy at national and EU level, mobility of cultural works and actors, and the relationship between local and global cultural initiatives, in order to position the needs and demands of our sector in a broader context and draw up a strategy for cooperation across the Mediterranean. The events are planned by a LAF Euro-Med working group.

b) Developing models for training of young literary translators in the South and East Mediterranean

Two week-long training workshops for young literary translators applying models developed in a previous pilot project and addressing the lack of trained translators working from less widely used European languages will be implemented in Egypt and in Turkey. Apart from developing short-term intensive training models, the workshops will aim to establish a sustainable long-term programme attached to tertiary educational institutions in the two countries. The training will adopt a practical approach, focusing on translation skills and introduction to literary translation as a profession, and encouraging participants to take up a specific translation project.

The project aims to broaden and strengthen the informal Euro-Med network brought together by the LAF platform and use the outcomes of the LAF 2011-2013 conferences and workshops as a basis for the development of strategies to increase literary exchange and cooperation in the region, develop informal training models for young translators and networking opportunities for cultural operators.

The broad objectives are:

Training of young literary translators into Arabic and Turkish; improving the quality of literary translation and publishing in Arabic and Turkish; increasing the amount of literary translation into Arabic and Turkish from European languages – especially less widely spoken languages – and improving the quality of these publications, as a result of exchanging and implementing industry best-practice with all actors in the translation chain; facilitating high quality literary events and training schemes around the region based on the expanded and strengthened network that is at the heart of this proposal.


Loesje crosses the Mediterranean

Lead Organisation
Loesje e.V., Germany
Juzoor For Health & Social Development, Palestine
Xchange Scotland, United Kingdom
Development No Borders, Egypt
One Voice, Israel
Granted Amount
Year of Grant
National Network

The aim of the project is the mobilization and empowerment of young people by improving conditions for actors for change to work for enhanced democratization and freedom of expression; providing tools, trainings and networking that encourage Dialogue, Diversity, Democracy and Development. The aim will be achieved by spreading the Loesje creative writing methodology, which supports active citizenship, freedom of expression in a tolerant and open-minded way. Loesje groups reflect social topics trough debate and discussion about actual issues, support and highlighting specific problems and issues in public life by sticking posters, communicating with different groups and organizing events.
The specific objective of the project is to train 18 young people in creative methods of writing, providing them with all the necessary know-how and tools needed for their further activities and networking between organizations in Europe and in the Mediterranean region. For this purpose we are going to organise two international meetings: a seminar and a training for trainers in United Kingdom and Germany. Furthermore a creative writing handbook will be published and disseminated in English, German, Arabic, Hebrew and Slovene, various local workshops and exhibitions will be implemented and a documentary produced.

The aim of the project is mobilization and empowerment of young people by improving conditions for actors for change to work for enhanced democratization and freedom of expression; providing tools, trainings and networking for organizing activities on the long term that encourage and support dialogue, diversity, democracy and development.

  • To train 18 people in creative writing, providing them with know-how and tools needed for further activities.
  • To share good practices between organizations in the field of non-formal education, democratization and religious tolerance and reflect on important issues regarding young people.
  • To bring together motivated young people willing to act and focus their energy, motivation and skills towards democratization and freedom of expression.
  • To present innovative tools for expression and active participation to activists in partner countries.
  • To disseminate the collective youth voice, in order to raise awareness of the political, social, and economical situation in the partner regions
More Information

Application form for participants for the seminar: Loesje Crosses the Mediterranean “Today History Class Cancelled – Time for Future Class!”, Berlin, Germany 15.03.2013 – 21-03.2013  

News about the project on the Loesje international web page: http://www.loesje.org/loesjecrossesthemediterranean

Lead Organisation
Loesje e.V., Germany
Juzoor For Health & Social Development, Palestine
Xchange Scotland, United Kingdom
Development No Borders, Egypt
One Voice, Israel
Granted Amount
Year of Grant
National Network

The aim of the project is the mobilization and empowerment of young people by improving conditions for actors for change to work for enhanced democratization and freedom of expression; providing tools, trainings and networking that encourage Dialogue, Diversity, Democracy and Development. The aim will be achieved by spreading the Loesje creative writing methodology, which supports active citizenship, freedom of expression in a tolerant and open-minded way. Loesje groups reflect social topics trough debate and discussion about actual issues, support and highlighting specific problems and issues in public life by sticking posters, communicating with different groups and organizing events.
The specific objective of the project is to train 18 young people in creative methods of writing, providing them with all the necessary know-how and tools needed for their further activities and networking between organizations in Europe and in the Mediterranean region. For this purpose we are going to organise two international meetings: a seminar and a training for trainers in United Kingdom and Germany. Furthermore a creative writing handbook will be published and disseminated in English, German, Arabic, Hebrew and Slovene, various local workshops and exhibitions will be implemented and a documentary produced.

The aim of the project is mobilization and empowerment of young people by improving conditions for actors for change to work for enhanced democratization and freedom of expression; providing tools, trainings and networking for organizing activities on the long term that encourage and support dialogue, diversity, democracy and development.

  • To train 18 people in creative writing, providing them with know-how and tools needed for further activities.
  • To share good practices between organizations in the field of non-formal education, democratization and religious tolerance and reflect on important issues regarding young people.
  • To bring together motivated young people willing to act and focus their energy, motivation and skills towards democratization and freedom of expression.
  • To present innovative tools for expression and active participation to activists in partner countries.
  • To disseminate the collective youth voice, in order to raise awareness of the political, social, and economical situation in the partner regions
More Information

Application form for participants for the seminar: Loesje Crosses the Mediterranean “Today History Class Cancelled – Time for Future Class!”, Berlin, Germany 15.03.2013 – 21-03.2013  

News about the project on the Loesje international web page: http://www.loesje.org/loesjecrossesthemediterranean


Longitudes of inclusion and Democracy

Diakonisches Werk Bremen, Germany
Uniamoci Onlus, Italy
Granted Amount
Year of Grant
National Network

"The project longitudes of inclusion and Democracy lead by The Association of Sohag Community Development and Caring Children with Special Needs (SNA)/ Egypt is primarily workshops and research.
The specific objective of the project is to encounter the life situation of persons with disabilities in Europe and the Mediterranean region and the connection their inclusion in society has to the realisation of democratic values in a society. Disabled Persons in the cities of the three partners will show their life, work and leisure time in short films and other exhibits which are put together in workshops into the presentation of a virtual “voyage” along a “longitude” , the classical crossroad of the Mediterranean world (Sicily) and a city in Egypt which combine old pharaonic, Islamic and Coptic culture with modern achievements and challenges.

The project is run in partnership with Diakonisches Werk Bremen/ Germany and Uniamoci Onlus/ Italy.

The main target group addressed in this project are youth and women with special needs.
It will take place in (Sohag/Egypt) and in (Sicily/Italy) The project will be implemented between (starting date 1/Oct. 2012 and end date 30/Sept. 2013)."

The aim of the project is to stress and establish the necessity to see the inclusion of
disabled persons in society as a decisive step on the way to realize and develop
democratic values and to give them opportunities to participate in projects which show
their life situation in a local and international context.

  • In addition to create spaces for expression and enhancing the democratic values
  • Enhancing the spirit of respect and tolerance towards culture diversity
  • Creating a good learning environment and offering the disabled young people a good
  • opportunity for inclusion
  • Enhancing creativity and artistic skills of the participants through making films
  • Promote youth exchanges and the increased mobility of disabled young people through
  • intercultural dialogue
  • Using art and cultural activities in order to combat cultural misunderstanding and create a
  • spirit of cooperation of participants trough several joint intercultural actions.
Direct Beneficiaries
Indirect Beneficiaries
Diakonisches Werk Bremen, Germany
Uniamoci Onlus, Italy
Granted Amount
Year of Grant
National Network

"The project longitudes of inclusion and Democracy lead by The Association of Sohag Community Development and Caring Children with Special Needs (SNA)/ Egypt is primarily workshops and research.
The specific objective of the project is to encounter the life situation of persons with disabilities in Europe and the Mediterranean region and the connection their inclusion in society has to the realisation of democratic values in a society. Disabled Persons in the cities of the three partners will show their life, work and leisure time in short films and other exhibits which are put together in workshops into the presentation of a virtual “voyage” along a “longitude” , the classical crossroad of the Mediterranean world (Sicily) and a city in Egypt which combine old pharaonic, Islamic and Coptic culture with modern achievements and challenges.

The project is run in partnership with Diakonisches Werk Bremen/ Germany and Uniamoci Onlus/ Italy.

The main target group addressed in this project are youth and women with special needs.
It will take place in (Sohag/Egypt) and in (Sicily/Italy) The project will be implemented between (starting date 1/Oct. 2012 and end date 30/Sept. 2013)."

The aim of the project is to stress and establish the necessity to see the inclusion of
disabled persons in society as a decisive step on the way to realize and develop
democratic values and to give them opportunities to participate in projects which show
their life situation in a local and international context.

  • In addition to create spaces for expression and enhancing the democratic values
  • Enhancing the spirit of respect and tolerance towards culture diversity
  • Creating a good learning environment and offering the disabled young people a good
  • opportunity for inclusion
  • Enhancing creativity and artistic skills of the participants through making films
  • Promote youth exchanges and the increased mobility of disabled young people through
  • intercultural dialogue
  • Using art and cultural activities in order to combat cultural misunderstanding and create a
  • spirit of cooperation of participants trough several joint intercultural actions.
Direct Beneficiaries
Indirect Beneficiaries

Motions to Promised Lands

Youth A.R.T. Youth Art Research and Training Association, Turkey
Granted Amount
Year of Grant
National Network

In physics motion is a change in position of a body in time and space. The project Motions to Promised Lands is an art documentary that addresses modes of motions to promised lands on two levels. On the level of the social reality the documentary represents the situation of economically disadvantaged young women in Ljubljana and Istanbul. On this level the documentary opens up a space for narrations, reflections and experiences of how motion to a foreign country – i.e. migration to promised lands, could open up new perspectives and provide a better life for this young women. The documentary explores experiences, fears and fantasies that will provide a platform for the second level of the documentary. This will be the coded as an artistic abstraction where the documentary explores motions of a performing body and explores the interpretations of the promised lands through techniques of modern dance, physical theatre and contemporary forms of performing. The two levels will be integrated through the working process, as the material for the documentary will be gained in workshops that will include a transdisciplinary approach – a collaboration of local young precarious and immigrant women and performers by the Physical theatre Bitnamuun (KUD Ponor).

To artistically reflect, engaging in a grass-root perspective, and by using the form of an art documentary, the ongoing inversion of the traditional socio-economic dynamics of migration of economically deprivileged young women. The project wants show how diversity of cultures and a more balanced intercultural dialogue might contribute to processes of democratization and development.
The objective is to address the process of democratization of the Euro-Mediterranean region in respect to the new social and economic collapse occurring in Western Europe. While on one hand Western Europe has always been a promised land for the South-Eastern countries of Europe now the Western Europe lost its status of a promised land. This might drastically invert the guest-host positions amongst countries and invert relations of power of Western vs. South-East. This project wants shows how this changes open up spaces for more equal and democratic intercultural dialogue by incorporating the artistic dimension and the grass-root initiatives focusing on young women of Istanbul and Ljubljana. We explore how cultural diversity opens up spaces of democratization and development.

Youth A.R.T. Youth Art Research and Training Association, Turkey
Granted Amount
Year of Grant
National Network

In physics motion is a change in position of a body in time and space. The project Motions to Promised Lands is an art documentary that addresses modes of motions to promised lands on two levels. On the level of the social reality the documentary represents the situation of economically disadvantaged young women in Ljubljana and Istanbul. On this level the documentary opens up a space for narrations, reflections and experiences of how motion to a foreign country – i.e. migration to promised lands, could open up new perspectives and provide a better life for this young women. The documentary explores experiences, fears and fantasies that will provide a platform for the second level of the documentary. This will be the coded as an artistic abstraction where the documentary explores motions of a performing body and explores the interpretations of the promised lands through techniques of modern dance, physical theatre and contemporary forms of performing. The two levels will be integrated through the working process, as the material for the documentary will be gained in workshops that will include a transdisciplinary approach – a collaboration of local young precarious and immigrant women and performers by the Physical theatre Bitnamuun (KUD Ponor).

To artistically reflect, engaging in a grass-root perspective, and by using the form of an art documentary, the ongoing inversion of the traditional socio-economic dynamics of migration of economically deprivileged young women. The project wants show how diversity of cultures and a more balanced intercultural dialogue might contribute to processes of democratization and development.
The objective is to address the process of democratization of the Euro-Mediterranean region in respect to the new social and economic collapse occurring in Western Europe. While on one hand Western Europe has always been a promised land for the South-Eastern countries of Europe now the Western Europe lost its status of a promised land. This might drastically invert the guest-host positions amongst countries and invert relations of power of Western vs. South-East. This project wants shows how this changes open up spaces for more equal and democratic intercultural dialogue by incorporating the artistic dimension and the grass-root initiatives focusing on young women of Istanbul and Ljubljana. We explore how cultural diversity opens up spaces of democratization and development.


OPTIQUE JEUNE Mostaganem ( Algérie) : participation audiovisuelle des jeunes

Lead Organisation
Casal dels Infants per a l’acció social als barris, Spain
Association Ouled Tigditt, Algeria
Association Soura, Morocco
Granted Amount
Year of Grant
National Network

Le projet Optique Jeune Mostaganem constitue la première étape d'une stratégie de construction d'un réseau méditerranéen associatif d’échanges, de production et de diffusion de cinéma social sur la problématique « jeunes, des quartiers, et de la citoyenneté »
L’objectif du projet est de former des associations de jeunes, et des jeunes de Mostaganem aux techniques de production et de diffusion audiovisuelles afin de générer des outils de sensibilisation et d’éducation à la citoyenneté.
10 jeunes animateurs socio culturels de Mostaganem bénéficieront d’une formation pratique dispensée par le Casal dels Infants, et l’association marocaine Soura, qui permettra la réalisation d’un premier documentaire. 5 des éducateurs initialement formés et l’éducateur de l’association marocaine Soura dynamiseront à leur tour la réalisation de films avec des groupes de 10 jeunes bénéficiaires.
Les films produits seront ensuite diffusés à Mostaganem et à Tanger :
40 sessions de cinés forums seront organisées à Mostaganem pour présenter les documentaires réalisés
Un Panorama intitulé Mostagazoom, contenant les meilleurs documentaires réalisés dans le cadre du projet sera présenté au festival Tanjazoom, organisé par le Casal dels infants et Soura, à Tanger en juin 2013. 8 cinés forums itinérant compléteront les activités de diffusion au Maroc.

Promouvoir l’usage des nouvelles technologies de production et de diffusion audiovisuelle comme outil d’éducation citoyenne, et vecteur d’échanges culturels, à destination de jeunes en situation d’exclusion sociale dans l’espace méditerranéen
Former des associations de jeunes, et des jeunes en situation d’exclusion aux techniques audiovisuelles, afin de générer des outils et des pratiques d’éducation à la citoyenneté permettant de générer des échanges interculturels au sein de l’espace méditerranéen

Lead Organisation
Casal dels Infants per a l’acció social als barris, Spain
Association Ouled Tigditt, Algeria
Association Soura, Morocco
Granted Amount
Year of Grant
National Network

Le projet Optique Jeune Mostaganem constitue la première étape d'une stratégie de construction d'un réseau méditerranéen associatif d’échanges, de production et de diffusion de cinéma social sur la problématique « jeunes, des quartiers, et de la citoyenneté »
L’objectif du projet est de former des associations de jeunes, et des jeunes de Mostaganem aux techniques de production et de diffusion audiovisuelles afin de générer des outils de sensibilisation et d’éducation à la citoyenneté.
10 jeunes animateurs socio culturels de Mostaganem bénéficieront d’une formation pratique dispensée par le Casal dels Infants, et l’association marocaine Soura, qui permettra la réalisation d’un premier documentaire. 5 des éducateurs initialement formés et l’éducateur de l’association marocaine Soura dynamiseront à leur tour la réalisation de films avec des groupes de 10 jeunes bénéficiaires.
Les films produits seront ensuite diffusés à Mostaganem et à Tanger :
40 sessions de cinés forums seront organisées à Mostaganem pour présenter les documentaires réalisés
Un Panorama intitulé Mostagazoom, contenant les meilleurs documentaires réalisés dans le cadre du projet sera présenté au festival Tanjazoom, organisé par le Casal dels infants et Soura, à Tanger en juin 2013. 8 cinés forums itinérant compléteront les activités de diffusion au Maroc.

Promouvoir l’usage des nouvelles technologies de production et de diffusion audiovisuelle comme outil d’éducation citoyenne, et vecteur d’échanges culturels, à destination de jeunes en situation d’exclusion sociale dans l’espace méditerranéen
Former des associations de jeunes, et des jeunes en situation d’exclusion aux techniques audiovisuelles, afin de générer des outils et des pratiques d’éducation à la citoyenneté permettant de générer des échanges interculturels au sein de l’espace méditerranéen



Association des Enseignants des Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre - SECTION DE CASABLANCA BEN M'SIK, Morocco
Granted Amount
Year of Grant
National Network

L'objectif spécifique du projet est d’inviter des jeunes à répondre à la question « Comment les migrants vivent-ils dans les villes méditerranéennes ? » en étudiant les parcours migratoires de migrants qu’ils rencontreront.

Le projet est mené en partenariat avec l’Association des enseignants de sciences de la vie et de la terre (AESVT) de Casablanca (Maroc)

Les principaux groupes cibles dans ce projet sont des jeunes lycéens. Les activités principales se dérouleront à Marseille (France), à Casablanca (Maroc) et à Tunis (Tunisie). Le projet sera mis en œuvre entre le 23 juillet 2012 et le 22 juillet 2013.

Association des Enseignants des Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre - SECTION DE CASABLANCA BEN M'SIK, Morocco
Granted Amount
Year of Grant
National Network

L'objectif spécifique du projet est d’inviter des jeunes à répondre à la question « Comment les migrants vivent-ils dans les villes méditerranéennes ? » en étudiant les parcours migratoires de migrants qu’ils rencontreront.

Le projet est mené en partenariat avec l’Association des enseignants de sciences de la vie et de la terre (AESVT) de Casablanca (Maroc)

Les principaux groupes cibles dans ce projet sont des jeunes lycéens. Les activités principales se dérouleront à Marseille (France), à Casablanca (Maroc) et à Tunis (Tunisie). Le projet sera mis en œuvre entre le 23 juillet 2012 et le 22 juillet 2013.

Penelopolis/Podgorica 2013

Koza Visual Culture and Arts Association, Turkey
Granted Amount
Year of Grant
National Network

“Penelopolis” is artistic project that is to be realized by 2 organizations, from Podgorica and Istanbul. It is based on the idea that women’s cultural and artistic praxis have special ability for deconstructing patriarchal stereotypes on “unfriendly otherness” and affirming cultural diversity.
After preparatory activities, 6 women-artists (3 from Istanbul and 3 from Podgorica) and 2 Coordinators (one by town) will meet in Podgorica, where they will go through creative and intercultural process in ten days. Their main goal is to create “Women’s Cultural Map of Podgorica” at the end of their staying in Podgorica, i.e. to mark the sites of minorities and marginal cultures identities influence which are not recognized on the official city’s cultural map. Artists will do it symbolically and artistically. In one day, they will make their artistic interventions (installations, performances) on 12 previously chosen locations throughout the town, to make them visible. Performance will be attended by audience prepared for the cultural event. Whole process will be film-documented and, also, the catalogue will be made. Finally, the project presentations in both towns are planned, and in other Mediterranean towns to encourage the artists therein for mapping their towns in similar way.

The aim of the project “Penelopolis” is the recognition and promotion of cultural diversity as the essence of cultural and political prosperity of Mediterranean towns and peaceful coexistence of people living therein.

  1. Educate and sensitize Podgorica’s citizens to accept approach for various minority cultural identities existence is their town’s cultural identity base and the citizens’ cultural and political benefit
  2. Educate and sensitize Mediterranean town’s citizens to accept approach for various minority cultural identities existence is their town’s cultural identity base and the citizens’ cultural and political benefit.
  3. Promote the idea on women-artists’ special role in affirming cultural diversity and changing perception of cultural otherness (“unfriendly otherness”).
  4. Encourage women-artists from Podgorica and Istanbul, from other Mediterranean towns too, for similar cultural initiatives affirming cultural diversity as a special Mediterranean towns’ value.
Koza Visual Culture and Arts Association, Turkey
Granted Amount
Year of Grant
National Network

“Penelopolis” is artistic project that is to be realized by 2 organizations, from Podgorica and Istanbul. It is based on the idea that women’s cultural and artistic praxis have special ability for deconstructing patriarchal stereotypes on “unfriendly otherness” and affirming cultural diversity.
After preparatory activities, 6 women-artists (3 from Istanbul and 3 from Podgorica) and 2 Coordinators (one by town) will meet in Podgorica, where they will go through creative and intercultural process in ten days. Their main goal is to create “Women’s Cultural Map of Podgorica” at the end of their staying in Podgorica, i.e. to mark the sites of minorities and marginal cultures identities influence which are not recognized on the official city’s cultural map. Artists will do it symbolically and artistically. In one day, they will make their artistic interventions (installations, performances) on 12 previously chosen locations throughout the town, to make them visible. Performance will be attended by audience prepared for the cultural event. Whole process will be film-documented and, also, the catalogue will be made. Finally, the project presentations in both towns are planned, and in other Mediterranean towns to encourage the artists therein for mapping their towns in similar way.

The aim of the project “Penelopolis” is the recognition and promotion of cultural diversity as the essence of cultural and political prosperity of Mediterranean towns and peaceful coexistence of people living therein.

  1. Educate and sensitize Podgorica’s citizens to accept approach for various minority cultural identities existence is their town’s cultural identity base and the citizens’ cultural and political benefit
  2. Educate and sensitize Mediterranean town’s citizens to accept approach for various minority cultural identities existence is their town’s cultural identity base and the citizens’ cultural and political benefit.
  3. Promote the idea on women-artists’ special role in affirming cultural diversity and changing perception of cultural otherness (“unfriendly otherness”).
  4. Encourage women-artists from Podgorica and Istanbul, from other Mediterranean towns too, for similar cultural initiatives affirming cultural diversity as a special Mediterranean towns’ value.

Programme des jeunes citoyens engagés

Lead Organisation
Association for Social Initiatives Eurogemslt, Lithuania
Association Club Scientifique de la Faculté des Sciences Médicales, Algeria
ActionDog CIC, United Kingdom
ASSOCIATION CLE Nord-Pas de Calais – Convention Laïque pour l’Egalité des Chances, France
Development No Borders, Egypt
ALDA Association of Local Democracy Agencies, France
AP2I –Aagence de promotion et d’ingenierie interculturelles, France
Association des jeunes méditerranéens pour le développement au Rif, Morocco
Asociatia D.G.T, Romania
Oyoun Masr, Egypt
traditions et guerison, France
ACI- Associação Centro InterculturaCidade, Portugal
Granted Amount
Year of Grant
National Network

Mobilisation et mis en réseau des jeunes Marocains issus de 4 communes avec d’autres jeunes des pays partenaires autour de la citoyenneté engagée dans un cadre d’échange interculturel.
Le projet vise aussi à sensibiliser à la participation des jeunes dans la gestion de la chose publique locale et la bonne gouvernance, et désire promouvoir les méthodes participatives développant l’investissement des jeunes dans les activités locales, en leurs donnant un rôle de relais sur l’engagement citoyen.et la participation active à la démocratie et la bonne gouvernance locale.
Le projet se propose de se développer à travers des tables rondes thématiques de sensibilisation et formation sur la démocratie et la citoyenneté engagée entre les jeunes marocains et étrangers dans un cadre d’échange interculturel par 3 sessions de visioconférence-débat sur la démocratie et la citoyenneté engagée et s’achèvera par l’organisation du Séminaire interculturel « l’espace interculturel des jeunes citoyens engagés », et la création d’un espace interculturel des jeunes pour des futures coopérations.

Promouvoir la citoyenneté active et l'esprit d'entreprenariat des jeunes et favoriser leurs implications dans la vie publique locale pour être citoyens engagés, en améliorant la prise en compte de leurs idées et propositions.Et contribuer au renforcement du dialogue, en créant des espaces d'expression et la mise en réseaux et l’échange entre les jeunes des deux rives de la méditerranée
Intéresser les jeunes à la vie de la commune et les initier à la citoyenneté participative
Favoriser et organiser la communication entre les jeunes dans des programmes d’échanges
Lancer les débats sur le processus participatif des jeunes dans la démocratie
Sensibiliser les jeunes aux principes démocratiques de la participation citoyenne dans la bonne gouvernance locale
Donner aux jeunes l’occasion d’être acteurs de la démocratie et donc d’améliorer leur qualité de vie
Améliorer les réseaux de la société civile entre les jeunes marocains et les jeunes des pays partenaires
Permettre l’appropriation des technologies de l’information et de la communication, comme support de réflexion collective et de production coopérative

Direct Beneficiaries
More Information

Website Under Development

Lead Organisation
Association for Social Initiatives Eurogemslt, Lithuania
Association Club Scientifique de la Faculté des Sciences Médicales, Algeria
ActionDog CIC, United Kingdom
ASSOCIATION CLE Nord-Pas de Calais – Convention Laïque pour l’Egalité des Chances, France
Development No Borders, Egypt
ALDA Association of Local Democracy Agencies, France
AP2I –Aagence de promotion et d’ingenierie interculturelles, France
Association des jeunes méditerranéens pour le développement au Rif, Morocco
Asociatia D.G.T, Romania
Oyoun Masr, Egypt
traditions et guerison, France
ACI- Associação Centro InterculturaCidade, Portugal
Granted Amount
Year of Grant
National Network

Mobilisation et mis en réseau des jeunes Marocains issus de 4 communes avec d’autres jeunes des pays partenaires autour de la citoyenneté engagée dans un cadre d’échange interculturel.
Le projet vise aussi à sensibiliser à la participation des jeunes dans la gestion de la chose publique locale et la bonne gouvernance, et désire promouvoir les méthodes participatives développant l’investissement des jeunes dans les activités locales, en leurs donnant un rôle de relais sur l’engagement citoyen.et la participation active à la démocratie et la bonne gouvernance locale.
Le projet se propose de se développer à travers des tables rondes thématiques de sensibilisation et formation sur la démocratie et la citoyenneté engagée entre les jeunes marocains et étrangers dans un cadre d’échange interculturel par 3 sessions de visioconférence-débat sur la démocratie et la citoyenneté engagée et s’achèvera par l’organisation du Séminaire interculturel « l’espace interculturel des jeunes citoyens engagés », et la création d’un espace interculturel des jeunes pour des futures coopérations.

Promouvoir la citoyenneté active et l'esprit d'entreprenariat des jeunes et favoriser leurs implications dans la vie publique locale pour être citoyens engagés, en améliorant la prise en compte de leurs idées et propositions.Et contribuer au renforcement du dialogue, en créant des espaces d'expression et la mise en réseaux et l’échange entre les jeunes des deux rives de la méditerranée
Intéresser les jeunes à la vie de la commune et les initier à la citoyenneté participative
Favoriser et organiser la communication entre les jeunes dans des programmes d’échanges
Lancer les débats sur le processus participatif des jeunes dans la démocratie
Sensibiliser les jeunes aux principes démocratiques de la participation citoyenne dans la bonne gouvernance locale
Donner aux jeunes l’occasion d’être acteurs de la démocratie et donc d’améliorer leur qualité de vie
Améliorer les réseaux de la société civile entre les jeunes marocains et les jeunes des pays partenaires
Permettre l’appropriation des technologies de l’information et de la communication, comme support de réflexion collective et de production coopérative

Direct Beneficiaries
More Information

Website Under Development
